
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"If the relationship between Pryce and Piloswine is really like what Granny Simma said, I will never believe that Piloswine will abandon Pryce and leave." Ash has great confidence in this, even he doesn't even know this Where does confidence come from?

Perhaps it is based on his friendship with Pikachu. Ash believes that if he is also seriously injured, Pikachu will never leave behind and choose to leave.

"Ash, forget it. At first, Aliu thought about it like this, but Piloswine didn't show up after waiting day after day." After hearing Ash's words, Sima said sighed.

"Grandma Sima, where did Pryce live in the first place, and I wanted to see it?" Ash decided to take a look at the place at that time, not only to relieve the matter between Pryce and Piloswine, but also to affirm himself and Pikachu. Friendship.

"When you entered Mahogany Town, did you pass a mountain covered by heavy snow? Aliu lived there originally, and after Piloswine left, he never went there."

After hearing the words of Ash, Simma pondered and pointed in a direction. Near Mahogany Town, there is a very strange Snow Mountain, whether it is Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, there is always covered by heavy snow. The fourth quarter of the year was all icy winter.

It's autumn now, and it's still covered with heavy snow. Although it's not clear why that happens, people don't care, and it doesn't matter to them anyway.

"Sabrina, Pikachu and I went there in the past. You rest here first, and I will come back when I find the answer." After understood direction, Ash asked Sabrina and asked, a shameless step from in the sky At a very fast speed, head to the direction pointed by Simma.

"Ash !!!" Sabrina didn't have time to say anything, Ash had disappeared in front of her, and Sabrina reluctantly stroked her forehead with a headache.

"Forget it, even if he went there, he couldn't find any answer. Let's go to eat first, and you're hungry too." Seeing Ash leave, Sima said to Sabrina, and then walked to the Mahogany Gym living room Direction.

At this time, Pryce took a group photo with Piloswine in the room, but quickly recollected the photos.


"It should be here." From the landing in the sky, Icirrus nearby shook open, Ash looked at the dilapidated small wood house in front of him, at least for more than 20 years.

"Pickup!" After hearing Ash's words, Pikachu also agreed with a little head, and then looked in the vicinity.

"There are a lot of cliffs around here. If it's really like what I thought, I think Piloswine should have something wrong, Ninjutsu Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu."

looked at the endless white snow, Ash folded his hands together, within-the-body Chakra instantly mobilized, a few thousand Shadow Clone Ash, slammed, appeared in front of Ash under the white smoke.

"Everyone, find it for me, I will find something." Looked at the many Shadow Clone, Ash shouted, in response to everyone, a few 1000 Shadow Clone, instantly moved towards Snow Mountain in various directions to search for Piloswine's Traces left.

Pokémon has its own ideas, which is already as everyone knows. Except for a small number of Pokémon, most of Pokémon will follow the instructions of Trainer, even if it is a bad thing.

This is the so-called simplicity. As long as you give your heart to Pokémon, they will also return to you. Ash is convinced of this. This is also one of the key factors he chose to be a Trainer.

He prefers to be with Pokémon instead of communicating with people. He has no ambitions, no worries, and only joy, which makes Ash deeply love the time spent playing with Pokémon.

After half an hour passed, Ash saw the time was almost the same, and he released Shadow Clone Jutsu, suddenly, one after another. The memory was transferred to his mind. Fortunately, Ash 's Spiritual Force was very large, otherwise it would really be made by these memories. You have to understood who you are.

"No? Is it really that I was wrong?" After carefully recalling the memories of Shadow Clone, Ash not at all found Piloswine's traces, suddenly disappointed, but at this time, a Shadow Clone's memory , But made him a little surprised.

Because this Shadow Clone found a cliff, Ash lifted Shadow Clone when it first landed, but this is not the reason for Ash's accident, but when it was lifted, Shadow Clone saw something.

"Is the truth truthfully Piloswine?" Thinking of what Shadow Clone saw, Ash immediately took Pikachu to the place where Shadow Clone had been before. There were shadows of Shadow Clone on the snow.

After coming to the cliff, Ash jumped straight down, and landed safely. He had a floating gemstone, so he was not afraid of being killed. Besides, with his strength, if he could be killed, it would really become Joke.

"It's amazing. Didn't expect there is such a place under the cliff." After landing, Ash and Pikachu looked up towards the surrounding scene, suddenly shocked. I saw that there was sparkling ice around them The stone seems to be crystal.

But what shocked them was not only these things that could only be seen, but the medicinal herbs frozen in the ice stone, most of which were rare medicinal herbs that Ash in this world had not found.

"Didn't expect there will be so many rare and precious medicinal herbs here. With the seeds of these medicinal herbs, Breeder can certainly produce more." As a grandmaster of medicine, Ash's ability to recognize medicine ingredients is absolutely super. The presence.

"By the way, I almost forgot, the thing that Shadow Clone guy saw, it should be right there." When Ash was excited, he suddenly remembered his purpose of coming here, so he looked towards Shadow Clone. The past direction.