
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


I saw a frozen Piloswine that appeared in the sight of Ash and Pikachu, and this frozen Piloswine also bit some medical herb. According to Ash's professional judgment, the medical herb in Piloswine's mouth was Very effective for burns.

He also found a very thick bracelet in the vicinity, which should be worn by Pryce on Piloswine's lap, just because it fell off the cliff, so it broke.

"As expected, I guessed right, this Piloswine should be the one from Pryce, and it wasn't Piloswine who chose to leave." Piloswine in front of the looked, Ash was a little happy in his heart, at least he proved his idea was correct of.

As long as you really make friends with the Pokémons, the other side will certainly feel their sincerity. This Piloswine should be used to collect medicinal herb for Pryce who was scalded at the time. As a result, it accidentally fell off the cliff and was subsequently frozen. Here.

This is also why Pryce didn't wait until Piloswine went back, so he thought Piloswine had betrayed the friendship between them.

"This Piloswine also suffered a lot of damage. Fortunately, because of the frozen relationship, the injury was not at all aggravated." Ashing Sharingan clearly saw that Piloswine also had burns on his body. Dragon suffered while fighting.

Afterwards, Ash absorbed the frozen medicinal herbs all around into his own space. He planned to find an opportunity to plant all these materials on Mirage Island. With his Wood-Style ability, I believe this can still be done. .

After collecting all the materials, Ash sucked Piloswine into a different space, and then took Pikachu out of the cliff in a month's steps, moving towards the direction of moved towards Mahogany Gym.

In a little while, Ash came to the sky of Mahogany Gym, and then landed in the courtyard of Gym. It happened to see Simma and Sabrina coming out of Gym. When Sabrina saw Ash, she flew to Ash 's. In arms.

"Grandma Sima, you came just right. Can you take me to see Pryce." After touching Sabrina's supple long hair, Ash said to Sima, he couldn't wait to tell the stubborn old man the truth.

"That's no problem, let me just say, even if you go, you won't find anything at all." After hearing Ash's words, Sima said aloud, in her opinion, Ash's behavior was just wasting Time that's all.

Simma's words gave Ash a meaningful smile, and Sabrina in her arms, after seeing Ash's smile, understood Ash must have found something.

Sima took Sabrina and Ash to the resting place of Mahogany Gym Pokémon, and Pryce was feeding the Pokémon there. Although he said that human beings and Pokémon impossible became friends, in his heart, he still wanted his own ideas Is wrong.

"Yeah, what are you doing here now?" Ash and the others' footsteps made Pryce look back. After seeing Ash, Pryce said aloud, without emotion on his face.

"Clang." As soon as Pryce's words were finished, Ash threw the bracelet he had found under the cliff and threw it at Pryce's feet.

"This is it." Pryce picked it up in shock when he saw the bracelet at his feet, as if to say how the bracelet was in Ash's hands. He clearly remembered that this was after he and Piloswine won the First Stage victory. To get the Champion bracelet.

"Aliu, does this bracelet say yes." Simma on the side naturally knows Piloswine, and even more impossible. I haven't seen this bracelet. She didn't expect Ash really found the clue of Piloswine.

"It turns out that my thoughts are correct, Piloswine not at all betrayed you, although a bracelet alone cannot prove what I said, but if this is the case, it should be able to prove it."

After hearing the words of Pryce and Cima, Ash's 3-Tomoe Sharingan suddenly began to rotate, a space-time vortex began to appear centered on Sharingan, and then a frozen Piloswine appeared in Pryce and the others in the space-time vortex In the eyes.

"My Piloswine." Looked at the frozen Piloswine, Pryce recognized it as his own for more than 20 years. After seeing each other again, Pryce's eyes have begun to wet, and the same is true for Simma.

"Look at what is said in Piloswine's mouth." Looked Pryce looked excited, Ash said again.

After hearing Ash's words, Pryce and Sima looked towards the things in Piloswine's mouth. Two people who lived here for several decades, and at a glance, it was a medicinal herb that was very effective for burns.

"Don't say !!!" Pryce shivered as he saw the medicinal herb bite in Piloswine's mouth, and tears had poured out like a river, kneeling in front of Piloswine.

"Yes, Piloswine didn't mean to leave you, but to collect medicine ingredients to heal you. Piloswine has a very strong resistance to the Snow Mountain environment. Where people can't go, Piloswine can enter."

"Piloswine knew there was a medicinal herb that was very effective for your scald at that time, so he went alone, but unfortunately after collecting the medicinal herb, Piloswine unfortunately fell from the cliff and was frozen to the bottom of the cliff."

"From Piloswine's concern for you, you can see that he has always regarded you as his best friend, because you misunderstood him."

Looked like Pryce, Ash said his guess, while Sabrina and Cima were touched by Piloswine's heart, while Pryce was already in tears.

"Originally it was like this"

"Sorry, Piloswine, I'm such a big fool because I don't believe in your relationship, so I misunderstand you betrayed. Forgive me, Piloswine."

Pryce wept bitterly at the frozen Piloswine, and Simma wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. Now Pryce is the bloody Trainer 20 years ago.