
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


With the increasing number of Thunder Fireball, a peacock shape with an open screen was slowly formed. The entire ice surface of Stadium began to crack, and within a few seconds, it completely disappeared in front of everyone.

What makes everyone unexpected is the next scene. The water in the pool begins to evaporate from the Lightning Fireball. At the same time, under the effect of lightning, the water in the pool, the full lightning current, and the Lapras in the water are suddenly affected.

"The scope is wide, and there is no landing point, hateful." Looked at the situation in the stadium, Pryce scolded, and now he has no way to deal with the Ability of Pikachu.

"Rumble." With Pikachu's final blow, the water in the pool has been completely evaporated. After the evaporated mist dissipated, Ash and the others saw the faintly flashing Pikachu and had lost their combat ability and fainted in the pool. Inside Lapras.

"Lapras lost combat ability, Pikachu won, and the winner of this Gym challenge was Ash player of Pallet Town." As Lapras lost combat ability, Simma raised the flag and said that some worried looked towards Pryce's direction.

"Pickup!" At this time, Pikachu is also a grounding heavy one-handed support of Ground. Although Eight-Inner Gates is powerful, the consumption of the body is not to be underestimated. Pikachu is not a Fighting class after all, so it is a consumption of this pure Taijutsu , A little more.

"Pikachu, good job." The outcome was fixed. Pikachu jumped and came to Pikachu's back, touching Pikachu's small head, and entering life force into his hand to restore the physical strength of Pikachu.

"Pickup ~" Feel the life force enter into within-the-body, Pikachu's comfortable scream, looks very cute, seeing Pikachu's comfortable look, Ash also laughed happily.

Pikachu has a very important meaning for Ash. Since this world firstly transmigrated, it seems to be out of place, and the peers are far away from him, not only because there is no father, but also because Ash 's character was lonely at that time, and disdain Mix with those brats.

But the moment Pichu appeared, there was a major change in Ash's life. Like a key, Pichu took Ash to open the door to this world.

At that time, Ash was like having a brother. Even if I met Gary later, Pichu's position in Ash's heart was not shaken at all.

"You won. This is the Badge of Mahogany Gym's ice, you take it." Looked Ash and Pikachu's smile, Pryce seemed to recall something, his face was sad, and his eyes were wet with an Icirrus pattern of ice. The Badge was put in place, then turned and left.

"Aliu." Looking back at Pryce's departure, Sima shouted worriedly, as if she had already detected what Pryce was thinking, so she was so worried, and Ash also felt that Pryce at this time did not have the stock just now. Disgusting.

"Oh! It seems he still can't get through that threshold, Ash, Sabrina, I'll take you to eat something, it's already so late, you must be very hungry." Although some are worried about Pryce's state, Simma can 't just So ignore the two guests Ash and Sabrina.

"Grandma Cima, why does Pryce grandfather think that people and Pokémon can't be friends." On the way, Sabrina asked a question with some doubt, and Ash also raised her ears, wanting to hear the reason.

"Actually, Aliu was not like this before. Just like Ash, Aliu used Pokémon as his best friend when he was young. At that time, Aliu had a Pokémon called Piloswine."

Hearing Sabrina 's problem, Cima spoke out about the reason why Pryce would become this way, and Ash and Sabrina finally knew where the problem was.

It turned out that Pryce was a very strong strength when he was young. He traveled all over the world. Pokémon Trainer, his Earl Dervish Pokémon Piloswine, can be said to be the best partner.

On a trip through Chengdu, Pryce learned about the Chengdu Alliance Conference and chose to participate. After defeating all the Gym Trainer, Pryce and his Piloswine won the Chengdu Alliance Conference without any surprise. .

However, in the semi-finals, he and his Piloswine lost to Rival Duckbill Fire Dragon, but when Piloswine lost its fighting ability, Rival even let Duckbill Fire Dragon use a big character explosion. In order to protect Piloswine, Pryce immediately blocked In front of Piloswine, he was swallowed by the duck-billed Fire Dragon characters, causing severe burns.

At the time, Pryce was just a strong ordinary Trainer with no strength. There was no money at all. He could only Facade with his injured body and pick up medicine with Piloswine. However, Pryce's scald was very serious, and he couldn't continue the dizziness. .

Perhaps it 's Pryce 's relationship with good luck. When he met Simma who also picked medicines on the mountain, seeing the injured Pryce, the kind-hearted Simma, he was naturally rescued, and Piloswine is also in Pryce 's guard Around .

But something unexpected happened. Ten days later, Pryce's scald still didn't get better. At this moment, Piloswine left Pryce. When Pryce was in the most difficult and difficult time, he chose to leave.

From that moment on, Pryce did not regard Pokémon as a friend. Every day was rigorous training. The departure of Piloswine was too much for Pryce. Over time, Pryce became known as Pryce in winter.

"It turns out that this is true. No wonder Pryce grandfather would say that humans and Pokémon are impossible to be friends." After listening to the story told by Simma, Sabrina did not know how to comfort. After all, this thing really hit Pryce, and Piloswine also It was indeed the choice to leave Pryce.

"No, I don't believe it." Unlike Sabrina, Ash would never believe that Piloswine would leave Pryce, who was seriously injured at that time. There must be some reason.