
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
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91 Chs

proof of strength

As the six soldiers reached the training grounds, they saw that the other soldiers had already gathered and were lined up in separate files. They joined their respective groups and waited for further instructions.

After some time, the base commander, Richards, arrived and approached the front of the soldiers to address them.

"Good morning," Richards greeted them.

"Good morning, Commander," the soldiers shouted in unison.

"I have called you all here today to introduce the new squad captains and vice-captain," Richards announced.

"The new captain for Squad 13 will be Vazid Rayman," Richards said, pointing to the man who had woken them up earlier. Vazid stepped forward, and the six soldiers recognized him as the man who had yelled at them to wake up.

"And the new vice-captain will be Azrael," Richards continued, and the soldiers were stunned. Azrael couldn't believe what he was hearing and wasn't sure if he had heard correctly until the commander repeated his name.

"Azrael!" Richards called out loudly.

"Yes," Azrael responded, stepping forward.

"Come forward," the commander instructed him.

Azrael walked towards the commander, and as he stood beside Vazid, the crowd of soldiers began to murmur.

"Isn't that just a kid?"

"Didn't he just get recruited?"

The soldiers seemed confused as to why Azrael had been made the vice-captain.

"Listen up, everyone," the commander shouted to the assembled soldiers. "This is the new squad captain and vice captain, and you must treat them with respect. All of their orders are absolute if you are of lower rank than them, regardless of whether they lead your squad or not. Any questions?"

One soldier raised his hand to ask a question. "Yes?" the commander prompted.

"Sir, are you saying we should take orders from that kid?" the soldier asked, pointing to the new vice captain.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," the commander replied. "In the army, ranks and respect are not given by age, but by strength."

"Are you saying that kid is stronger than us?" the soldier challenged.

"Some of you might not be aware of this, but before coming here, Azrael was a student of Ryzel," the commander explained. "So, he is indeed a lot stronger than most of you."

As the commander said this, whispers could be heard among the soldiers again. It was very rare to see a student of Ryzel, and even more unusual for a student of that academy to join the army as a low-ranking soldier.

"We heard that even though he is a student of Ryzel, he is just a normal person from a small town and he can't use ki. Is that true?" another soldier asked.

"Yes," the commander confirmed, leaving them all in shock.

"A Ryzel student who can't use ki?" they whispered.

The soldier who had asked the previous question seemed to gain more confidence. "We do not believe a little kid who can't use ki is stronger than us or deserving of this position," he protested.

The commander lost his patience. "Listen, I didn't ask for your input. I've made a decision, and it's final. It's not in your power to oppose it," he snapped.

Azrael, who had been silent until then, spoke up calmly. "Commander, I understand where they are coming from. Even I think I'm not deserving of such a position when there are so many great soldiers here," he said, unsheathing his sword and walking towards the open area.

"So let's all find out," Azrael continued. He sheathed his sword back and looked at the soldiers. "If any of you can make me unsheathe my sword even once, then I'll step down as vice captain."

"Listen, kid, don't be arr—" the soldier started to say.

"That's Vice Captain to you," Azrael cut him off, smirking. "Unless you can change that."

The soldier, now visibly provoked, looked to the commander for permission to challenge Azrael. The commander smiled and said, "Hmm, why not?" The soldier unsheathed his sword and took a fighting stance.

"Listen kid, I don't like beating up children, but it seems you need to be taught some manners. Take out your sword," the soldier said, clearly underestimating Azrael.

"I won't need it, and again, it's Vice Captain to you," Azrael replied confidently.

The soldier, angry and impatient, used ki to quickly charge at Azrael and swung his sword without holding back. As Azrael evaded the swings, he started to wonder why he was so confident. He realized that he might have gotten used to fighting with the students at Ryzel, who were truly monsters. Their domineering ki and powerful aura were absent in this soldier.

Despite the soldier using ki against him, Azrael couldn't help but think aloud, "You, you're really slow." He went behind the soldier as the man turned around, and with a spinning back kick, Azrael knocked him out.

The other soldiers were left in disbelief, murmuring among themselves at what they had just witnessed.

"Anyone else?" Azrael asked, looking around the group of soldiers. "You all seemed very sure a couple of minutes ago, so don't back down now."

Another soldier stepped forward, unsheathing his sword as he walked towards Azrael. "Alright, listen boy..." he started to say, but before he could finish, there was a loud thud as Azrael slammed him to the ground, knocking him out.

"For the last time, it's Vice Captain," Azrael repeated, frustration clear in his voice. "Now, if there are no more challengers, I--"

Suddenly, Azrael's instincts kicked in, and he pulled out his sword. Maybe it was fear, he wasn't sure but he was sure if he didn't block the attack he would die.