
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
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91 Chs

consequence for the blind

As Azrael blocked the incoming attack with his sword, he quickly stepped back to assess the situation and see who it was. He then saw one of the soldiers standing there, and he was stunned by the attack he barely blocked. His hands were sore from just taking the blow, reminding him of the Ryzel students.

He smiled and sighed before saying, "Well, I unsheathed my sword, so I guess it's my loss. I'll step down as Vice Captain."

"No, no. I'm sure you have proven to everyone here that you deserve the position, and my attack shouldn't count since I'm also a Vice Captain," the man who attacked said.

The man walked closer to Azrael before stretching his hands out for a handshake. "Congratulations, Vice Captain," he said.

"Thank you," Azrael said, shaking his hand.

"Good. Now that's over, let's move on to the other matter before you begin your morning training," the commander said.

"The information gathered as of recent shows that the enemy is planning to infiltrate the kingdom through some towns at the Empire's border," the commander explained. "Soon, squads will be sent to these towns to locate, identify, and eliminate them. So be prepared. That is all. You may go on with your morning routines. Dismissed," the commander said before walking off.

Azrael sighed as he looked at the two knocked-out soldiers on the floor. He had a bit of a worried look. "Don't worry, they are fine," the Vice Captain that attacked Azrael said.

"Yeah, but is it okay to just leave them there?" Azrael asked.

"Don't worry, this happens all the time during training. They are pretty tough. They'll get up soon," the Vice Captain reassured Azrael.

"Okay then," Azrael said, a bit relieved.

"My name is Laroi Silverblood, Vice Captain of Squad 06," the man said.

"Silverblood? As in the..." Azrael started.

"Yes, the Silverblood family. I'm aware of the altercation you had with Zach and how it might relate to you being here, but I am really not connected to those events, so I hope it doesn't have a negative effect on our relationship," Laroi said.

Azrael was a bit irritated just from hearing the Silverblood name, but he also felt he could not just hate everyone bearing that name regardless of if they offended him.

"My name is Azrael. I look forward to working with you," Azrael said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise," Laroi responded as he shook Azrael's hand.

After about two hours of drill training, the soldiers were all exhausted. They were ordered to go back to their tents, change into their armour in 30 minutes, and be ready to take over border patrol from the soldiers on night watch.

As all the soldiers returned to their squad tents, Azrael and his team headed back to their tent. The five soldiers congratulated Azrael on his promotion to vice captain.

"Congratulations, Azrael," Herald said.

"Thank you, but is it really that big of a deal?" Azrael replied, scratching the back of his head.

"It is a significant achievement, and most soldiers work for years to reach that rank," Veno explained.

"I see. No wonder the other soldiers were upset that I got promoted so quickly, maybe i was too harsh" Azrael sighed.

"You did what you had to do. In the army, it's important to display dominance and strength as a higher-ranked soldier," Veno added.

"It's almost time to swap with the night patrol team. Vice captain, what are your orders?" Herald asked.

"You can just call me Azrael, and you guys don't need to take any orders from me," Azrael replied.

Captain Vazid intervened entering the tent, "No, they do. They are to obey every one of your orders as well. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Captain," the five soldiers replied in unison.

"Azrael," Vazid called out, looking towards Azrael.

"Understood, Captain," Azrael responded.

"Good. Put on your armour, and we'll move to the border in five minutes," Vazid instructed.

At Ryzel in a garden within the academy sat a beautiful girl with long white hair and stunning blue eyes is a vision to behold. Her hair cascades down her back in soft, flowing waves, catching the light with a silvery glow that seems almost ethereal. Her eyes are the color of the clearest, most tranquil ocean, with a depth that draws you in and holds your gaze.

"Princess Lyra, your father has given you a mission," a man suddenly appeared behind her.

"What are the details?" Lyra asked.

The man extended his hand, and a gold bubble expanded from his palm, blocking all sound from leaving the bubble. "You are to aid in the infiltration of Zefron," the man said.

"I thought it was agreed that I wouldn't be part of the war," Lyra said, sighing.

"What's the restriction?" she asked the man.

"There will be no restrictions on your ki this time," the man replied.

"Why is that?" Lyra asked.

"There is a chance that Zefron knows about this infiltration, and not knowing what defensive plans they have, it is important that you are at your best," the man explained.

"When do I leave?" Lyra asked.

"Now," the man said. "You will also be accompanied by Clyde," he added as the golden bubble faded away.

"Preparations are complete. Please commence your departure," the man said before disappearing.


A woman who looked young and beautiful, Larna Silverblood, sat in an office in the Silverblood family main residence. Across from her sat an old man.

"I didn't think you'd come all this way, Headmaster," Larna said.

"Well, you're already doing a lot for me. This much is nothing," the Headmaster replied.

"Just repaying favors, but now would you mind telling me the point of all this? People are thinking I removed him from the school because he won against Zach. It's really taking a toll on our reputation," Larna said.

"And just who exactly is that boy that could make you use a favor you have kept for many decades?" she continued.

"I really can't give you any of those details, Larna, but I'll tell you this: we are about to witness the world change," the Headmaster said.

"Things are never simple with you," Larna said as she sighed.

"You know me," the Headmaster said, laughing.

"What of Vighram? Is he cooperating?" the Headmaster asked.

"Well, he is very displeased with my recent actions and protests me every chance he gets, but he still has to follow orders," Larna said.

"He was always a stubborn boy, wasn't he? I really have become old," the Headmaster said.

"Now you mention it, what's with this old man disguise?" Larna asked.

"But I am old, unlike you who is still very young and beautiful," the Headmaster said with a smirk.

"Stop the sweet talk before I kick you out, old man," Larna said.

"Hahaha, I'm just telling the truth," the Headmaster said as he laughed loudly.


It was evening and the sun had begun to set. Azrael stood behind a couple of trees, and in front of him, there was a vast green plain that stretched out far into the distance.

"That's known as no man's land. Zefron's border stops where this forest ends," Vazid explained.

As Azrael gazed at it, he felt a striking familiarity with the place but couldn't find the reason why.

"Alright, we should start heading back," Vazid said.