
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
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91 Chs

May your enemies find mercy from The Watcher

Azrael, like many others, was left speechless and bewildered. The first two accusations were within his knowledge, but the third one made no sense—at least, he desperately wished it didn't. However, the more he pondered upon it, the more it started to make disturbing sense.

The dark energy emanating from the Bishop was unlike anything Azrael had ever encountered in a human being. It surpassed mere ki, possessing an almost demonic essence.

"Do you, Masked Merchant, plead guilty to these charges?" the armored man boomed, his voice reverberating through the room.

"No, I have no knowledge of what any of you are referring to," Azrael replied resolutely.

"Is that so?" Codexx retorted.

"Allow me to explain. Following our extensive investigation, we discovered that the cathedral's priest was actually an undercover demon. For quite some time, he had been covertly eliminating government officials. Gathering evidence against him proved to be immensely challenging, and recently it became nearly impossible to establish any connections between him and the murders," Codexx elucidated, gradually advancing toward Azrael.

"Which led us to believe was that he had an accomplice. To futher validate our theory, a driver who was present during one of the murders informed us that while he couldn't see the Assassin's face or confirm if a mask was worn, their attire was strikingly similar to yours," Codexx stated, standing directly in front of Azrael.

"That alone is insufficient evidence to make such grave accusations against me," Azrael calmly asserted, standing his ground under the mounting pressure.

"Indeed, we acknowledge the possibility of error. However, we didn't convey our doubts to the priest. Instead, we informed him that we possessed irrefutable evidence and that you had been apprehended. In response, he brazenly disclosed that he had taken the Emperor's daughter hostage, ready to end her life within moments, and vowed not to release her until you were delivered to him," the man explained, his aura growing more oppressive.

"Now, naturally, this doesn't conclusively prove your direct involvement with him. Assisting us in rescuing the princess will undoubtedly strengthen your defense. So, why don't you accompany us?" Codexx proposed.

Azrael's mind raced, desperately searching for a viable strategy. Neither fighting nor fleeing appeared to be feasible options in this situation.

"This man possesses comparable strength to the one who accompanied the white-haired girl," Ava remarked, referencing Lyra.

"There's no use in attempting to escape or engage in combat," Ava added, emphasizing the futility of such actions.

Azrael locked eyes with Codexx, his expression resolute. His hand clenched into a tight fist, and he swiftly dropped to the ground. With a precise strike, the ice that encased the entire arena floor shattered, liberating Azrael's trapped leg.

"Let's go," Azrael declared, determination evident in his voice.

"Very well," Codexx acknowledged, turning away as Azrael trailed closely behind him.

Azrael, accompanied by Ronald, Codexx, and a contingent of soldiers, finally arrived at their destination. They found the priest standing in the midst of a field of lifeless flowers, somewhere in the heart of the capital.

"Go," Codexx commanded, granting Azrael permission to approach the priest, while they remained stationed at the field's entrance.

"What in the world is happening?" Azrael whispered, his voice filled with bewilderment.

"This situation has taken an unexpected turn. It was unforeseen," the priest responded. "What matters now is your escape. You must prove your lack of involvement in all this. Soon, I will summon the others, and you must eliminate every last one of us, including me."

"What are you talking about?" Azrael asked, his confusion deepening.

"Just do as I have instructed. This is the only way. It is our shared destiny," the priest declared, his voice carrying an eerie determination.

In a fleeting instant, the once desolate field burst to life as around twenty figures materialized seemingly out of thin air. Their human-like appearances deceived none, for the unmistakable aura of demonic energy emanating from their very cores lay bare their true nature.

Among the demonic horde, one sinister entity clasped the frightened Princess tightly, a menacing blade pressed perilously against her delicate throat. The sight sent a surge of desperation through the onlookers, their instincts driving them to lunge forward in a futile attempt to rescue the captive.

"Halt!" The priest's voice boomed, slicing through the tension like a blade. "Should anyone dare to trespass upon this field, the Princesses life shall be forfeit."

Amidst the cacophony of anxious murmurs, the priest leaned in, his voice a mere whisper meant for Azrael's ears alone.

"Listen closely, Azrael. Our success hinges upon your performance," the priest uttered, his words laden with urgency and hidden implications.

Seizing the moment, the priest raised his voice once more, commanding attention from both friend and foe alike.

"Eliminate him!" the priest bellowed, his voice carrying the weight of absolute conviction. In perfect synchrony with his call, the demonic entities surged forward, wicked intentions etched upon their faces, converging upon Azrael with ruthless determination.

With the demons surging towards him, Azrael braced himself for the impending clash. Time seemed to slow as he focused his gaze on the first assailant, his mind honing in on the task at hand.

Without hesitation, he unleashed a lightning-fast strike, his fist colliding with the demon's jaw, shattering bone upon impact. The creature crumpled to the ground, defeated.

As if choreographed, the ensuing battle unfolded in a dance of precision and skill. Azrael swiftly evaded a vicious swipe from a second demon, ducking beneath the attack and retaliating with a swift series of strikes.

His blade blurred with blinding speed, striking vital points with unerring accuracy. One by one, the demons fell, their butchered forms crumpling lifelessly to the ground.

The clash of steel reverberated through the field as Azrael deftly parried the thrust of a demon wielding a wickedly serrated blade. In a fluid motion, he disarmed his foe, twisting his body to deliver a powerful kick that sent the demon sprawling backward, vanquished.

As the battle raged on, Azrael displayed a remarkable blend of agility, strength, and martial prowess. His movements were a symphony of grace and precision, each strike landing with lethal intent. With every demon he dispatched, the field was transformed into a graveyard of fallen foes.

Finally, only two figures remained amidst the chaos—a weary but resolute Azrael, standing tall with an unreadable demeanor, and the enigmatic priest, watching intently with an inscrutable gaze. And there, caught between them, stood the princess, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe.

The field grew eerily silent, save for the soft rustling of wind through the decimated flowers.

Azrael strode purposefully toward the priest, his sword stained with the blood of the defeated demons. The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air, and the priest's words were laden with a peculiar sense of acceptance.

"Yes, this is the way it was destined to unfold. Now, I shall offer my final prayer," the priest spoke, his voice filled with a haunting calmness. As Azrael's hand drew back, poised to deliver the decisive strike, the priest prepared himself for the inevitable.

"May the watcher have mercy on your enemies, for I know you shall show them none," The priest declared in prayer, as Azrael sword descended with a swift and lethal arc. In a single motion, the priest's life was abruptly extinguished, his body falling silently to the ground.

Witnessing the demise of the priest, the Princess rushed into the comforting embrace of Ronald, their shared relief mingling with tears of both joy and anguish.

"Well done," Codexx acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of approval as he stood behind Azrael, seemingly having arrived without Azrael noticing. The masked Azrael's confusion flickered briefly before being overshadowed by a growing sense of unease.

"However, you still have much to explain," Codexx added, his tone now tinged with a hint of authority. Azrael began to turn, his mind racing to comprehend the sudden shift in dynamics.

"What—" Azrael's words were abruptly cut short as a powerful blow struck him, sending him crashing into unconsciousness with a resounding thud.

sick and can't write so I've just been diminishing stockpiled chapters...sigh

omittedcreators' thoughts