
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Deeds will catch up

Azrael's piercing gaze surveyed the arena, analyzing the fighters with a discerning eye. His attention settled on Lucik Mazono, studying him and assessing his level of strength.

While Lucik seemed skilful, Azrael sensed that he fell short compared to the fifth guard he had encountered before. However, Azrael's focus shifted to the enigmatic figures standing beside the emperor. Their hidden power intrigued him, their presence hinting at formidable strength beyond his current perception.

"The moment for the second round has arrived. Fighters, assume your positions," the announcer's voice boomed, prompting both Lucik and Azrael to step forward onto the arena floor.

Lucik assumed a battle-ready stance, gripping his sword tightly, while Azrael reluctantly drew his own blade. His nonchalant gaze remained hidden behind the mask, his focus fixed unwaveringly on Lucik.

The signal to commence the fight resounded with a resolute clash of metal meeting metal. Azrael and Lucik engaged in a fierce duel at the heart of the arena, wasting no time in launching their swift and calculated attacks.

Their swords danced with lightning speed, a flurry of strikes and parries that reverberated through the arena. Each clash unleashed shockwaves, causing the spectators to hold their breath in anticipation.

The exchange appeared evenly matched, neither combatant gaining the upper hand, yet it was evident to Azrael that both fighters were not unleashing their full potential.

A calculated calmness emanated from Azrael as he sized up Lucik, analyzing his movements and searching for weaknesses.

Azrael's keen eyes detected a momentary opening amidst the flurry of sword strikes, and he seized the opportunity. With a swift and precise kick, he struck Lucik squarely in the jaw, disorienting him momentarily.

Capitalizing on Lucik's momentary lapse, Azrael thrust his sword towards him. However, Lucik was determined to put up a fight, swiftly turning his body to evade the attack. He used the momentum of his evasion to swing his own sword at Azrael, but his strike found nothing but empty air as Azrael skillfully stepped back, evading the swing.

Normally, Azrael would prolong his fights, seeking to challenge himself and gain valuable combat experience. However, realizing that this battle and tournament had served its purpose and had now become a mere waste of time, Azrael made a decisive decision to end it swiftly.

Lucik tightened his grip on his sword, sensing a shift in Azrael's demeanor. A sense of dread crept over him as he watched Azrael's hand become engulfed in a menacing grey flame. With a deft flick of Azrael's wrist, Lucik found himself suspended in mid-air, his legs flailing helplessly as he struggled to breathe. The grip of Azrael's power constricted around him, choking off his air supply.

The crowd's cheers turned into gasps of shock and awe as they witnessed Azrael's ruthless display of strength. The arena fell silent, all eyes fixated on the one-sided torment unfolding before them.

The entire crowd watched, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief as Lucik gripped his neck, choking under Azrael's power. With another flick of Azrael's wrist, Lucik was sent crashing into the ground with a sickening thud, eliciting a collective gasp from the spectators.

Ava's voice echoed in Azrael's mind, her words cutting through the silence. "I'd expect you to use such a useful ability more often. I almost forgot you could do that."

Azrael shrugged nonchalantly. "It's only effective against opponents with lower ki than me. I can't rely on it in challenging fights, and I don't need it in easy ones," he explained, flicking his wrist once again to lift Lucik back into the air.

The air crackled with electricity as Azrael unleashed a surge of over a million volts upon Lucik. His body convulsed violently, engulfed in searing pain as he screamed in agony. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, shrouding Lucik's body in a cloud of smoke. With another flick of Azrael's wrist, Lucik was sent crashing down once more, his motionless form lying on the ground.

Azrael approached Lucik's charred body, his sword drawn and gleaming in the light. The anticipation of tasting Lucik's blood radiated from the blade as Azrael stood over his defeated opponent. The silence of the arena was broken only by the menacing demeanor that was Azrael, as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

Azrael's hand remained poised, ready to swing his sword at Lucik, while the crowd erupted in deafening cheers. But amidst the chaos, Lucik's trembling hands slowly reached towards Azrael's foot, his voice barely audible as he mustered the words, "I surrender." His plea for mercy struggled to rise above the cheers celebrating his impending demise.

Azrael's gaze lingered on Lucik, a moment of contemplation crossing his face. He released his grip on the sword, lowering it, and stepped back, accepting Lucik's surrender. The cheers from the crowd began to subside as medics rushed to tend to the severely wounded Lucik, carrying him away from the arena.

In the VIP section of the arena, the emperor sat with a stern expression, his gaze fixed on Azrael. His unimpressed demeanor turned into a frown of anger as a man approached him, whispering something in his ear. Azrael felt a surge of apprehension as he sensed the emperor's growing bloodlust directed towards him.

"There's something wrong. I can sense the emperor's rage towards me," Azrael said, panic edging into his voice. He knew that picking a fight with those individuals would be a grave mistake.

Ava acknowledged the tension in the air. "It appears they don't want you to win this tournament," she said.

"Well, winning was never my priority anyway. Perhaps it's time for me to leave," Azrael replied, contemplating his next move.

Before he could act on his decision, a sudden attack came out of nowhere. Ronald, filled with anger, exclaimed, "You bastard!" Ice crystals shot towards Azrael with alarming speed and precision.

Azrael's sword cleaved through Ronald's icy projectiles with swift and precise movements, a display of his honed reflexes. Despite his controlled exterior, anger simmered within him.

"What are you doing? The match hasn't even begun," Azrael retorted, his voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

Ronald's eyes blazed with fury as he responded, his voice laced with venomous intent. "How dare you people kidnap her? I swear, I'll make sure to kill you!"

A chilling aura enveloped Ronald's body, emanating a bone-chilling cold that spread rapidly across the entire arena floor. Caught off guard, Azrael felt his leg instantly encased in ice, immobilizing him.

Confusion battled with growing impatience in Azrael's mind as he demanded answers. "What are you talking about?"

Serenity settled upon the chaotic scene as Codexx, one of the enigmatic figures standing beside the emperor, calmly intervened, placing a hand on Ronald's shoulder.

"That's enough, Ronald. Let us handle this matter," Codexx said, his voice steady and composed.

Reluctantly, Ronald yielded, but his eyes still burned with rage. Azrael's attention shifted to Codexx, awaiting an explanation.

"I am Codexx, the esteemed fifth member of the Empire's squad," he introduced himself, his gaze penetrating and calculating. "However, before we proceed, I must insist that you remove your mask and state your real name."

Azrael hesitated, fully aware of the risks involved in revealing his identity, yet resolute in his decision to protect himself. He maintained his composure and replied firmly, "I cannot comply with that request. Now, what's going on?"

Codexx scrutinized Azrael with an intense gaze, weighing his options carefully. With a subtle wave of his hand, an imposing figure clad in armor stepped forward, their presence commanding attention.

"By order of the emperor, the individual known only as the Masked Merchant shall be arrested," the armored figure declared, their voice resonating with authority. "He is charged with conspiracy against the empire, assassination of government officials, and colluding with demons while potentially being one."

A heavy silence descended upon the arena, the weight of the accusations suffocating the air. The crowd, previously raucous, now stood in stunned silence, processing the grave allegations. The mention of demons sent shivers down their spines, leaving every person present in a state of shock and disbelief.

power stones, please?

omittedcreators' thoughts