
Blackening ! This Naruto is too OP

** Announcement : This is the rewritten version of my previous work 'Blackening! I, Naruto, The collection king' which was basically written on a whim while this one is the better part i have come over with after thinking for a long time .. ........................................................ A poor man dies unjustly in his previous life but finds himself reincarnated into the ninja world the moment he opens his eyes . And the person he has reborn into is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, The child of Prophecy, The son of 4th Hokage ... He should at least be happy to become the son of a Destiny of a whole plain but thinking of the tragic life 'Naruto' has suffered in the original series , He can't help but shivers in fright . Even the person holding him in the warm embrace doesn't look so good to him.. Looking at the cheap Father , Namikaze Minato making him the container for Nine-tails jinchuriki, Naruto shows him a middle finger after greeting the seven generations of the Namikaze family .. Fortunately , before the tragic life can begin a melodious voice sounded in his head . [ Ding !! The Collection System is online ..] [ Whether to bind with host or not ?? ] Naruto didn't even think about it but signed into the system as soon as the binding proceeded. ....... Years later , A horde of Tail beasts and a man with purple rinnegan looked at a man flying over the moon. "Since when did Ninja world hold someone as unfathomable as this person ?? I , Uchiha Madara really can't dance in front of him " " Is My Mother really the opponent of this guy ?? " A black child asked in a hoarse voice. " Who are you ?? No... Why can you even chase me back in the dimension i owe " A white haired beauty said after being cornered to an ice glacier while looking at the terrifying man in front of her. " Me ?? , I am.. Your Husband .Dear , little concubine !!!" Naruto said with an evil smile ........................ Note : The story is written between 1st and 3rd POV around the protagonist

Saltedfish_me · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

12 Dance , Zenkai'

[ Ding !! Congratulations Host for Completing the task 'Lost property' . Obtained a chance to draw a random Lottery ( High level ) ]

" System , you really knew how to play with a person's mind , Don't you ?? A measly lottery in exchange for some depressing thoughts .". Naruto said in a bitter voice which seems like a cry in the ears of Two Konha elders . Hastily , Hiruzen took him in his arms for coaxing him to sleep . Naruto too closes his eyes while pretending to be , only talking in his heart with the system.

[ Ding !! The system never asked you to endure any injustice, did it ?? You are free to do whatever you want as long as your strength supports it. Even if you want to master the control of ten thousand worlds, The system will help you achieve it but the premise is you must have a strong ambition and the strength to back it up ]

Naruto didn't replied to the system's voice but started to think about what it said .

[ Reminding the host , your unconcealed malice is against the village is ignored by the Hiruzen not because he failed to percive it but he thinks it is Nine-tails chakra leakage affecting your mind a little . Otherwise when growing older your expression might say all of your inner thoughts. Remember , Impulsiveness is the first step towards doom ]

" Hmm.. I see it. Sorry , System I didn't work on my character before . I won't disappoint you like this in the future. " Naruto replied in an apologetic tone in his heart .

" Anyways there should be two lottery in the system by now , right ?? I want to draw both of them at once ". He further added .

Soon much to his surprise , a round routelte appeared replacing the old screen .The appearance is multi coloured like a rainbow while it is equally divided into several segments with a unique term written in it - Gene , Talent , Ability , Technique , Pets , Weapon , Potion/ Drug etc...

Not giving him much time to appraise all of the columns, the routelete started to spin in a speed fast enough to make Naruto feel dazzled . It took almost 30 seconds before it stopped while the marker points at the 'Technique'.

[ Obtained Technique: Dance ]

<< Dance : First form of the sun breathing attack method. ( Belongs to the demon slayer world , Creator : First slayer , Yorichi ) >>

Naruto face almost turned ashen just from the mere mention of the word , 'Demon slayer'. As a full fledged otaku in the last life , he had already ended the manga years before the second season drops . So , he clearly knew the pit you will be thrown into after learning demon slaying breathing. To put it clear , a tattoo will start to cover your body past the age ... *Cough i forget it . Which will suck away your lifespan leaving only a part enough for you to live till your 25th birthday.

After passing that there is only sudden death left which may greet you any second. Even the reason why Tanjiro can live past is because in the finale Mujan remodel his body from a human to the new demon king and later it was reversed back to his human form , eliminating all of the dark seqeal borned by the slaying marks .

Though Naruto himself has a strong body and surge of vitality passed down by his Uzumaki physique and Yang Chakra belonging to Nine-tails but it is fundamentally different from the definite lifespan of an orgasm.

Even the God of Ninja world , Senju Hashirama will pass away even after having the strongest healing factor below Ostusuki family.

" System, do you want me to die a early death ?? Don't you know the average lifespan of a ninja in this world is less than 40 years . On top of that you threw this time bomb asking me to accept it with generosity, am i that retarded in your view ?? ". Naruto asked with a bitter smile in his heart.

[ ** You may receive the best from ten thousand worlds or the worst possible chance , it all depends on your luck ]

The system didn't speak but opened a chat record from before like a smart ass girlfriend belonging to the modern times .

Before Naruto can speak something else , the routelete started to spin again, consuming his last chance to draw a lottery. It took another few seconds before it stopped with the mark pointed on 'Gene' .

[ Obtained Genes : Zenkai' ( degraded version) ]

<< Zenkai : The natural traits of a Saiyan , huge improvement in the strength after a near death experience . Forms like SSJ1 , SSJSG SSJSGB are not achieved after reaching a bottle neck.

Creator : Unknown ( Belongs to Dragon ball multiverse) >>

Naruto didn't even read the whole description but catch the main phrase 'near death' . One time could be a coincidence but twice only means system is playing tricks with him . It's just that floating text from before makes him completely evidenceless in front of this injustice.

Also, why should he use the ability to fight to death when being a system host , he can easily walk on the road of invincibility without disturbing his slated fish nature . This lottery is really rubbish...

'Forget it , maybe the system is trying to teach me patience ' Naruto exhaled a hot breath after cooling down his mind by a lot . It's just that this exhlaed breath contains a lot of subconsciously spitted saliva .


Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura danzo' were discussing the appropriatin of funds required for several fields .

" If this funding can't help a lot then , i have no choice but to visit Fire nation Leading Noble by myself. Being Tsunade's teacher can also help a lot in these kinds of matters . " Hiruzen said with a smug like smile in his face .

Danzo' looking at him has almost his eyes pop out from hatred . ' Damn it !! He again stole all of the limelight , leaving me behind all aline' .

It was at this time that he saw Naruto sleeping in Hiruzen's arms opening his eyes a little before spitting something out on His old friend's face.

" Hahahaha , This child ... This so ... Mischief... I mean Cute .. hahahaha " Danzo' hold his stomach both hand while trying to calm down his out of control laughter . However, he still failed to control it after looking at the ugly face Hiruzen made ..

Hiruzen gave a warning glare to Shimura Danzo' before looking at Naruto in his arms speechlessly.

'Did he already realised i am emptying his ancestral property?? No it can't be , at his age he doesn't know the actual importance of food let alone unfamiliar terms like money '

' However, if the matter of third hokage being spitted on by a early infant is to be spread . I don't think the villagers will have any shroud of respect left for me '

Rubbing the face with a clean cloth , Hiruzen thought in his heart.

Naruto didn't gave a damn though about the Hiruzen's inner ideological work but chose to sleep in the comfortable position possible, ignoring th surrounding like a dead pig . Any ways the current spoils have been stored into the system space and he is not in a hurry to cut his life span in the early years of his life ...