
Blackening ! This Naruto is too OP

** Announcement : This is the rewritten version of my previous work 'Blackening! I, Naruto, The collection king' which was basically written on a whim while this one is the better part i have come over with after thinking for a long time .. ........................................................ A poor man dies unjustly in his previous life but finds himself reincarnated into the ninja world the moment he opens his eyes . And the person he has reborn into is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, The child of Prophecy, The son of 4th Hokage ... He should at least be happy to become the son of a Destiny of a whole plain but thinking of the tragic life 'Naruto' has suffered in the original series , He can't help but shivers in fright . Even the person holding him in the warm embrace doesn't look so good to him.. Looking at the cheap Father , Namikaze Minato making him the container for Nine-tails jinchuriki, Naruto shows him a middle finger after greeting the seven generations of the Namikaze family .. Fortunately , before the tragic life can begin a melodious voice sounded in his head . [ Ding !! The Collection System is online ..] [ Whether to bind with host or not ?? ] Naruto didn't even think about it but signed into the system as soon as the binding proceeded. ....... Years later , A horde of Tail beasts and a man with purple rinnegan looked at a man flying over the moon. "Since when did Ninja world hold someone as unfathomable as this person ?? I , Uchiha Madara really can't dance in front of him " " Is My Mother really the opponent of this guy ?? " A black child asked in a hoarse voice. " Who are you ?? No... Why can you even chase me back in the dimension i owe " A white haired beauty said after being cornered to an ice glacier while looking at the terrifying man in front of her. " Me ?? , I am.. Your Husband .Dear , little concubine !!!" Naruto said with an evil smile ........................ Note : The story is written between 1st and 3rd POV around the protagonist

Saltedfish_me · Fantasy
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14 Chs

11 Lost Property

Hokage Office,

Hiruzen gave a warm look to Naruto before putting him in a bed adjacent to his table. Maybe his own child has also lived like this or it is specially prepared for Naruto alone , can't say what could be the reason for a small bed to be always present in the Hokage Office.

Naruto gave a speechless look to Hiruzen before yelling in his heart.

" Fuck !! This kind look is all a disguise. It's just that I didn't cry or have any trouble, he will always feel relieved otherwise he will do the monitoring all by himself"

[ Detecting a suitable quest for the host ..... ]

As soon as his words came to an end , the system sent a notification to the transparent panel in front of his eyes.

Naruto looks at the screen first then Hiruzen with a serious look. He has already reached a conjure, the chances of triggering a mission will be increased while being in close contact with important people . Now it seems to have been confirmed with absolute surely .

Hiruzen didn't seem to notice his gaze . After all what kind of bad thoughts a child could have when looking at an unfamiliar adult?? Isn't Childhood all about eating , playing and sleeping.

[ Ding !! Generating a temporary quest . Warning !! a short term quest is being generated...

Quest: Lost property

Task : Find the whereabouts of the inheritance , Fourt Hokage Couple left.

Time : 10 days

Reward : A random Lottery chance

Penalty : None ]

Naruto looks at the quest details speechless. Does the system want to stuff some free money in his account. Otherwise why is this question so simple ,Isn't the culprit behind it sitting right in front of him ??

" Sarutobi Hiruzen and his family !! " Naruto said without a doubt in his heart.

[ Ding !! Wrong Answer Host ]

" Ohhhh , then is it that old man Shimura Danzo'?? " Naruto asked again with a different target.


" Achoo..." × 2 , Danzo' and Hiruzen coughed at the same time from two different locations.

" It must be that fox Hiruzen / Bitch Danzo' cursing behind my back "

[ Ding !! Wrong Answer ]

" Fuck !! You are playing a game with me right ?? " Naruto said with anger in his heart

Even in his dreams he can't think of a person daring enough to swallow his money under the noses of these two foxes.

Prior to the period Minato had ascended to Hokage throne, he was already a well known powerhouse across the entire Ninja world continent. The tasks done by him throughout life are said to be nearly at 100% successful rate.

Considering the fact the least pay for a D level mission is several thousand 'ryo' while the Toughest S level mission is open from One million to an indefinite amount . Minato should have made a lot of money with the glorious record of nearly 850 missions including122 D-class missions, 147 C-class missions, 216 B-class missions, 323 A-class missions, and 39 S-class missions.

Even the saving and inheritance that Kushina owns is not counted in this data , it should be more than enough for Boruto's generation to live a decent life without relying on any other source of income. Unfortunately, the actual whereabouts of their inheritance is unknown in the shippuden story. The system too denied his guesses..

Looking at the ceiling in a daze another one of Naruto's boring days passed away slowly.

[ Ding !! Received Physique: 10 Units ]

[ Ding !! Received Spirits : 2 units ]

[ Ding !! Received Unattributed Chakra : 20 ]

[ Ding !! Received Nine-tails chakra : 2.1 ]

[ Ding !! Received Shards : Assassination ( 2 ), Kunai Throwing ( 3 ), Stealth ( 3 ), ]

[ Ding !! Received XP : Fire style ( 10 ), Water style ( 10 ), Earth ( 8 ), Wind ( 7 ), Thunder ( 2 ), Yang ( 20 ) ]

[ Ninjutsu : Wind Style ( Gale palm Lvl 1 ) ]

It was during the evening that the accumulated stats from the day surfaced on his panel.

After all , as being in the Hokage office whether knowingly or unknowingly he will come in contact with several people for the entire day. After choosing a few worthy ones from the huge number of people he decided to hold their stats which he thinks is appropriate. Lastly, it is still the first time for him to be left alone without any spare chance to collect by the end of day.

However , there is not an ounce of joy in his face but a serious expression with a burst of headache. He really didn't find any suitable suspect for completing the mission. Even the random ones are all denied by the system.

Hiruzen giving a look at the clock on his office also arches his body a little as he decided to run back to his home for a good night's rest.


A week later .

The last few days Naruto has lived a care free life . After failing to find the actual target for the mission completion , he is waiting for the mission deadline to end by itself. It's not like there is plenty for him to bear at the failure.

" Lord hokage , Master Danzo' Requests an audience with you " An anbu bowed his head respectfully after silently appearing in the office.

" Huh ??... Danzo' , it seems another problem might have occurred.. "Sarutobi sighed as he took Naruto in his hand after putting down some documents on the table.

Glancing outside the window , the village is returning to its peaceful state . The birds are chirping while the children are giggling on street alleys and market. However, it is all achieved on his hard work and never stopping planning, or so he believes.

Now only playing with Naruto in the embrace made his mood seem to cheer a little but not too much.

" Are you still in the mood to giggle here?" Danzo didn't know when he appeared in front of him, his voice was cold. It's hard to see the expression with the bandages on, but it doesn't look too good after all.

"What's wrong?"Sarutobi Hiruzen was still in a happy mood, and he didn't intend to care about it, so he asked casually.

"The Nobles of the country of fire has sent a letter. The land of fire has a lot of financial defects in this year. On top of that they also showed great dissatisfaction with our village over the lose of a new Hokage and half of Nine-tails. " Danzo' try to speak in a low voice but the information was too much to be not alarming.

" So what ?? " Hiruzen asked with a bad face putting Naruto back in his cart.

" *Huff , So this time the funds allocated to us will be a lot less . You know what this means, in the past we were rich because of the constant supply of missions but now.... " Danzo' took a deep breath and stopped halfway while explaining.

Though Hiruzen doesn't need his whole explanation, years of cooperation has honed their tactic understanding to the peak. Simply , the village now lacks a strong face to attract the task market .

The past konoha has a line up of several Kage level potential talents but under the deep planning of these two old friends, either they committed suicide by themselves or their body might be found dissected in a corner of Roots lab under Hokage Mountain Rocks . To make the matter far worse , Hiruzen put an agenda of peaceful treaty, every time they wage a war , making them almost penniless even after succeeding with a glorious victory.

Lastly, the savings in the public funds has almost bottom out after the paying off compensation for Victims in Nine-tail's attack. The last bit of it is also consumed by Infrastructure construction and repairing cost.

Finally under such circumstances a constant loop will be formed ruining there entire life of hardwork . ' Less attraction by the village means lesser tasks , Lesser task will lead to poor in money and again penniless village will look less attractive '

Thinking of this issue , Hiruzen walks back and forth in the office , in the end only to stand closely by the window to have a look at Konoha .

" 'Namikaze Residence' , It seems Minato has also saved a few hundred million 'ryo' after years of his carrier as Ninja . Kushina too is not low in Money . We can hold on for atleast 6 years or if the situation gets better , it might become ten years of public funding. "Looking at a manor around Konoha centre market , Hiruzen started muttering a little , making both Naruto and Danzo' stunned .

" Hiruzen what do you mean ?? " Danzo'. asked with his mouth opened in a 'O' shape.

" Nothing , I am feeling sorry for the burden Minato need to bear even in afterlife. Now we can only rely on the loan accessible from him . But I promise , it will be repaid to his 'Children' in the future at the earliest time possible " Hiruzen said with a face full of sadness yet a aura of righteousness kept leaking from it .

Shimura Danzo' and Naruto both can't help but shudder in fright. The whole village has been already informed by them regarding the miscarriage Kushina suffered that night , only to die without leaving a heir behind. The word 'children' has been highlighted too much by him , and it doesn't stands for Naruto now . But the countless orphans transferred in the Konha orphanage in the last three months .

Didn't Minato say leaving the village alone is equivalent to killing his own child. So, he should have considered the children in the village his own , right ?? As a father/big brother figure , it is his responsibility to pay there living expenses a little which he , Sarutobi Hiruzen will fulfill after him.

" How long this guy was planning this trick . In the last three months or it was already made on the night of Nine-tails rebellion. " × 2 , Danzo' and Naruto thought at the same time .

Regaining the calmness on his face , Danzo'. nodded his head giving his consent over the public confesion of Fourth Hokage's property. Whether obsessed over Hokage's position or not , the village's economy standards can't be left alone by him.

Meanwhile, Naruto has unknowingly completed his side mission but instead of rejoicing in happiness another few rounds of ugly cursing were thrown on the Sarutobi family and the rest of Konoha village .

" Hiruzen, Danzo'. You asshole !! Son of bitch !! I curse your Konoha may suffer from plague , no other drought sucks your water dry , leaving nothing to clean your ugly asses "

It was already hard for him to be treated as Village's public property but now his inheritance has also become village treasury. What is this ?? Some kind of righteous joke that he is too dark hearted to understand.

Remembering, the look Naruto will receive in the original story from the shopkeepers , he can't help but feel more and more sore . It turns out the village was eating what's mine , drinking what's mine yet the person who was even deprived of the normal necessity was also me.