
Blackening ! This Naruto is too OP

** Announcement : This is the rewritten version of my previous work 'Blackening! I, Naruto, The collection king' which was basically written on a whim while this one is the better part i have come over with after thinking for a long time .. ........................................................ A poor man dies unjustly in his previous life but finds himself reincarnated into the ninja world the moment he opens his eyes . And the person he has reborn into is none other than Uzumaki Naruto, The child of Prophecy, The son of 4th Hokage ... He should at least be happy to become the son of a Destiny of a whole plain but thinking of the tragic life 'Naruto' has suffered in the original series , He can't help but shivers in fright . Even the person holding him in the warm embrace doesn't look so good to him.. Looking at the cheap Father , Namikaze Minato making him the container for Nine-tails jinchuriki, Naruto shows him a middle finger after greeting the seven generations of the Namikaze family .. Fortunately , before the tragic life can begin a melodious voice sounded in his head . [ Ding !! The Collection System is online ..] [ Whether to bind with host or not ?? ] Naruto didn't even think about it but signed into the system as soon as the binding proceeded. ....... Years later , A horde of Tail beasts and a man with purple rinnegan looked at a man flying over the moon. "Since when did Ninja world hold someone as unfathomable as this person ?? I , Uchiha Madara really can't dance in front of him " " Is My Mother really the opponent of this guy ?? " A black child asked in a hoarse voice. " Who are you ?? No... Why can you even chase me back in the dimension i owe " A white haired beauty said after being cornered to an ice glacier while looking at the terrifying man in front of her. " Me ?? , I am.. Your Husband .Dear , little concubine !!!" Naruto said with an evil smile ........................ Note : The story is written between 1st and 3rd POV around the protagonist

Saltedfish_me · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

13 Strange Kunoichi

Konoha calendar ; Year 51

Konoha Orphanage

An anbu stand in front of an apartment building holding the right hand of a blonde child .

" This is your room key and this is the 'gift' Lord hokage asked me to present you .. " Giving an indifferent look , he hands out a pair of keys and a packet stuffed with bank notes.

" So , this is my new home..." The child gave an awe filled shout .

Just as he turned his head , to involve Anbu in his excitement, he was shocked to find that the anbu had already disappeared from his sights .

" *Tsk, *Tsk , Men still have a bit of prejudice against me " Smacking his lips in a dissatisfied manner , the child said in a mocking tone.

" Anyways forget about him, let's see how this place looks like " Opening the lock with the key was assigned with , he passed through the doorway.

After walking in, he gave a thoughtful look at the condition of his 'new home' before blurring out :

" It's so small "

Glancing around the apartment, it is neither too big nor holds any luxury. Only an average size bedroom, a bathroom and an open type hall with attached kitchen. Though it should be enough for a growing child to live until expanding his family but for a person who has lived in a manor the size of several thousand feet since his birth , this house is too tasteless.

" *Huff , the floor is still dirty ....". Pinching his nose Naruto said in a disgusted manner .

It has been more than three years since he came to this world , half of which passed away following Hiruzen on his daily life and the rest of it ended up being with beating Sarutobi Clan children. But whatever place he would visit will be already cleaned by a maid prior to his advancement. So, this has been ages since he has come in contact with dust.

Taking a random cloth, he has already put the cleaning on his today's agenda.


Two hours later ,

Naruto has already familiarised himself with this new house after a brief cleaning . The little bit of the furniture can be seen almost the same as every other apartment , a cooking stove , few pots , plates & cups in the kitchen while Dining table & chairs in hall . The bedroom has a bed without any bedding, a round short table , a small refrigerator and old TV.

" It's too hard. Why the fuck this guy Hiruzen didn't added a soft bedding in my room " Naruto said trying to lay on the bed in his room.

Opening the packet from before , Naruto gave a count to the money only to be left ashen faced within a few seconds..

" A thousand 'ryo' , Is it my subsidies or alm giving to the beggars ?? The cheapest ramen bowl will almost cost between 70-80 'ryo' . For a growing child like me it is not enough to last for a week at all " Naruto analysis in his heart , concealing his emotions from the eyes of monitoring Anbu outside.

" It seems commodities like clothing and other goods should be given priority. As for food ....I think the dead forest behind the Konoha can work as a stable source for a few years . It has both Vegetation and Chakra infused Livestock , can solve the problem of nutrition and appetite " Tapping the chin with his index finger , Naruto said with a serious face .

Standing up from the sitting position in bed , Naruto walked in the bathroom . Although he has already cleaned the house but his face is still a little dirty , so he need a little washing before going out ..

Coming closer to his reflection in the mirror , Naruto wants to marvel over his beauty and cuteness . A pair of sapphire blue eyes that are deeper than a sea , the long blonde bangs on his forehead shook lightly while the rest of long hair are tied in a pig-style ponytail. The three whiskers on both sides of his cheeks and Whirlpool pattern T-shirt seems pretty unique to him. It doesn't matter where he stands , his presence alone can definitely attract the attention of everyone present.

" Now perfect" cleaning the dirt on his face by splashing water , Naruto holds his cheek while giving a pouted pose before going out.

After coming out of his house , he lightly locked the apartment door without even thinking about the possibility of theft .

Kidding.. The whole floor is him alone with the only cornered side apartment open to living. Where do people have the time to look at this ghostly place . Also , is there something at his home that can be steal , he doesn't know it yet..

Reaching downstairs, Naruto tried to look for a shop with the bedding and some normal clothes but failed very badly. Unfortunately , the stores around his orphanage are very costly. It may be possible for other orphans to buy something from them but not for the poor Naruto.

" I should ask someone for advice. Before my identity is spread out , nobody should have find it with these whiskers alone . Also, my facial features are so cute at least to deceive some ladies with a scumbag like smile ." Naruto tilted his head holding both cheeks .

[ Host. If your beauty plan failed , should we go back to the time for improving your genes with a new father :) ]

" Idiot, If we change my father , how do you expect Naruto to be born ?? Wait , the first target is already in my sight " Looking at a figure approaching his side , Naruto said with excitement.

" Hey kiddo What are you doing standing in the middle of road " A teenager girl asked in a questioning tone.

" Sister , I want to buy something but the shops here are so expensive. Can you help me to look for it ?? " Naruto said making a tearful face . Though in his heart he was accessing if this person was a ninja or not ??

" Where are your pare.. I guess I can only help you out " The teenager wants to inquire about his relatives but looking at the direction he came from was an orphanage changed the topic.

" Really?? "

" Really" Watching the happiness that bloom on Naruto's face she gave a nod while her hands move to take him in her embrace.

" Wait ...". Feeling a pair of mountains colliding on his face Naruto has hard time in breathing. In his expectations holding the hands with this beauty was more than enough but never did he expect such an aggressive hug in the first meeting.

" Hold me tight , We will be moving at a fast speed " The teenager said before she started jumping around the roof leaving in the direction of Konoha outermost market .

' This is big ' Naruto said with a flush face as neither in his past life nor in this , he has touch such big mountain peaks a woman has .

( Past life married a legal loli )

" Kiddo , here we are.. What happened?? " Female Ninja wants Naruto to stand on the ground on his own but was surprised when Naruto lost his footing just after trying to do it.

" Sorry , I forget Kids do not adapt easily with high speed travelling ". Saying she took Naruto back in her arms . Little did she know , it was her fast paced balls colliding on his face that made him uncomfortable not her speed .

" No , it's ok.." Naruto wanted to tell it's alright but the kunoichi interrupt him before

" How about I treat you with meatballs ?? " Saying she took him in a nearby shop .

" Ok " Naruto also replied with a strange smile .


Half an hour later ,

Naruto looked speechlessly at the meat balls plate on his right and the clothing package on the left . Even his face seems to be asking' Who am I ?? Where am I ?? Why am I ?? '

He can't bring himself to believe what has happened in the past half hour . The shopkeepers gave a warm smile , Good clothes at five times cheaper prices and a few gift cards he got today .. It wasn't enough for him to digest yet when a random person jumps out to give him a pair of sneakers. Is some kind of charity event going on in the village he is unaware of ?? otherwise why is everyone treating him so kindly?? Lastly , he also has a savings of 200 'ryo' which he spend on buying some seasoning to be used on raw food for the upcoming month.

But the thing that surprised him most was meat balls in his plate . In his impression the promise he made with the kunoichi means the balls from before not this food.

" Shit !! She turns out to be a foodie " Naruto said in his heart after the plate that kunoichi has eaten reach 7.

The kunoichi looked over at him feeling surprised from his peeping gaze .

" It's still small " Hastily , looking at the sky Naruto said in a bitter smile. After all, It can't be said when looking down.

" Yeah !! when compared to the sky we are indeed too small " Kunoichi continued after misunderstanding his thoughts.

Naruto can only nod his head in an awkward manner .

" Well bye , Kiddo " Kunoichi left after paying the restaurant bill .

" Hey I didn't ask your name , Really gone ?? "

Naruto returns to his home after finding that kunoichi has disappeared from his sights .

[ Ding !! A suitable target is detected for collection ] × 10

" Umm, Guess I have ignored the system for a whole day . Well , show me the details "

[ Ding !! A suitable target is detected for collection ]

<< Target : Anko Mitarashi >>

[ Generating Permanent Mission.....]


Task : Orichimaru's Son in Law

Quest : Take Orichimaru's daughter as your woman by both heart and body .

Time : 15 years

Reward : High level lottery + ???

Penalty: Losing one fourth of your chakra at the mission deadline period


" Holy Shit !! "