
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Water Lily Garden Lake

As they stepped into the gate, the very first thing they saw was a Wide yard in form of circle. At the edge of the circle was a small gap, just enough for a path for the river to flow in and out of the Place A gold looking fish is swimming along with current. A couple of lily pads were floating.

The walk through the yard and went into the Main Hall where they instructed to sit down. Zhou Li and Xiao are sitting on the left side, on the contrary Xin Yi is sitting alone at the right side. The woman introduced herself again to Zhou Li and Xiao and they've learned that the woman's names was Lin Lin and is the head of the Guardians of this Village. The engaged into a small conversation while waiting for the tea and foods to be served.

"Young Lady Xiao, may I asked what is your reason to come in our village?" The woman asked, as a true current leader would to any one who is new to their hometown. Xiao smiled and tell the woman that she is just coming along with her Senior's Journey together with Xin Yi. She just eager to have a journey that is far from their home as she still didn't get to do so.

"I see, then I guess you can answer my question Young Master Zhou?" She then turned to Zhou Li. Didn't lose his posture his face turned to the woman in and explained what reason they have to enter the Lake Garden. Not telling the whole Truth and only said that they are on A Journey to find the someone.

"I see, I may have a hint of who you are finding, but for the sake of the Water Lily Garden Lake I can't risk helping you but I can assure you that the person you are looking for is not here" She explained and Zhou Li just nodded.

"You can stay at one of our Guest Rooms here, But I can only give one night to take a rest as it is not safe for us to take strangers here so often, please forgive us for this" She apologetically said.

"A night is enough for us to have a rest as we will also depart by Tomorrow morning. Please excuse our sudden request" Zhou Li said.

For a moment the two women was a bit not feeling used to Zhou Li's behavior. He is the type of man that is serious but not too serious to the point even the two of them couldn't interfere in their conversations. All they could do is mind their own business and sat their silently.

Just as they finished their conversation the food has arrived and is now being served by the Maidservants. The woman smiled and Thanked the servants before lifting her hand Infront of her to gesture them.

"Please, eat and enjoy the food" she said. The two waited for Zhou Li to take the first move as a respect to him as they both consider him their leader in this journey. Zhou Li then pick up hos chops stick and pick some vegetables and put it in his mouth. As the two saw this, just then did they helped themselves and eat aswell.

The meal they have with the leader of the hall went smoothly. After eating they found themselves in a gazebo just behind the hall where they were pointed when Xin Yi asked a maidservants of a place where they can have some fresh air. The man in his white Robe was standing beside the two ladies, his back facing them as he gaze at the beautiful lake that's covered in different kinds of colors of the lily flowers.

Xiao and Xin Yi were both playing the Life and death Game. They were serious when Xin Yi accidentally took a quick glance of Zhou Li who os seemed to be in deep thoughts. She look at Xiao who is making her move and called her.

"Shijie" she called in a low voice, Xiao looked at her with creasing forehead as she raised her eyebrows, confused why the latter's voice is like a whisper.

"Li Shixiong is spacing out" only then did she understand her why she's whispering, she nods at Xin Yi and stand up and walked to Zhou Li's Side. She stand beside him two hands grip the railings of the gazebo gently and smiled as she stare at the view of the lake.

"Li Shixiong, You've been pretty quiet since we got here. A penny for your thoughts?" She said literally showing him some money in her hands. The latter laughed softly and gently messed up her hair.

"I'm just thinking about the one we are searching for. Sigh....it has been many years since I started to search for that someone and until now I still couldn't find her. It's more like she's neing hidden–" He said in a low voice almost in an audible volume.

"Or just don't want herself to be found" she cut him off. She was busy looking at the butterflies flying above the flower petals of the lilies so he didn't see the man's reaction.

Seeing how busy her attention to the butterflies was, he then asked her. " What do you mean?" He asked her. She looked at him and then back to flowers. "Li Shixiong, you know what I meant. Sometimes people hide themselves away from people who most know them to avoid trouble or some other different reasons. But who knows, there's plenty of reasons why you still didn't find her for so many years" she just said and shrugged her shoulders.

"Wanna tag along?" She asked him as she walked out of the gazebo, dragging Xin Yi with her. "Where are you going in this time of the day?" He asked. It is almost dusk, where could they possibly go at this type of time. Having no choice he followed the two ladies back to the port. It os either staying there and be alone which may let him think about that person or go with this ladies on their shopping trip at the market along the way to the port.

As they were wandering around the village market, Xin Yi saw a shop that sells different kinds of accessories and fabrics along with ready-made clothing. As Xin Yi did before, she dragged Xiao again into the shop, only then did Xin Yi let go of her hand to wander around the shop searching for whichever she might be interested to buy.

The man behind them, also stepped inside and since he is already there he went straight into the men's section. Xiao was also looking around the shop, as she turned her body to the Hair's accessories there's only one thkng that caught her eyes. She picked it up and looked at it carefully, as she was looking at it, a middle age Man approach her, which is the Shop keeper.

He went near her and look at the thing she is holding. The man smile and looked at her.

"You have a great taste when it comes to hair accessories, Young Lady" The man said as he pointed the Hair Pin.

"Do I?" She asked genuinely and smiled as she stroke the bodu of the tassel with her fingers. "Yes, this Hair tassel is made with a rare jade and it has an image of a phoenix which symbolizes Rebirth it also comes along with a pair of Earrings, let me get if for you" The shopkeep then left her for a couple of minutes and came back with a long box. The shop keeper open it and hand it to Xiao.

"This pairs are the only one that I have as the materials used for it is quite hard to find. I just got lucky to have find some of the materials just enough to make these pair of jewelry" He explained as he's handing out the box.

Upon opening she saw two pair of earings that is exactly look like the Tassel, she gently picked it and examine it with a smile. She then looked at the shop keeper.

"Mr. Shopkeeper I'll take these" she smiled and put the tassel and the earings back to its box. "This way please Young lady" The shopkeeper guide her to the counter where she then paid for the items.

After buying it she then head out to look for Zhou Li, she found him sitting at a table of a stall who sells noddles opposite the shop she was in. She walked towards him.

"Li Shixiong, can I ask you a favor?" She said after sitting down, both of them now waiting for the other one to finish shopping. "What is it?" He ask looking at her after sipping a tea. She the put the box in the table to show it to him.

"I want you to keep this for me along the journey I might lose it if I was the one holding it" she said and pushed the box gently. Zhou Li was about to open it but she stopped him by slapping his hand away.

"Don't open it!" She said, Zhou Li arched his eyebrow and retracted his hand. "Who is it for?" He asked and drink a tea. "From the look of the box, I can tell that it's a hair accessory" He said calmly putting the cup down.

Xiao just made an 'hm' sound agreeing to the man but she didn't tell him who is for. She pushed the box again, this time in front of Zhou Li. The man looked at her who's eyes are pleading, he shook his head and waved his arms above the box and it disappeared.

"Thank you, Li Shixiong–" she was cut off when Zhou Li raised his hand. "Will you stop calling me Shixiong? I feel like I'm at my thirties or something" he said irritatingly. The girl just looked at him in confusion.

"But aren't we always calling you that? Besides You are our Senior brother " she said tilting her head. Sometimes they do forget that this Young Lady is quite a bit slow sometimes but still can keep up when comes to serious matters.

Zhou Li sighed and massaged his temple. Whenever he's with the two ladies he felt like he's already in his mid thirties when in fact he's just in his Mid twenties, but when they kept calling him Shixiong he feels like he's already getting old.

"Shixiong?" Xiao asked waving his hands Infront of him. "What's wrong with you? Shixiong–" "–Just Call Brother Li!" He snapped heaving a sigh. The woman froze for a bit and pouted. "Why need to shout?" She asked and crossed his arms on her chest.

"Alright, just call me Brother Li okay?" He repeat. Xiao just made an 'oh' sound and pur herself a cup of tea. After a while that felt like an hour, Xin Yi came out a package in her hand that is wrap with white fabric. "What took you so long?" Xiao asked.

"I got carried away and didn't notice the time" she just and smiled making the two shake their heads.

"Let's go, it is almost dark, time for us to go back at the Spring Hall and take a rest. Tomorrow morning before the sun rises we will be continuing our journey" Zhou Li said and the too just nodded.

The went back to the Spring Hall. After arriving the were called to have dinner before heading back to their respective rooms. Zhou Li was in a different room while the two Young Ladies are in the same room, as there wouldn't be a problem and it is more convenient for Xiao to have Xin Yi by her side.

"A-Yi, you can go to sleep now. I will be joining you in a moment" she said as she raised her gaze from the paper she was writing and saw Xin Yi Dozing off. Xin Yi nodded and made a sleepy sound 'oh' and put the ink stone down before standing up and went to the bed.

Xiao went back to painting the sceneries of the Lake, after an hour she is finished painting blowing the ink to dry it before letting it lay on the table putting a heavy object on it to avoid getting caught by the wind. She stands from her seat and walked towards the bed, she saw Xin Yi fast asleep. She bent down to fix her friend's sleeping position, carefully lifting Xin Yi's legs and put in slowly on the bed, gently putting her head on the pillow properly. After that she fixed her hair and cover her with a blanket. After taking care of her Friend she then laid down beside her and doze off.



To the one Who collected my Story. Thanks A lot I really appreciate it. Bless You're heart.

Reminder to all my readers:

You are Beautiful/Handsome

You are definitely WORTH IT ❤️


You Are LOVED 💓

And No Matter what comes in your way CHASE YOUR DREAMS.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: (I only saw this on TikTok, credits to original Owner of this message)

F.E.A.R. has two meanings:

'Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise'

The choice is yours. <3< em>

(In my understanding, it's either you surrender your dreams and quit or Stand back up from stumbling down and keep going, believing in yourself and believing in what you can do and can't do) ❤️

Love Lots ❤️

Ms Yang

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Ms_Yangcreators' thoughts