
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

On a Mission

On the Cloudy Mountain's Manor, not far from the Yard where disciples are training, there stand the Meeting hall where all the guests would stay during a discussion about important matters. As enter the place you can see a single chair at the other side of the hall Facing the doorway, Infront of the chair was a small table where foods or stuff is supposed to be put. At the Center of the room is a pathway towards the Chair in front. Each side has atleast three to five tables atleast two meters apart, and more at the back of the seats. Each has a soft sitting mat where guest would sit down.

At the back of the hall is hallway which two people could walk side-by-side. Along the hallway is a lamp shade that's always been lit at left side of it was a small yard with a Tree of Plum Blossom stands in the middle some disciples are currently sitting underneath it's shade to read some calligraphies and poems in peace. At the other saide of the Yard is an open door, at the top of the doorway hanged a plaque With an engraved characters (Knowledge and Wisdom), walk inside of it and you be in the Library of Cloudy Mountain's Clan. Famous poems and calligraphies are restored in this place alkng with their Rules and regulations.

As you enter the library one can see that it has Two floors, The first four is called the Section of Poetry and Calligraphies, on the contrary the second floor is the section of Techniques and Medicine. Inside the Library are just few disciples, either Reading poems, medicine and learning new techniques, or learning about healing.

At the very corner on the first floor of the building, at the back of one specific shelf lay a hidden door without a knob, showing only those who knows how to open it can enter or the Master of the Clan.

After leaving the two earlier, instead of going to her Room Xiao decided to come here at the library, Xiao carefully walked to the hidden door used her Spiritual Energy on the door to open it. As soon the door opened she went inside and closed it back the way she opened it, careful not to let anyone see. As the door closed Just behind that door was another label of library but this time not as bright as the one outside.

This place is being lit by bunch of Lamps, a couple of chairs near a shelves. Xiao sat down quietly on one of the chairs, closed her eyes and started to meditate.

In a Restaurant that's bustling with customers, One of it's room was occupied by two men. One is in Purple the other is wearing a half mask covering only his eyes and nose. Both of them drinking alcohol quietly, a moment later and the man in Purple talk.

"It's been a couple thousands of years and you failed to kill the oldest daughter of Fen Hua" the man started, voice is calm yet thousands of threat is visible in it. "Yuwan, you're starting to disappoint me" the man said pouring himself an alcohol and lifted it but didn't drink the Alcohol in it. "Seems like you don't value your precious daughter's life, don't you Yuwan." The man said and looked at them before smashing the cup on the table spilling the alcohol.

"You're Excellency, Give me more time I promise you I will accomplish my mission, please don't hurt my daughter" The man begged. The man in Purple grin and drink the alcohol and poured another on his cup.

"This is your last chance Yuwan, finish your task before the Black Lotus Bloom or else, Your precious daughter will be dead" The man said and left the inn. The man who was left behind heaved a breath like something heavy was lifted from him when the guy left. If it weren't for my daughter's sake I wouldn't even work for you!: the man thought and drink the alcohol on the cup smashing it lightly on the table before heading out.

After meditating, Xiao decided to stay for a bit and Read her personal favorite book of poem. She was already reading almost half of the book, when the door opened. Master Xuan entered the Forbidden Library and saw Xiao, sitting in an elegant manner as she read a book.

"A-Xiao" he called.

Hearing the familiar voice she raised her gaze and saw her shifu. She smiled and stand up before walking towards her Shifu and greet him, slightly bending down hands Infront of her chest.

"You're back" she said. "How was your conference with the God of War?" She asked looking at her Shifu who is a bit tired.

"His Majesty Suggested to investigate the matters. He said that he'll be the one to handle it as it concerns the Everlasting Peaks" he explained and Xiao just nodded.

"Alright, then I hope his Majesty would successfully know about the culprit" she said and look at her shifu. "Shifu, You need to get rest you looked tired" she said and supported him.

"We still need to send Zhou Li off" He said making Xiao realized that today Zhou Li will be going back to his mission.

"Shifu, Is it okay if me and Xin Yi would come with him?" Xiao asked. "A-Xiao, Zhou Li's Journey will be dangerous. Finding the God of war's Oldest daughter is not an easy task, we are not the only one who's finding her. Besides this task is part of his cultivation as he also needs it if he wants to be an Immortal." Master Xuan explained.

"Then, it is more convenient for him to have someone to help him, Shifu Please I promise I will take care of Myself and Xin Yi" She Pleaded, something inside of her is eager to come with Zhou Li for an unknown reason.

"What's the reason?" He Asked. "That's my reason" she replied. "Really?" Her Shifu asked and she nodded. Master Xuan went silent for a moment.

"Shiifuuu" she then said tugging the sleeve oh His Robe. "Alright, Enough tugging my clothes" Master Xuan said. Xiao smiled and thanks her Shifu giving him a hug before she left him there and went to her Room.

Master Xuan Went to the Entrance Gate of their clan. On contrary Xiao was dragging Xin Yi to her room and told her they will be going with Zhou Li.

"Shijie, why do you suddenly want to come with him?" She said as she watch Xiao getting a pouch money.

"Xin Yi, I just wanted to have an adventure along the way, it is not easy for us to have an adventure as we are busy in our trainings" She simply said. Besides there's a weird feeling inside of me, whoever's the one Zhou Li's searching I have to know as well: those words only linger in her mind.

They went outside and head-on to the entrance where their shifu and Zhou Li are waiting. As they arrived Master Xuan and Zhou Li was already bidding their Goodbyes.

"Send the me and the Empress a message when you get some news" He said to Zhou Li. "Yes, Shifu" Zhou Li Replied.

"Shifu, we are ready" Xiao said. "Alright, on your journey do not forget to still train and don't slack off, you know what to do the rest of the way. And don't forget to comeback on the day of the Banquet, Xiao your presence is important in that day." He said to them. Xiao nodded and They all bid their Good byes and depart from the mountain.

They start their Journey, keeping themselves low to not alarm anyone that has the same goals as them. They travelled for about couple of days, riding a rented carriage to travel far distances. Staying at an Inn whenever night has come, and travel again the next day. Xiao and Xin Yi didn't forget their shifu's advice and they kept training whenever they will take a break along the journey.

Inside a carriage were three people, two women and A man. Zhou Li was sitting straight, eyes closed, hands resting on both of his knees. Xin Yi was looking out the window enjoying the sceneries wind blowing her hair a bit. Xiao However, is as usual is eating again the fruits the bought from the market they just left. Left hand is holding a Book of Poem.

"Jie!" Xin Yi suddenly yelled making the two that's been quite the whole time jolt in surprised. "What is wrong with you, suddenly yelling like something happened" Xiao said closing her book and Zhou Li made a sigh of relief.

"Isn't this place called the Water Lily Garden Lake?" She exclaimed looking at them before turning back her gaze.

"Look!" She said pointing at a far distance. At first you can only see A village at the other end of the lake, but when you took a closer look on the water is full of different shades of Color of the water Lily flowers.

"It is, and it's more beautiful than the books has described" Xiao agreed as she sit beside Xin Yi on the window.

"Li Shixiong, You have read a book about this Lake haven't you?" She asked the man. "Yes I have, it said that Water Lily Garden Lake is the home of the Divine Flower Fairy. But when the Divine Fairy is said to be gone, the one who is left to guard this place is The Divine Fairy's Trusted Water Beast. From thousands of years many wants to take over the Lake But didn't Succeed under the presence of the Water beast, keeping all the Flower Guardians safe. The Beast Guard the Village from the water while the Guardians protect the Village from the land" He began to explain. The two was just listening to him with amusement.

The carriage stopped beside a road near a small Port. There is no boat around but their is a few lily pads that is forming a straight line, it looks like a bridge that no ordinary Human can cross. The three stand at the edge of the port observing the Surrounding.

"Looks like we have to run across using this lily pads" Xiao said. "What? But Isn't the beast under water if we cross it might, come after us" Xin Yi said.

"Just me and Xiao, you are an exception " Zhou Li said looking at the water. "What?" They both asked. "Xin Yi is a Flower Fairy doesn't she? A beast wouldn't hurt someone who is from this Village" He explained. "But I am not from here" Xin Yo defended.

"Yes don't, but your parents are. They left this place a long time ago when the Divine Fairy passed. The village was in a great Chaos back then you were just a new born. For your own safety they evacuated somewhere, The God of war helped them settle somewhere near A small Lake in the Heavenly Realm. That makes you a part of this Village." He explained. Xin Yi was shock her parents did tell her where they came from but because of how many years has passed she must have forgotten about it.

"If you don't believe me try and cross the Lily pad path" He suggested and stepped aside. Xin Yi was a bit of hesitant but still stepped forward nervously. She stare at the Lily Pads. She looked at Xiao who smiled at her and moved her head towards the village telling her to go.

Xin Yi Closed her eyes and jumped landing on one of the Lily Pads, she Continue to run after a minute or so she then landed at the other edge of the port. She looked back at the two people standing their still hasn't move, she knows she has to do something. She ran into the village and came across with one of the Guardian of the village named Lin Lin, which is luckily the leader of the guardian. She asked Lin Lin for help to get her friend across the lake without Disturbing the beasts slumber and not put them in danger. The Woman hesitate at first and asked her name and who are her parents.

"My Name's Xin Yi, and my parent's name were Bai Fang and Yang Lan, Shijie please help my friend get across here?" She said in a hurried voice, the Girl froze for a moment but still asked Xin Yi where they are and head on.

After almost an hour of waiting they saw to people on the other side one is like pointing at telling the other that it is them the will be helping. Xiao went to the tree near the lake and gently tap Zhou Li's shoulder to waker him. He stand up and went near the edge of the port and look at the other side.

Meanwhile, Xin Yi on the other side is asking how should her friends can get across. "We will make a bridge for them" the woman simply said.

"We?" Xin Yi asked. "Didn't you want my help to get them across. We have to make the bridge together to make it stronger. If you're a Flower Fairy use your powers to make the petals of the flowers on the lake a bridge" The woman gently said and started so she did as well. Both of them swaying their hands to use their powers and built a bridge out of lily petals.

"Worthy of the name Flower Guardian" Xiao thought as she saw the petal bridge come towards them. They both took a few steps back as the bridge is complete, they looked at each other and started to walk across. As they arrived at the center the bridge is starting to disappeared so they both jumped towards Xin Yi and landed next to her.

"Shijie! Li Shixiong!" She called. The two of them bend their half body forward and thank the woman for helping them. "It is but a small favor, No need to such formality. Please ,Young Master, Young Ladies follow me" She said smiling beautifully.

They follow her into the Village, as they all walk along the way, Xiao didn't failed to notice that some of the residents or not a Flower Fairy, but few of them are mortals.

"I apologize for asking this but, could you please tell me your names before we arrived at the Spring Hall?" The Woman Asked and looked at them.

"My Name's Xiao, and this is our Senior brother, Zhou Li" she answered politely with an energetic town. "You're place is really beautiful" she complimented. "Thank You, Young Lady Xiao we are keeping our best to stabilize the flow of energy here to keep everyone safe and sound" she replied.

"Please Welcome to the Guardians Residence, The Spring Hall" She replied bowing to them before leading them inside.



I was supposed to update but got held up by work so I just Finished typing today.

Keep enjoying my story And keep supporting me until the End of the Story.

Love Lots ❤️

Ms Yang

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