
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

That Baby Is Me

"Leave now!" A man shouted, Xiao turned around and saw the same place and event. "No I won't leave!" A woman shouted. The man is already covered in blood. "Save our daughters Jiaoxan, Go!" The man said. The woman cried loudly and dragged the Young Lady with her. As they continue to run Xiao followed behind them going inside the burning House, they ran into a hallway and went into one specific room, as they entered the blurry vision of a woman pushing something on the wall was shown in Xiao's dream, it was a button for a hidden door into a hidden chamber inside their forbidden room. As the two woman went inside she did aswell. "Mother" the girl asked in a whisper tone. Xiao was with them but it seems like they don't know she was there. She can't see their faces but one thing caught her eyes. The necklace that a young lady was wearing in that moment. She touched her neck where the necklace lays and looked at the pendant, it is the same necklace she is wearing.

Who exactly are you people? Why are you hunting me like this? Answer me!: she shouted at them while crying, but they ignored her as if she really wasn't there when that incident happened. She watched them like she's part of the whole dream–which she isn't. She watched the woman hand the baby in the Young Lady's arms.

'That baby–it is the child on the painting in the Empress' Room at the Palace–but that painting is me when I was a new born': Xiao looked at the child closely. 'Why does the child have the same forehead mark as me?' : she moved closer kneeling in front of the Lady, she tried to touched the child's cheek but failed as it is only a dream.

As her hand reached the child's skin. The place went blurry and when it is finally starting to clear the place was not the same.

Huh? Where am I now?: from the lamp lighted room. The place suddenly change and Xiao was then at a yard that is now full of ashes and smoke, she was standing at a corner, she looked around without taling a step from where she was after a minute of looking around she saw the lady's back facing towards her, walking around the burnt yard, as if looking around hoping someone is still alive or if the enemies are still around.

After some time she turned around, Xiao on the other hand can't see the face of the lady, all she saw was a Red Robe Lady with a blurry picture. She watched as the lady came to a halt. A group of men in black and a man in Purple Surrounded her. Xiao didn't know why but she wants to protect the lady, she tried to run towards her but her feet couldn't move as if something is stopping her too.

They engaged into a fight and not a single moment did Xiao's heart failed to skip a beat. The Lady managed to wound her enemy. Xiao was happy for a moment only to be worried again when all of them charged at her all at once.

She tried to run towards that Young Lady, but still failed miserably. 'No! Why can't I move?!' she cried to herself and watch the enemies getting closer to the Lady. As if the time stopped and everything went slow, all Xiao could hear was her heart beating loudly making her almost deaf by it's sound.

She was shocked when the men in black was forced to step back and in just a second all of them vanished like they never existed.

She looked at the Lady's state and her heart ache by what she saw. 'I don't know you, nor do I see your face so I could at least know your face but–but why do my heart aches so much for you?'. She kept staring at the Lady's back. Just as when the Lady turned around, she was awakened.

Xin Yi was right beside her when she opened her eyes. She felt a soft fabric in her cheeks. She frowned and looked at Xin Yi who is looking at her in a worried look.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking so sad? And what's with the handkerchief?" She continuesly asked and sat up, leaning against the headboard of her Bed, looking at Xin Yi in Confusion.

"Shijie, I knocked on your door but you didn't answer so I just let myself in. When I entered your room I saw you crying in your sleep. I wiped your tears just now" she explained in a soft voice.

'I was crying?': when Xin Yi said she was crying she felt the side of her eyes and it was indeed still a bit wet. Xiao sighed ,'it must because of my dream' she thought to herself and looked at Xin Yi.

She caress the latter's hair and smiled, trying to reassure her Friend. "Alright, I was just having a dream that's all, stop worrying now, okay?" She said pinching her Cheeks. "Jie, you still didn't able to see their faces?" She asked, Xiao paused and looked out the window. "Their is one person who I saw in my dreams" she calmly said.

Xin Yi's face beamed and sat down on her bed as she was kneeling. "Really? Who was it?" She asked, Xiao looked at her and held her hand.

"Would believe me if tell you that the one who I was able to see was Myself?" She said. "You? Shijie what do you mean?" She asked and gently pressed Xiao's hand, worried about what her dream was. Xiao sighed and touched the necklace on her neck.

"Every characters of my dreams was a blur since I started to dreamed about them. From the Family of three living a happy life, until to the chaotic event. Back then when I dreamed about a tragedy, I didn't see a newborn. But now in my dream, I saw this Necklace in a neck of a lady around her Teenage. By the time I saw it is the exact time I saw the baby's face" she looked at Xin Yi. "The baby was me" She said right Infront of Xin Yi's eyes.

Xin Yi just looked at her. Mouth opening and closing as if trying to tell something. They went silent for a bit before Xin Yi talked.

"But Shijie, How do you know it was you?" She asked. "At first I was not quite sure, but when I looked closer I confirmed it was me. Xin Yi before I became Shifu's Disciple, you do know I came from the Heavenly Palace right?" She told her and Xin Yi nodded. "Back in the palace, in my room before there was a painting of me when I still a baby. I was already a couple months old when they made it, but you can still see the similarities. And besides that the baby in my dream has this mark too." She explained and pointed her forehead where a mark looking like a flame but white colored mark.

Xin Yi went silent for a while and thinking about her Shijie's dreams. "Xin Yi, could you promise me one thing?" He suddenly asked. Xin Yi looked at her in confusion but still listened.

"Promise me, not to tell any one what I told you today. I don't know why but I have a gut that I have to keep this a secret for the time being." She said. Xin Yi's forehead creased.

"Even Shifu and Li Gege?" She said and Xiao nodded. "Why?" She asked again. " Until I can fully see their faces, I won't figure out who they are in my life. I already have a guess that they are my family but I still don't know who they are. I need to remember everything before telling it to other. Can you keep the promise?" She asked Xin Yi.

The Latter understand what her Shijie meant. It is difficult to tell anyone about her dreams when it is still unclear and confusing. Xin Yi nodded, lifted her right arms, hands formed into a fist except for the pinky finger. Xiao Smiled. "Until the day I die, The Secret I promised shall be kept in my mind. Never shall I broke it, else it'll cause me my Life" Xin Yi then chanted. Xiao Sealed the Promise but not without having her promise be countered. 'The promise you made may be broken, accidentally or on purpose. In this moment of promising each other I seal. The moment this promise is broken no lives shall be taken." Both of them pressed their thumbs to each other making a comfortable air around them.

They both smiled. After that Xiao went to prepare for their departure from the Lake. After that they leave the Lake and continued their journey. They arrived at the port and this time Three of the guardian sent them off by making a bridge again for them to cross. They all thanked the three and walked over the bridge unto the other side.

"Looks like we have to walk today. The Carriage we rented seems to went back home" Zhou Li said as the three of them Arrived at the other side where they come from. "Let's Go" He said, the two didn't protest as they do understand that protesting won't help so they just walk away from the lake and trail the path they are walking.

Zhou Li and Xiao come to a halt when they heard a growl. Their forehead creased when they didn't see any animals nearby. When they heard another growl their gaze went to Xin Yi, only then did they realize that it was her stomach that's growling.

"Sorry, I'm just really hungry now, we didn't even stay for Breakfast earlier to atleast fill our stomachs before heading on to our journey." She said rubbing her stomach. They are walking for almost 3 hours now and all of them a obviously hungry. They then decided to find a place they could have a rest. After a while of searching they found a river along the path where it's shore is shady because of the tall bamboo's. They settled there to have their lunch which Zhou Li had bought before departing. He waved his hand and Small dining table appeared with ood already served.

"Wow! That was amazing. Li Gege would you mind teaching me how to do it?" Xiao said amazed by what she saw. The Man just smiled and told them to sit down. "Please, Li Gege?" She said not leaving him alone.

"Eat already, we have a long journey ahead" he said stopping her. She then leave him alone and eat her meal. But right after they jave finished eating and now resting for a bit she started to follow him anywhere asking him to teach her. The man stopped aggressively and turned to her.

"A-Xiao, we still have a long journey ahead and an important mission to do. This mission is not just for me Cultivating but also for your training. Now You two start trainig while I'm resting, because I have to save my energy just incase we come across people who has bad intentions" He nagged. "But–"

"Shut up, start training" He said. Xiao was about to talk again when Zhou Li finally threatened her to use his power to closed her mouth. Even though she didn't get to know what kind of method it was she did feel a bit of nervousness so she just drag Xin Yi and went by the river. Both of them engaged into a sword duel, after an hour they went from using sword to using their powers and Martial Skills.

They went on it for almost half the day before Zhou Li called them to take a rest. They both smiled and bend their half bodies towards each other before arms-in-arms walking towards Zhou Li. They were both given a water, which Zhou Li got from who-knows-where. They both drink it and took a rest for a bit before they proceed to their Journey.



Sup My lovely readers, Hope you're all having a good day because I absolutely am having a great day even though it is Boiling hot on earth right now to the point I can cook a Sunnyside up egg at this moment.

Anyways, that's all for this chapter hope you enjoyed reading it, and please stay until the end of the story.


Ms Yang