
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Golden Cherry Blossom Tree

Gentle Wind blow Coldly at the top of Cloudy Mountain, the training is over and everyone is on their own little worlds doing their own tasks. One is just standing by the Golden Cherry Blossom tree by the edge of their Yard. Just by standing their one could see the view of the clouds outside of their Clan. It's calming yet the one who is viewing it felt empty and lonely somehow.

Looking at a faraway distance, different kinds of thoughts running on ones head. How does it feel when you have a Parents? how does it feel, to see your Parents ever since you had a mind on your own?. Lifting her hand to her chest Xiao Made a big sigh as she close her eyes thinking how happy would she be if she has A family by blood of her own by her side.

I always dreamed of this three people, always kept me wondering who are they in my life why do they kept on hunting me like I did something wrong: she thought. She kept fidgeting on the necklace making her calm a bit of her mind. Someone who's many friends in this life yet still so miserable inside, can someone still call this happiness when you feel contented but empty inside at the same time.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned around and saw the man she see as a father. Both of them is now standing face to face, as she bowed down a bit to greet the newcomer.

"Shifu" she called the didn't answer. " What it's like to have a family?" She said. Long silence then come between them winds blowing their Sleeves and hair.

"A-Xiao, a family could be anyone. It could be a friend or a subordinate. Having a family is one of everyone's greatest gift, they are there to protect you, love, and cherish you. They can teach you Good things in life." Her shifu answered after a long silence.

"Then, what it is like to have a biological parents?" She asked. Master Xuan Froze for a moment and smile.

"It's overwhelming, some might be thankful and grateful they have a parents, because they get to be treated nicely, being cherished and love, some others Don't as they get to be treated badly. The can't feel the love of their parents which lead to resentment and desperation to gain their love. But in my Experience Most of the parents love their child. They Love their child to the point they can sacrifice themselves just for their children to be safe and sound" He said and smiled stroking her hair gently.

"A-xiao, You not know or as you know, You have plenty of family here, we might not be your biological family but you know if needed we would protect you even if it cost us our lives" He added after a while.

"Shifu, You don't have to protect me at all costs, I can also protect myself, I can fight to protect you all side by side no one will leave" she said in a serious voice making the one who heard it Laugh softly.

"Alright, Our A-Xiao is a fully adult now" He said touching the tip of her nose. The Woman then smiled widely. A strong gust of wind blew their Robes and the petals of the cherry blossom. Xiao lift her hand to catch a sine petals near her.

"The Golden Cherry Blossom tree is quite blooming pretty well this past few years. I wonder why." She talked to herself and looked at her Shifu.

"Our Clan is for those kinds of Birds, Flower Fairy, and future warriors. This tree resembles Rebirth, Renewal and New Beginnings. This was Planted by the God Of war long ago as A gift and blessings to our Clan. Every disciples of Cloudy Mountain's new beginnings start here. The word rebirth and renewal describes the Mystical Bird and the most Respected one in all kinds of birds. The Phoenix Queen, it is said that before the former Phoenix Queen passes there would be a new one who will arrive. No one knows when, it can be born when the former Queen is still alive or it could be many years after the Queen of all Birds death" Master Xuan said like his just telling a story but this story is being told by a witness himself.

"So you mean that, this cherry blossom is giving us the Motivation to be Strong in every new beginnings of our trainings inside the Cloudy Mountain Clan." She said in general making her Shifu smiles. "Shifu what happens to this tree if another Phoenix will be Born?" She asked

"As of now the Golden Cherry Blossom tree's flowers is in a mixed color of white and Pink. Once another Phoenix will reborn it'll turned into a darker shades of color." He said. "A-Xiao, listen carefully this tree was planted here by the God of War on purpose, because of another reason" He explained making the Latter Frowned because of her Shifu's seriousness.

"What other reason could their be?" She asked. "It is not time for you to know yet. But please do remember that when this tree dies the one who has to suffer is the one who resembles the tree." He explained and Xiao knows that even a 10 years old Kid would understand that who her shifu meant was the soon to be reborn Phoenix Queen.

"The tree is Still alive as of now....it only means one thing" she whispered and looked at her Shifu who nodded. Yes The oldest child of the God of war and the Former Phoenix Queen is still alive: Master Xuan only said those words in his mind didn't dare to speak it out loud in front of Xiao for some unknown reason.

"This tree is being protected now by the Empress' Power, so for now we can feel at ease and need not to worry." Her shifu Said and she just kept quiet.

"Alright, I'll be going now I still need to go somewhere" He said After a that.

"Where are you going shifu?" She asked and turned to her shifu.

"I will be heading to the palace To have a private talked to the God Of Water and other Clan Masters about the incident at the Everlasting Mountain." He just explained making the other nod.

"Shifu, I think it is best if you won't mentioned anything about the man we saw that day. I can feel something odd that day let General Chao explain since we saw a piece of his fabric." Xiao stated. Although confused her Shifu Didn't say anything but nodded.

"Alright, take care in here always don't venture far okay?" He warned making the other smiled and give a soft laugh.

"I won't shifu" She assured. Master Xuan then nods and left her their.

After a while she decided to take a walk around their Clan's Manor. Looking out at the flowers in the path she smiles in contentment. They really did a great job planting these back then, the smell is good making the place more like a Young Lady's Residence Yard.

"Shijie!" Xin Yi Called, as she turned around she saw Xin Yi's face and almost laugh out loud.

"What happened to your face, why is it covered in dirt?" She said taking out a handkerchief and gently wiping her friend's face.

"Li Shixiong, he-" she was cut off when Zhou Li then came running as well face covered in dirt.

"W-what in the heaven's blessings did you two do to yourselves?" She said hands on her Forehead and gave Zhou Li her Handkerchief and uses her Sleeve to wipe the rest of the dirt on Xin Yi's face.

"We were planting some Tulips near the Pond on the other side of the Yard. I was digging some dirt to make a beddings for the Flowers but then..." Xin Yi stopped and look at her Shixiong glaring at her.

"She dig too fast and the dirts went flying to our faces, it is quite a wet soil as it is near the pond and so this is our looks now" He finished explaining.

Xiao was A bit Shocked and looked at Xin Yi who is pouting making her laugh and then cover her mouth to suppress it.

"Cough.....Xin Yi I told you not to torture the soil by digging too fast" she said and looked at the now cleaned face Xin Yi.

"Shijie, he did say I was a slowpoke that's why I got pissed and did it" she said in a guilty tone. "I'm sorry" She added.

"Forgiven" Xiao Simple Said and looked at Zhou Li

"And you, You are much older than her a couple of years why are you acting like a child, Li Shixiong?" She nag at her Older Senior.

"I didn't do so!" He defended. "Yes You did!" Xin Yi growled back and the battle of the two starts, making her head ache.

"Alright, alright that's enough" she stopped them.

"He/she started it" the said in unison. Xiao rolled her eyes.

"Look at you too, I don't care who started it. Li Shixiong You are much older than the both of us so you must know better, and Xin Yi didn't Shifu always told you not to let you emotions controlled you all the time on simple matters" she nag again and the two was about to talked

"Shh!" She hushed them. "Aishhh" she hush them again when they attempt to talk again. Finally they stopped making an "hmp!" sound.

"Look at both of you acting like 6 years old fighting over a candy" she said frustrated.

"I will be going to the spring near outside our Clan—Don't argue even in just a bit!" She warned them and went out.

After a couple minutes of walking she arrived at the Light Spring, looking around making sure no one's arround she use her Spiritual power to take her robes and Sink her body up to her shoulder immediately, avoiding anyone saw her unclothed skin. By the time her robes have landed by the side on the spring she them heaved a sigh and closed her eyes meditating peacefully.

Her Peaceful Meditation was cut off an hour after by some sound near behind a tree. She waved her hands aggressively getting her robes and wear it before dashing into the Tree pointing her sword at someone. She frowned when she recognizes the man.

"Young Master, this place is strictly forbidden, without any invitation from my Shifu no one can enter the Mountain. How did you het it?" She asked coldy pointing the Tip of her sword in his neck.

The man just looked at her in the eyes not answering. She then lifted her sword on his Chin eyes turned into cold as eyes as she stares at the man.

"No need to be pointing sharp thing on my neck" He said, his voice is calm yet it sends shiver on the back of her hair, but still she put away her sword. Hair still dripping wet she asked.

"Again, what are you doing here and how did you get it?" She asked again.

"To stare at a beauty from a distance, as for how did I Get in, you don't have to know" He simple said. The other's face heated up as if all her blood went to her face.

"Pervert!" She said and walked away. She was walking fast when she felt a wind on her back. The Man was the Master of the other man named Chang Yu, who is now trying to grab her waist.

She jumped a couple feet away and Lunch an attack to the man with her sword. They give a few attacks to each other before Xiao thought an escape plan.

She then smile to the man. "See you next time Mr. Pervert!" And rolled her eyes before kicking a dead tree causing it to break and fall near the man. He got distracted and looked up before jumping backwards giving Xiao an opportunity to Escape.

The man just stand there and stared at the exact place where she Stands earlier before A man Came out of who–knows–where.

"Oh! Looks like she has now got a bad impression on you, Master" it was Chang Yu. The man glared at him making him to shut up and leave the place at once.

Xiao on the other hand, was in a bad mood going back to the Cloudy Manor. And as she arrived she saw the two arguing again. She could only rub her temple and sighed.

"What now? You two still aren't finish?" She be asked in a tired tone.

"Shijie, Shixiong won't give me a fruit he's eating!" Xin Yi said and went to her like a Child telling her mother who's bullying her.

"How many time do I have to tell that you're allergic to these!" The man frustratingly said. Xiao then went near Zhou Li took a look at what his eating.

"Xin Yi This is a Walnut, you know you're not allowed to eat anything that has nuts on it let alone just Nuts." She scold her like a sister making the latter lower their heads.

"Alright, stop with that moves. How about Raspberries? I have somehow picked these up on my way home, you can have it" she said comforting Xin Yi.

The Latter then smiled and accepted the berries looking at her Shixiong in a teasing way and the man just Rolled his eyes and crack the walnut.

"Li Shixiong, the walnut didn't do anything to you stop crushing them so hard even the nut inside is crushed" Xiao said and arch her brow.

"Now, I will be in my room to get some rest–dont fight while I'm resting or shifu will punish you two" she said warning them both. They both nod and so she left them.



LoveLots 💋

Ms Yang

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