
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · Fantasy
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14 Chs


I woman in Red standing beside a Plum blossom Tree, hair and sleeves of her robe swaying as the wind blew by. When the woman turned around it is blurry all one could see was a silhouette of a woman looking at another. A dream that Xiao's always Experiencing, longing to see the faces of the characters but as soon as the person/people in her dreams turned around to look at her, either she wakes up or the scenes are blurry.

As she tried to recognize the woman, it then disappeared, and when she look around the scene was dark. People running away while screaming, as she looked at scene it's not blurry but once she looked at the characters of her dream, she could only see a blurry vision of them.

She turned around and saw a silhouette of A Woman in her middle age years, beside her was a Maiden. Her Forehead creased as she tried to clear her vision but failed, The dreamer can see their human beings running towards her and halt she can hear them screaming at someone, like they're trying to stop someone from doing something. She thought: "Who're they shouting?" And she turned around.

A man in blue was facing his back to them while facing a man In Purple that's wearing a cloak and a half mask preventing someone to see his face. The man in blue didn't answer them instead he told the two woman to leave the place. The Man in cloak then give an attack, the other then made a barrier to protect themselves from it as they exchange attacks. 'Who are they? Why am I dreaming about this people my whole life? I don't know them nor did I ever meet them since I was a child' She thought as she turned her gaze to the other women.

She can't see their faces, yet she can feel an inexplicable feeling in her chest. Staring at the blurry scene she felt a drop of water dripping from her cheeks. She frowned again as she wipe her tears and thought: Why Am I crying? Who are they?.

"Shijie!" Someone shouted waking her up on her bed, forehead full of sweats, Breathing fast as if she was out of air in her lungs. Someone then gave her a water.

"A-Xiao" a concerned voice then erupted, she look up and saw the three most important people in her life. She smiled–a faint one.

"I'm fine Shifu, A-Yi, Shixiong" She said trying to ease their worries, she heave a nig sigh as she let her feet hang in her bed.

"Just a Nightmare, nothing to worry about" she again said smiling at them. Although her Shimei and Shixiong seems to be feel at ease, her master however still didn't.

Nightmare are always the results of something big that you experienced when you were young. In other's case this might feel normal but in her case, she was still an infant when the traumatic tragedy happened. Is it just some kind of natural nightmares like anyone would in their sleep? No it isn't. Then it couldn't be the necklace she's wearing isn't it?

Master Xuan was in deep thoughts he couldn't hear what they are saying to him, until Xiao stood up and hold his arms while she look at him.

"Shifu, I'm really am just fine" She said in a soft voice and smiled. In the eyes of outsiders Master Xuan is simply Her Shifu who took her as his disciple under The Heavenly Empress' order. But In the eyes of their members Seniors or juniors, Master Xuan Sees Xiao as his Biological Daughter while the Latter saw Master Xuan her Father and they both can feel their love for each other as a Father–Daughter Bond. Which is why Xiao understand why her Shifu is worried about her just having a nightmare.

Xiao didn't know but her Shifu knows many things about her than she could ever know about herself. Master Xuan caress her hair gently and sigh.

"Alright, go back to sleep now tomorrow You will be having A training but this time don't exhaust yourself too much" He said in a gentle voice. She gave him a smile and wrap her arms around her shifu's waist leaning her head oh his chest as she made an 'hm' sound.

"Alright, you know to call when you need anything it's either me, your Shixiong, or Your Friend A-yi" he said as he cupped her face.

"Yes, Shifu" She said without making an 'esh' sound as she talkes as her cheeks was being cupped gently but her Shifu seemed to be enjoying it and pushed her cheeks gently making her fave looking like a pufferfish.

A little while and Master Xuan let go of her face with a satisfied grin on his face and excuse himself to them. Xiao could only said and 'oh' and looked at his back as she rubbed her cheeks.

"Shijie, Can I sleep in here tonight?" Xin Yi asked, she understand what the reason was so she agreed, even though she already said She's fine, knowing her friend since they were young it'll not be at ease when she's not by her side.

"Alright" She agreed and looked at her Shixiong.

"Li Shixiong, thanks for the concern I will be okay now, Xin Yi is here with me. You can go back to sleep now, Sorry for worrying you" She genuinely apologize. She really didn't want them to worry, a bit of guilt urge in her chest because of it.

"A-Xiao, No need to feel guilty it's normal for us to worry about you. You are our family afterall " he said and smiled before telling them to have a good sleep and leave the room closing the door as he was outside of it.

Even though she don't have a parents, her Shifu, Zhou Li, Xin Yi and The Empress didn't make her feel out of place. They make her feel loved and appreciated in anyway, although there still someone who's being rude to her every time they see her but she didn't pay any attention nor grudge against them. She's happy and contented with what she have it is more than enough for her.

She smiled when she Looked at Xin Yi already beside her eyes closed, breathing is even fast asleep, A year after she arrived at the Cloudy Mountain, Xin Yi was brought by a man named Lu Ru, one of her parents's trusted Guard. Back then this girl was really fragile and Shy, whenever someone talked to her she would always Low her head and only move her head up and down or Side to side whenever she was asked.

She gently stroke the hair of the sleeping Xin Yi, pulling a strand of hair that's on her face and pull the Blanket to her chest to warm her up. When she saw Xin Yi back then, she was at once mesmerized by her extraordinary beauty, it's like pulling her towards her and she just started to talk to her, it didn't take long for Xin Yi to talk to her and smiled as if she had trusted her making her heart felt warm and melted just by Gazing at her smile, from then on she saw Xin Yi as her Little Sister, always protecting her even in her shifu who's just training her. She let out a soft laugh as she remembers one event.

It was winter season when Master Xuan Told them to practice in the yard in the middle of the cold season. Xiao at that time knows that Xin Yi was a bit sensitive when it come to cold wether so she protested and Argued with her shifu that Xin Yi must be spared atleast just for that time. Master Xuan Didn't agree and told her it is better for her to let her body be used to cold to strengthen her body more. They went on it for a quite a while before she surrendered, because Xin Yi interrupted them saying she can handle it and it is better for her to get used to the cold when she is still young rather than when she is old. She was upset with her shifu that time to the point that She ignored him for a day, if her Shifu didn't bring her a couple of calligraphies and brushes and Papers that day she wouldn't forgive him for the mistake he didn't even do.

Now that she thought about it, all her shifu has said is quite right, because Xin Yi is now okay whenever winter season is coming she would even drag her outside to play after they returned to their Rooms when their training is over. Resulting Xin Yi to be happy and she felt contented by the moment only to have a cold the next day.

She then laugh at herself and then decided to lay down beside Xin Yi putting her arms on the latters waist as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, a faint smile plastered on her lips.

The Next day Xin Yi wake up and felt something was on her waist, she looked at it and saw her Shijie's arms wrapped around her tiny waist, she smiled and sat up before gently tapping Xiao's fave to wake her up. The sun is now Shining Brightly at the sky and the training is about to start.

Even though Xiao was still Lethargic, she was then force to get up and washed up as she knows her shifu is not a fan of exception. After she took a wash and changed she then went out and saw Xin Yi already got changed and then drag her to the Yard, everyone else is already their besides them and their shifu. 'Thank Goodness ' Xin Yi Thought as she drags her Shijie besides Zhou Li.

"Good thing shifu isn't early, today" he said looking at Xiao who is still a bit drowsy. She rub her eyes and yawn but then her yawn was cut off when the two hit her gently as their shifu is Arriving.

"Good day every one today all of you must train to prepare yourselves for the upcoming Banquet at the heavenly Palace. It may be still a bit far but we still need to stabilize our trainings and spiritual energy as we will be in charge of Guarding The Celebration together with the Heavenly Guards" He announced.

"Yes!" Everyone replied. Master Xuan then looked at Xiao making her look at him in confusion.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, shifu?" She asked. Her master then talked while smiling

"Everyone will be Guarding except you" He said making Xiao open her mouth making an 'ah?" Sound, confused in the moment.

"Why not?" She asked him. "I'm part of Cloudy Mountain's Disciple afterall" she explained.

"The empress said so" Zhou Li said to her. "When?" She asked. Xin Yi rolled her eyes and talked to her.

"Jie, stop asking and just agree, don't push it" she said making Xiao Sighed and nod but still thinking of asking her Majesty when the time's come.

"Start your Training and don't you dare Slouch even for a bit, except for a break or when it's time to eat or when the practice is over" He said with authority.

"Yes!" They replied and the three once again guide the co–disciples. Even though Xiao is Guiding her Juniors correctly, jer mind was still in a Different dimension, thinking about the reason why her Shifu and the Empress didn't want her to Join Guarding the Banquet.

"Don't hold your sword like that, otherwise you will hurt yourself, here" she paused and teach the Young Junior on how to hold the weapon properly. After she was done guiding the young Junior she stands straight and raom around. "Remember, the thing you are holding right now, may be just a wooden sword, but always keep in mind that when the right time comes and you engaged into a real battle, You will no longer hold this Wooden sword, instead you will be holding a real Sword. And sword might be a present from your proud Parents or from a great friends of them. In any way you, by the time you will have them, you must hold them not just a simple sword given by someone, You will treat your sword the way you treat a family or friends. Always remember A sword must be once with your soul and body, and Spiritually treat it better and it will comeback to you no matter how you throw it away" as She said that She unsheathed her own sword and throw it in the Air. The sword vanished into a couple Li before all of them see a shining thing coming back towards them. Xiao raised her hands, palm spread open and the sword came back on her hand and face the Juniors.

"Understand what I mean?" She said smiling. The Juniors all answered and went back training, this time they all have a motivation.

"Great teaching, You can be a Shizun One day" Zhou Li said to her and nudge her a bit. She just let out a soft laugh and shakes her head.

"Maybe, I want the most is to teach children everything I know, from reading to Writing Calligraphies. Teaching them Good morals and Understanding" She smiled and look at the Juniors. All of it is true though, she wants to be around children, teaching them all she knows and lived a Happy life.

As the day went on, the afternoon finally arrived. As the disciples were training, the three of them once again went into the kitchen to cook. The man was about to reach the kitchen but Xiao Stop him.

"Li Shixiong, I'll be cooking this time" She said and head on leaving the two dumbfounded, A doubt lingering in their minds. 'Can she cook?/Won't she burned the kitchen?'. Both gulped and went after her, one won't blame them as the two of them will only see her cook for the first time ever. Since they were young, until now the didn't saw Xiao went near the cooking Area once, that's why they were nervous.

Xin Yi and Zhou Li just stand there watching her preparing the area and washed the Wok even though it is still clean. She then turned around and saw the two staring her. She raised her eyebrow.

"What in the World are you too staring about?" She asked them. "Li Shixiong can you please make a fire?" She asked her Senior brother who instantly nods and do the fire.

"A-yi?" She called the still staring Xin Yi. "What is wrong with you honestly, you ttwo doubt I can cook? Just wait until you taste my dish" she said with great self–esteem.

"Come on, We need the ingredients and the main ingredients for the dishes" She said and drag Xin Yi leaving the man on making a fire.

After they came back with the ingredients, Xiao them Started cooking. It took her only an hour to finished cooking, serving it on the plates and put it on a big serving tray. Then she put some dish on a two small plates and give them to the two 'doubtful' friends making an 'hm' sound as she offered the dish to them.

The two the accepted it and didn't think twice tasting it when they smell the good aroma of the dish. It only took the two a minute or two and the plate was squeaky clean making the Chef open her mouth thinking they're a fast eater.

The two looked at each other. 'She's got an excellent cooking skills" was the only sentence in there minds.

"If you two are finished daydreaming you can put that plate in the bucket of water and help me serve the dishes" she said proudly and start to collect the trays. She waited for them and gave them the trays and she lift the last tray and they all went to the dining hall.

As they finished serving the food, they all waited for their shifu to arrive. Master Xuan sit in his usually spot and stop a bit when he smells the aroma of the foods. He smiles and look at Xiao.

"A-Xiao, you made all of this?" He asked making the disciples halt. Confused look all over their faces. Xiao however, let a soft laugh and nod.

"You still recognize my cooking even just from the smell, shifu even though it's been a long time since the last time a cook" she said smiling. Maste Xuan smiled and pick up a chopsticks.

"Well, I missed your dish so much I could recognize it. All of you start eating" he said and started eating. The disciples even though is Confused they still started eating. After one bite they all complimented her skill saying that it is good as Zhou Li's.

She smiled contently and look at her Shixiong who mouthed a word 'yours is much delicious' making her laugh and eat after.

It is a great honor to let them have her dish once in a while.



Wok - a deep round-bottomed cooking pan of Chinese origin.

Love Lots 💓

Ms Yang