
chapter 5

"One more thing before we start official training.."

"You guys gotta summon your ENARMS!"

"Ibenashi- San w-what are EMARMS?" I finally decided to speak up. Everyone started nodding and looking at Ibenashi.

"Oh yeah you guys are new so you don't know what are ENARMS." We all gave her the -_- face.

"ENARMS are the weapons you're gonna summon to kill the resonates. They are magical weapons that helps to enhance your powers a lot. I mean a hell load." Everyone's eyes were sparkling.

"TELL ME TELL ME! HOW DO YA SUMMON ONE?!" Phina enthusiastically tugged Ibenashi's shirt with gleaming eyes.

Ibenashi smirked.

"Sit down and meditate for 10 hours." Our mouths dropped open. 10 hours?! Is she crazy?! When am I gonna sleep?

"Wait did you say 10 hours?" Kyo's face was totally drained of energy.

"Yup! No rest!" Ibenashi chuckled with her hands on her hips.

Kyo mentally broke down. To be honest, I wanted to too. I needed my sleep.

Phina's face was still frozen with her mouth open. But Izanami was totally fine, still with that expressionless look of her face. I really can't tell what she was thinking.

Then, we all sat down in a row and started meditating.

3 hours passed, everytime Kyo slept, Ibenashi slapped him with a stack of papers.

5 hours passed, I started to feel very sleepy but Phina kept chanting 'unicorns and rainbows unicorns and rainbows' I couldn't go to sleep even if I wanted to.

7 hours passed, *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* *slap*

8 hours passed, *slap* 'unicorns and rainbows' *slap* 'unicorns and rainbows' *slap* 'unicorns and rainbows' *slap*

9 hours passed, the same pattern carried on, it's started to sound like a beat. I started sleeping myself but pinched my leg whenever I did. How is Izanami not even flinching?

10 hours passed, FINALLY!!

"UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS!" both Kyo and Phina said In unison. They're so childish that it's hard to believe that they actually killed people. I let out a sigh and Izanami smiled.

"Ok now you're ready to summon them. Now put your hands out and concentrate like you did just now." We did as she instructed.

Nothing happened for a few minutes, but suddenly, purple aura started surrounding Izanami.

We all focused our eyes on her.

Suddenly, a scythe appeared in her hand. It was black with patterns on the stick and the blade was black.

It looked really cool.

She opened her eyes to see her weapon. Her eye widened and she almost dropped the scythe. She looked at it horrified. Her hands were shaking. And immediately it vanished.

"SOO COOL I WANT ONE!!" Phina cooed as she closed her eyes and concentrated.

Blue aura started surrounding her and a shotgun appeared. When it landed on her hands she opened her eyes and squealed while hugging it.

"Okay I'm next!" Kyo clenched his fist and put out his hand and concentrated. His eyes were shut and sweat appeared on his face.

Then, red aura surrounded him and two daggers appeared in his hands.

"All right!" Kyo squeezed the daggers in his hands and pulled it close to his chest with a smile plastered on his face.

Feeling left out, I did the same thing and concentrated....

3 minutes passed, nothing happened...

This is taking longer than expected..

Another minute passed and finally something landed on my hands. I opened my eyes and found two katanas on my hand. I smiled widely before testing t out. It was super light, almost as if there was nothing there.

I finally thought of looking at my future teammates and they stared at me wide eyed, sweat dropping, I gave them a confused expression.

"Umm Zeke-Kun....-mmpf" Phina was cut off when Ibenashi covered her mouth and pulled all of them to the corner. I just stood there with one eyebrow up looking at them trying to figure out the situation.

They slowly walked back and kept unusually quiet.

There was a awkward silence.

"Okay so you guys get some rest and we'll start official training tomorrow." Ibenashi broke the silence.

I don't know what was going on but I'm too tired to think. Finally, I could get some long-waited rest.