
chapter 4

It was Kusanagi's turn. I wonder what he'll do...

Ibenashi pressed the button and the black figures started appearing the same way it did for Phina.

As soon as about 10 of them appeared. Kusanagi unfolded his arms and smirked.

Suddenly, he threw the only knife he had the his right side, piercing one of them.

As all our eyes were so focused on the single knife, no one realized where Kusanagi went. He disappeared. Then, I looked back at the knife and it was gone too.

"Interesting.." Ibenashi mumbled under he breath. With a finger on her chin.

Before I knew it the shadows started disappearing one by one. There was end to it. I couldn't see Kusanagi at all.

"Is it cus he's fast....?" I mumbled.

"No, he is just concealing himself." Someone interrupted my thoughts. I turned to face Izanami as she analysed Kusanagi's movements.

Suddenly, he appeared again and started kicking and stabbing all the shadows in the room. He was panting. I Guess he was out of breath, probably that technique of his used up all his energy. There was one left and he just effortlessly threw his dagger at it and 'poof' it was gone.

He came out of the room catching his breath. If that used almost all of his energy, then what will it do to me. I suddenly got nervous when I realized that I might go next.

"I'll go next." Izanami raised her hand. She must've realized how scared I was. Totally uncool...

"Will it be okay if I used the same weapon." Ibenashi tossed her another dagger and she skillfully caught it with one hand.

She had the highest number of kill counts so I'm somewhat excited to see her fight.

The same cycle repeated again. Izanami stood at the center of the room and Ibenashi pressed the button.

Shadows started appearing but Izanami never moved, she didn't even flinch. She just stood there as the shadows surrounded her. I got a little worried and was about to call her name when one of the shadows were gonna touch her but...

Suddenly her body vibrated almost like she was a hologram. All the shadows stopped moving and suddenly all of them started disappearing one by one.

My eyes widened. So did everyone else's. Even Ibenashi.

"She's so FAST!" Phina gasped as Izanami teleported everywhere in the small little room killing the shadows one by one with her same expressionless face, as if it was nothing to her. Even my eyes weren't able to follow her movements. She was at one side and in a split second she was at another.

I know I expected her to be good but this is insanity. She's too fast. At least for a normal human being. Was she using magic? I mean I know Kusanagi did... Did magic really exist?

"...a small amount of the next generation possess magic, they call it Ena here. It's basically limited magic."

I suddenly remembered Izanami saying that.

So that's Ena..... No wonder she knew so much about it. So it really does exist!

In minutes, Izanami killed all of them.

When she came out of the room, she looked down. 'You guys probably think I'm a monster by now.' Was a thought lingering in Izanami's mind.

"OMG YOU'RE SOOO GOOD!! TEACH ME TEACH ME!!" Phina jumped onto Izanami causing her to almost fall.

Izanami blushed as she looked at Phina wide eyed. Phina just gave her a heartwarming smile and giggled a little.

My heart started pumping loudly against my chest. I'm next.... What was I going to do? I don't have any special abilities like the rest of them. I'll mess up and they'll all laugh at me....

Shaking, I went over to the table of weapons and found my one and only weapon. A sword. More of a katana. I slowly picked it up and took steps to the room. I inhaled and exhaled as I stepped into the room.

I held the katana with two hands shaking. It was clearly visible. But they were not laughing.... Not even a smile... They looked serious. Then, Ibenashi pressed the button.

Slowly they started appearing, I closed my eyes. 'You can do this you can do this' I let out a deep breath and swung my sword at the shadow. It vanished into black particles.

They were slow...

I ran towards another shadow and swung my sword at it. It vanished too. This was easier than I thought! I thought to myself as I started using my perfect swordsmanship killing every shadow in my way. I didn't feel nervous at all.... I was ecstatic!

Suddenly, the intensity increased. The shadows started coming in faster and even more of them appeared. One was behind me I could sense it somehow. I did a backflip and kicked one in front of me and one behind and pierced through two of them. I kicked another and punched the other. I was actually having fun. Am I being psychotic?

They weren't slow, I was fast.

I sliced them. I kicked them. I punched them. It was too easy.

Finally it ended. I was desperately trying to catch my breath. I left the room to see everyone wide eyed with their mouths agape.

"YESSS!!! THIS IS THE BEST!" Ibenashi shouted suddenly. I almost got a heart attack. She was gleaming with excitement and fist bumping the air. All of us slightly smiled and sweat dropped.

"That was some good moves bro." Kusanagi put his hand around me almost strangling me.

"Could say the same to you Kusanagi-San."

"Drop the formalities. Call my Kyo. After all we're gonna be teammates forever."

I nodded. He looked intimidating before but he's actually pretty nice.

"One more thing before we start official training..." We all looked at her curiously.

"You guys gotta summon your ENARMS." All of us looked confused. Even Izanami.

What were ENARMS?