Jane got home late due to her non stopping cry and sluggish movements. Mama Liya was damned worried and started praying.
She got home late and quickly wiped her face before opening the door, in order not to make her grandma think somehow.
"Evening grandma." She greeted with a fake smile and hoped Mama Liya won't see through her facade.
Mama Liya stared intently at her granddaughter and suddenly hugged her, seemingly understanding her plight.
The unexpected hug made Jane to burst into another round of crying. All the walls she tried to build, to hide her vulnerable state from her grandmother, came crushing down. She was trembling and snorting.
"Grandma why???!!! Am I cursed? Are we cursed ???"
She asked pitifully, decorating Mama Liya's top with her tears and mucus.
Grief striken was an understatement,
She felt more than that.
Mama Liya was short of words and didn't bother asking her anything, cause her granddaughter current state explained it all.
She wished she can take all her pains away.
She sighed with tiny tears dropping from her eyes.
Her granddaughter meant alot to her, so seeing Jane in this state, weakens her to the depth of her soul.
"It alright my child. We are not cursed but just happened to be at the bad side of life.
"Cry all you want, let it out, I won't stop you. You are gradually experiencing how life is, and how reality is cruel.
"Even though things are harsh, I still want you to remember, and believe there is always sunshine and rainbow after the rain.
"So, don't break yourself or start to have negative thoughts about yourself, that's will be so wrong."
Jane snorted pitifully and more.
" But grandma, it too hard. I don't think I can do this or cope anymore. It hurts so much.
"If this is how life is, then I don't wanna be alive anymore. "
Jane really just wanted to stop feeling that pain. If there was a way, she will really go for it. Life is so unfair to her!
"Silly child! Stop spouting nonsense. What have you experience to the extent of saying that? It is small my dear, though for your age you might think it big or normal, yes.
"Always remember one thing: don't ever try to give up, not when things are just starting to turn upside down hummmm.
"So hush my dear, it okay. You know you don't look good when you cry hun."
Mama Liya consoled Jane.
She shook her head knowing Jane can't still understand how life is and how hard it is.
Jane sniffed and smiled.
" Yes Mama Liya, I will remember your words. "
"Oh yes, before I forget, you should try to have the spirit of tolerance and perseverance in you, cause I assure you those two will really help you alot." Mama Liya added and Jane nodded obediently.
In the midnight, Jane couldn't sleep, as she kept on toussing around the bed until she groaned frustratedly. "arghhh."
Standing up straight and looking around. The whole room was pitch black, only the moon light reflecting through the windows served as a source of light.
Mama Liya was not a deep sleeper, so with the little movements from Jane, she was already awake.
"What's wrong?" She questioned.
"Just unable to get a sleep." Jane whispered.
"Are you still thinking about it?" Mama Liya asked immediately.
Came a fast reply from her granddaughter.
Jane didn't want her grandmother to think, she still felt sad about the whole current situation, so she lied and hoped it will work.
And immediately, she asked Mama Liya, " Have you ever thought about where my parents are?"
Mama Liya chuckled. " Your question is silly, but I will answer you.
" When a good person dies, he or she turns into a very bright big star and joins the other stars in the sky. That way, they can watch over their loved ones and protect them."
Jane smiled. " I really miss them. Maybe if they were here, maybe I won't pass through all these, and maybe things would have been better."
A tear dropped from her left eye instantly.
She was really sad and, imagined maybe her life would have been better, if her parents were alive. She wiped her bitter tears and tried to be strong for herself and Mama Liya.
"It okay Jane, am sure they are proud of you my dear."
Her grandmother tried to encouraged her in the best way.
"I guess everything happens for a reason right." She looked at Mama Liya and sighed.
"Yes my child.
"What do you think of flowers?" Her grandmother asked out of the blue.
"Flowers?... Flowers are flowers Mama Liya." She smiled smugly and shook her head.
"Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Susan?" Her grandmother asked again.
Why all these questions Mama Liya." She raised her eye brows and stretched her neck.
She wasn't in the mood to know about any flowers at all, not when they are more important things to face right now.
"I guess you are dumb in some aspects hun."
Mama Liya mocked.
Jane just rolled her eyes. "Who in the world spend alot of times learning about flowers?"
"People who are dumb like you." Her grandmother said sarcastically and laughed lightly.
Mama Liya wanted to motivate Jane again, cause she thought her granddaughter's hope was fading due to the things happening.
"Black Eyed Susan is a flower, a special strong flower to be precise. Am telling you this because, I want you to have the spirit of a Black Eyed Susan. It a flower that symbolizes courage, strong will, justice, and strength.
"It has the power to survive anywhere despite if the weather conditions are harsh.
"So, I want you to use this to guide your life. It okay to get hurt, but don't get hurt for the same thing again."
She advised her precious granddaughter and kissed the crown of her head.
Jane actually thought, that Mama Liya will utter a tedious talk but was cut surprise.
She was confounded " Really? I didn't know flowers also has important meaning in life.
But......" She paused and sighed.
"I don't know if I can be like that, I mean am weak and meek, so am definitely sure I can't survive in this harsh and cruel world."
Jane was sure she won't survive in this harsh world, and she wasn't ready to face any more problems, so she was certain the theme of a Black eyed Susan won't go for her.
Mama Liya smiled. " Take your time and think about it, but it will really be good for you Jane. Am more experienced than you, so I know what's best and good for you dear."
Jane hummed.
"I will try."
Mama Liya stood up and closed the window to stop the cold air from entering.
"I believe things will change soon my dear. Don't think about it and tried to get some sleep okay."
She patted Jane's back and coaxed her.
In the morning at the Thomas's mansion.
Mrs. Thomas asked her husband lazily, "Has her location been located?"
"It at the out skirts of the city."
He also answered lazily.
Both couple were really perfect for each other.
Knowing how to handle each other.
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