
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Third pov.

The twins sat huddled around a small fire, most people had passed out or moved to the fire they started, stiles was pressed into Fallon's side for as much warmth as he could get. He was shivering and the cold was starting to kick in along with the fog that was also rolling in, a cry of pain came from somewhere behind him, he pulled the blanket tight around him and stood he had to check on the woman with the metal in her, he look down at her to see she was sweating badly, her wound was infected, he flinch when a growl was heard, but got down on his knee to try and help her he remove her coat to let some of the cold wind try to cool her raging body temperature then the grab the water he was sharing with a few others and pour some into the cup and made her drink a lot of water, he could not have her dieing now, even though it was useless.

" stiles, man leave the woman she wouldn't make it to in the morning," one of the other boys that would be going to the same college as the twins said.

" No, she needs as much help as she can get." stiles glared over his shoulder at the dude,

" it's a waste of resources kid." the same man said.

stiles just ignored them, he knew that but until the woman died he would stay next to her, he was going to college to help animals not humans though so his human medical knowledge was limited. He only knew the basics. To keep the woman alive for as long as he can, to make sure she was cared for until then, to stop the bleeding as much as possible if there was any bleeding. That gave him an ideal.

stiles rushes over to where his brother had piles all of the plane's supplies and dug through it, he need a knife and a rubber tub, he also need some type of alcohol ,and a bottle and a light to see, once he for them he race back over to the woman, he knew that the piece of metal had cut the woman's vain but he hope that it did not hit anything deeper in her stomach, he set his things up, he seen it done on a horse that was in a road accident, he called over his brother.

" Fallon came here" stiless voice got everyone's attention, he had no idea of the eyes in the distances that were watching them.

" coming, what are you doing?" Fallon asks.

" something I'm also going to do to save her life." stiles said handing him the light," hold this right here, don't move it."

With that he cut the woman's shirt open just enough to see the wound and began to cut the wound open a tiny bit one he could see the vain he reach for the rubber tube and push it into the vain and then push the other end into the other vain he waited for the white rubber tube to turn red, once it does he sigh and smiles as the woman sigh and he turn to the other things , he pulled the alcohol and pour some on the wound before using tape he found and tape the wound closed, he turn to his brother and the others who wore a shock look.

" How do you know how to do that?"Fallon asked, " I thought you were going to college for art."

" art yes and an vet degree, I did what I could, now it's up to the woman to let her self heal, I didn't tell you because dad always said I was useless and only care about you, ya we are twins but he never once paid any attention to me, so I did what I wanted, he paid for you to go to college, I fucking had to paid my own way, taking jobs, selling my art, more jobs, and I also work at a hospital and a veterinarian clinic just so I can go to college, your the son dad wanted, so big and manly that they never saw me behind you until I was born, and look at me." stiles snapped as he looked at him. stiles walked away to put things up.

The adrenaline was starting to fade making stiles freeze but he had blood on my hands and he knew he had to wash it off so stiles walked away from the camp with a flashlight lighting his way so he could find a body of water.

The farther away from camp he gets it feels like he was being watched, shining the light around he sees nothing. But still he felt like he was being watch, sighing he found the water, he bent down and began to wash his hands when a growl could be heard it sounding like it was behind him, he turn to see a animal, a huge black beast, it beared it fangs and launch itself at stiles, who scream as its teeth price his side just below his ribs, he felt the cold water rush over his head as his screams cut out and he gags on water that pushed its way down his throat, once his head was above water he climb back up the river bank and laid flat on his back breathing hard, he cries when the animal looks at him and goes to bite him again but his brother stumbles through the underbrush and scared the animal away, it looks down at stiles with blood red eyes and give a snort before running away. " Oh my god, stiles." He could hear his brother but he couldn't keep his eyes open long enough, his ribs ached and his side bleeding with a sting as it felt weird. Maybe wandering away from camp at night was a bad idea.


Fallon felt bad he knew it was hurting stiles when their father ignored him, but he never knew if his brother would go a little overboard in trying to escape him and their father. He pulled back the smaller boys shirt to see it bit, the wolf if that was what it was had bitten stiles, the blood was a dark red color, as stiless's eyes began to close he pick up his soaking wet brother and walk back to the camp, he had to get the smaller boy out of the cold wet clothes and into something warm and to patch up that bite before it gets infected and he gets a cold.

Once near camp a girl gasped and ran over from the fire.

" What happened out there?" she ask

" i think it was an animal, a wolf or something it attack him, he fell into the river, i need to get clothes and get his wound clean before warming him up or he'll get sick" Fallon said as he set his brother down near the fire, he pulled stiles bag over and pulled out the wolf onesies and a hoodie and turn to the other men, " turn around" with that he watch the others turn away and began to strip the younger twin and clean his wound with the help of the girl who wrap it in a bandage and then allowed jack to dress him, once in warm dry clothing the boy stop shaking abit.

Fallon laid the boy as close to the fire without him touching it. Before he took watch with wolves out there it was better safe than sorry. ...

stiles's pov.

When I woken i was so close to the smoking fire i yawn and look around, it all came crashing down, my fight with my brother to the animal biting me to me falling into the freezing cold water, i look around everyone was still asleep, a girl on watch, the woman i pulled the metal out of was a wake an eating some peanuts. I got up and walked over to her.

" I'm sorry i ruined your shirt, in order to save your life i had to cut it to be able to get to your wound, the piece of metal cut an vain, but wasn't deeper to harm any other organ so i work on it, i place a white rubber tube at each end, also as it stay red it mean your heart is receiving the blood from it, do not move much or it can pull the tub out and you could die," i said as i ask her to let me have a look.

She did, the shirt was moved over and i got closer and was looking the color around the skin look good and the tube was still red, " I'll be right back" i walk over to the pile of supplies and grab more alcohol and walk over to her " this will hurt, and i'm sorry.''

I uncap the bottle and kneel and pour a good amount on to the base of the skin and let it run towards the wound. " This will keep it clean."

She nodded and I walked away after.


I walked to the fire and sat down. I had to think, the plane had a GPS, it should have something to signal for help. Gasping, I jumped up and ran towards the plane. Many watched me as I ran into the burnt up thing, I needed to find it, I looked around the cockpit for it before I found a small box under the seat, I pulled it out and opened it to sneer, the crash crushed the beacon. But it did have a manal to fix it and a set of tools. I walk back out.

" What is that?" some girl ask

" If I can fix a beacon, it'll lead people to us." i said as i sat down and pulled the manal out to read, and pulled the broken beacon out of the box, i unscrew the back and pulled out all the parts it told me to before looking at it and then back to the manal and then flip it to see if i could find what it was talking about, four small screw on the front one in each corner, i look for a screwdriver small enough a goan, " hey can you please look around for a small flathead screwdriver, i need once if you want to be saved."

Three people pulled their bags to them and a few others got up to look around as I searched the box for anything I could use if they didn't find one.


Third pov.

The kid was smart everyone found that out the moment he save the woman but the more he did the more they found him smart and brave, the kid was about to save them all, when they first crash two days ago they though he died in the crash, but he woken up and stood and began to get to work on the woman, he even work on her last night saving her by a tube, now he was trying to fix a beacon to signal for help something one but him have thought of.

Fallon woke to the ruckus of people digging around for something he sat up to look around, stiles was awake and trying to fix something, people running around handing stuff to him. The woman he saved sitting up again near a tree watching, Fallon got up and walked closer to the woman, " what happened here?" He asked.

" The kid is smart, found a beacon and is trying to fix it, what is the kid's name?" She asked.

" My twin's name is stiles Moores, mine is jack." Fallon said. " I need something."

" no. But how old are ya." She ask

" he is 18, we were on our way to college when this happen, " Fallon said " he really save you when others want him to give up on you, they said your chances of living was low, but he knew what to do, I did know he was going to go to college for medical, I always thought he would do art, but he said our dad alway said he was useless, I get it our dad hated him for being and look like that, his girly body and looking like mom."

" yeah I thought he was a girl until he spoke, he was quite cute." She said, " If we make out, I want to introduce him to my son . He is a good kid." She said as she watched him.

Fallon nodded and watched a girl hand over her watch, which the judge handed her 40 dollars, and began to take the watch apart until he couldn't see in the dark.

Groaning he put his work in the box and laid down it was pointless to try in the dark. stiles knew that and tried to sleep. He had been working on the beacon all day.