
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


This was the third day they were stranded in the forest, their water and other supplies were running low, he looked back down at the beacon in his hands, it was almost done. He just needed to place the gps and the cords and screw the screws into their places and turn the devices on. For about two day he hadn't said anything to his brother who would watch him closely, he had gone to clean his wound only to find it gone with a lot of his other wounds he got during the crash, he found it weird. He didn't tell anyone.

He finish the beacon and laid it down before walking away from it to grab tape, he was over to the side of the plane and turn it on and push the green button until it beep and a little arrow pointed up signaling it was giving out location out to those willing to find us,he tape it there and walk over to the woman and as to see the tube to make sure it was still red, it was he grab the rest of the alcoholic he had near her and smiles at her, she nodded and allow him to pour it on her. She groans and smiles at him.

" sorry" he said as he gave her the water.

" Oh it's fine, nothing like a little pain to remind you that your still alive," she said " so your name is stiles,"

" That's just what my brother calls me, my whole name is Judith, it's girly and my mom picks it, so stiles shortens it to sound boyish. What is your name?'' stiles asks as he looks over his shoulder at his brother who had river water on a pot boiling for water.

" My name is Feona," she said as she took a drink.

He nod and walk away he would have to something they could use to hunt if they were here longer, stiles scavenge through the plane finding a flare gun and nothing useful, he groan and walk away from the plane, he made sure no one was watching and grab a hand towel and walk towards the river, he could use a bath. His clothes were dirty and he could smell them they stank,

Sighing he began to undress, he pulled his hoodie and jeans off and pulled his underwear off and step into the river it was about waist high when he stop, he shook with the cold as it washed away dirt and gunk, he look down at the niple pricing and pulled it out and threw it far, it hit something with a small clink and vanish from sight, he began to wash up, he dunk his head under the water gasping when he pop up again the water ran rabbid down his face, he ran his fingers through his now shoulder length hair, before getting out and drying off with the small towel as possible and dressing. The warm air nip at his cold face and the scent of flower in the wind brought a smile to his face as he made his way back to camp to see what was new with them, sitting down by a tree he pulled out his backpack and began to sketch the people around the fire around the plane then the trees and anything else, he drew the wolf from a night ago, to his massive teeth to his blood red ruby eyes, to his greyish fur before it had bitten him. He sighs and looks up at the tree cover sky. It shines darker than ever down here hardly any sunshine was able to get through, what did get through was light the area up enough to see and move about.

He must of fell asleep because the next time he woke to a scream, a girl pointed out at something that wasn't there, she was dehydrated and it was causing her to see things, he stood and made his way to the girl forcing her to drink the river water, she was one of those ' im rich, i don't drink from ponds or rivers' types of girls, he tilted her head back and force the water down her throat, he had to keep everyone awake and alive long enough for help to arrive, he had tyler a soccer play take his brother to get more water, while he went looking for something for them to eat, he remember studying up on thing in the wild you could eat if you were ever stranded.

Berries, nuts, plants, animals,Water and more. stiles walked a little bit more collecting nuts and berries and anything else before he began to make his way back to the plane crash, sitting down the bowl of food he turned to everyone since it was starting to get darker most was asleep or laying next to the fire talking quietly amongst themselves.

stiles sat down a little too close to the fire and bask in its warm air it was providing for them, this day had been boring to him, nothing to fix or do, he watch the smoke rise and the flames dance and listen to the background noise, nature had always seem to be there for him since he began to runaway from home and now it was here for him when everything seem to get worse.


When morning came he new it had been five days since the been here, he went about his day check people making sure no one was hurt, making the rich girl drink her river water, then he walk off to take another bath in the river, then once he was done he check the supplies, he could smell rain on the air and told them that tonight it would start to rain, no one believed him saying that he was not able to predict the weather. So he moved the girl to the plane where if it did start raining she wouldn't get wet.

After a while he forages edible food and gathers more water and lets the others boil it, he sighs and sits under the tree he claims and draws the things he wishes for.


It had been five fucking days out here and his brother hadnt talk to him since he yell at him, so he took the silent treatment and shove it right back at him, stiles was petty sometimes and he knew it but there was nothing he could do about it, he knew he was feeling off the bite had vanish, a wolf howling in the dark, followed by more wolves, then the hoot of a owl near by. stiles stood and moved to the plane as it began to thunder loudly. He knew it.