
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


stiless pov

We were almost to the airport when I heard it, it was like something was telling me not to go, but I pushed it aside, so that I would go through with my plan to please my father.

I watched as the road to the airport up ahead got closer and closer by the minute and I was signing myself for a boring and depressing life ahead. I knew it too, this was my year to try and make something of myself without the nagging of my father. While my father paid for my brother to go to college, I had to pay my own way. That meant selling my art and job after job after job, it was hard but i had enough for me to go to college for three different degrees and i was going for art, it was my main chroses but i put a safety net in, i was going for medical school for animal, i had been a volenturee at the vet's office, they even let me work with some dogs and taught me how to do things right. I spent my money on used textbook that would tell me how to become a better vet, and artist, i hidden the vet books when my father would walk past my room, to him it was a waste of time, he said and i quote ' you would not amount to nothing boy' it was rude and i knew it.

As i look at the airport fallon park the car and we both got out, i grab my carry on and one suitcase while fallon grab his things and be began to walk, people stared at me and him, yes i know we were different than others, twins, only one had look different then the other, skinner, a femine body, yeah i was more girly looking then a girl itself. I just smiled and sneered at people as I walked to the gate behind my brother.

" Passports and Ids please" the lady said.

Fallon hands her his before moving off to the bag checker and puts his bag down, I follow suit. Handing the woman my things before putting my bags on the belt and move to the metal detector, i watch my brother move on through, i follow when the thing went off, i smiles shyly at my brother before following order and the the man move a metal detector over my body stopping at my chest where it went off once again, i lift my shirt showing off a niple pericing. My brother looked shocked at the new information about me. " geeze it a niple priceing got it when i turn 15. Fallon, you and dad was all about each other that yall didnt even notice when i ran away or did things"

With that the guy let me go. I grabbed my carry on and walked behind my brother who kept glancing at me over his shoulder. I had one piercing on my chest and I was planning on my ears next.

Getting on the plane I remember why I hate them, the fact that the plane flew so far off the ground that it crushes me to look down out of the window. My brother on the other hand loves the feeling of being in the air, that sometimes I can't believe we are twins.


I sat next to the isle so that i wouldn't chance looking out the window and having a panic attack, my brother sat reading a magazine on football players as i drew in my artbook, i haven't really paid attention to what i was drawing, when i zone back into the life around me i look down and saw a wolf, but what look odd was i had given the wolf my blue eyes, i had an awful feeling, my brother saw and look down at the wolf before smiling at it.

" nice wolf little bro" he said before going back to his football stuff, he totally overlooked the fact that i gave this wolf my eyes, i sigh before turning the page and starting on a new drawing. By the time it was night time I was asleep....


A jolt woke me for my sleep i look around to find the plane was on fire, i scream as i got up looking around nothing but forest after forest was around us, my brother was outside helping people, he look over and spotted me and wave me over fast, i move when the plane jolted again causing me to fall, i cut my hand on a piece of glass from the window that had bust when we crash, i was pulled to my feet fast, looking up at the one who pulled me up was my older brother he was bleeding on his eyebrow and other places i wanted nothing more then to heal them but i knew it was pointless, only time could help his wounds. The plane had crashed into a forest far away from any city or town. I limp to a female that laid on her side, she would bleed out from her gut with the piece of metal logged in her stomach, she was unconscious. I wrap her wound the best I could for her. I knew it was a matter of time before she either died from that wound or something was attached to her blood.

I groan as my stomach complains about being hungry and thirsty, I turn to look at my brother and another dude who was shorting through the plane's food and water, not much.

I walked closer to hear them talking about rationing the food and water to last as long as it could before some of us would have to go and find food for us to eat. I found it funny that I got on this stupid plane just to please someone who would never care for me, and my karma was I would most like die out here before any one found us.