
Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform.

In the heart of Eldoria, where neon pulses through the veins of the city and secrets slumber in every shadow, Adrian Steele’s life takes a wild turn. Picture this: Adrian, the brooding barista with eyes like smoldering embers, stumbles upon Lilith—the bewitching vampire princess. One bite, and Adrian’s world explodes into a kaleidoscope of supernatural wonders. Now, he’s not your run-of-the-mill vampire. Oh no, he’s got a cheat code—the kind that unlocks powers like teleportation, mind control, and the ability to rock a leather jacket like nobody’s business. But wait, there’s more! Eldoria isn’t just vampires and lattes. Elves sip chai lattes at the corner café, werewolves howl in the moonlit alleys, and the Crimson Council—the vampire Illuminati—plays power games like it’s their favorite MMORPG. Adrian’s heart? It’s caught between Lilith’s siren song and his old life. And let’s not forget the princesses—elves, werewolves, and more—each vying for his attention. It’s like a supernatural dating app, but with stakes (pun intended). Hold onto your garlic cloves, because Adrian discovers he can hop between worlds. Medieval castles? Check. Cyberpunk dystopias? Double check. He’s collecting allies faster than Pokémon cards, and the multiverse better watch out. But beware, young reader! Power has a price. Adrian’s enemies? They’re not just lurking—they’re plotting. Betrayal, ancient prophecies, and a dash of teenage angst—it’s all here. So grab your wooden stakes, charge your crystals, and join Adrian Steele on a rollercoaster ride through realms, romance, and destiny. “Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform” is the epic saga you’ll sink your fangs into! ——— Check Out My Other Books Too— “Ascension Of Malachor” & “Sovereign Of Void. •This Novel Is Participating In “WebNovel Spirity Awards”.

FackU4Ever · Fantasy
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59 Chs

2. The Transformation.

The days that followed were a blur of new sensations and overwhelming thirst. Adrian struggled to come to terms with his new reality, guided by Lilith, who was patient and understanding. Each moment felt like an intense, vivid dream, with his senses heightened to a degree he had never thought possible.

On the first morning after his transformation, Adrian awoke to find Lilith sitting by the window, gazing out at the city below. She turned to him with a gentle smile, her crimson eyes reflecting the first rays of dawn. "Good morning, Adrian. How do you feel?"

Adrian sat up slowly, his body still adjusting to the changes. He could hear the distant hum of traffic, the chirping of birds, and even the rustle of leaves in the wind. Everything was sharper, clearer. "I feel... different. Stronger, but also... thirsty."

Lilith nodded. "The thirst is something you will have to manage. It will always be there, a constant reminder of what you are. But with time and practice, you will learn to control it."

Adrian's stomach churned at the thought of drinking blood. "How do I feed without... hurting people?"

Lilith's smile widened, revealing her sharp, pearly white teeth. "There are ways to feed without causing harm. We can take just enough to satisfy our hunger without draining our victims. I will teach you how."

Over the next few days, Lilith guided Adrian through the basics of his new existence. She taught him how to harness his heightened senses, to move with the speed and grace of a vampire, and to control his strength. It was a steep learning curve, but Adrian was a quick study, driven by a mixture of fear and determination.

One evening, as they walked through the dimly lit streets of Eldoria, Lilith began to explain the intricacies of vampire society. "We are part of a hidden world, Adrian. A world that exists alongside the human one but remains out of sight. Vampires, elves, werewolves—we all have our own rules, our own politics. It is crucial that you understand this."

Adrian listened intently, absorbing every word. "How do we coexist with humans without them knowing?"

Lilith's eyes glinted with amusement. "We blend in, much like we are doing now. We live among them, but we follow strict rules to ensure our existence remains a secret. The Crimson Council governs us, enforcing these rules and maintaining the balance between our world and theirs."

As they walked, Lilith pointed out various landmarks and buildings, explaining their significance in the vampire community. Adrian was fascinated by the hidden world that had been right under his nose all along. He felt a strange sense of belonging, as if he had finally found his place.

One night, Lilith took Adrian to a secluded park, away from prying eyes. "It's time for your first feeding," she said, her tone serious. "I will show you how to take just enough to satisfy your thirst without causing harm."

Adrian's stomach churned with a mix of fear and anticipation. He knew this moment was inevitable, but the thought of drinking blood still repulsed him. "How do I do it?"

Lilith placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "First, you must find a willing donor. Many humans are drawn to us, even if they don't understand why. Use your charm and allure to persuade them."

Adrian nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. They walked through the park until they found a young woman sitting alone on a bench, lost in thought. Lilith nudged him forward. "Go on. Approach her."

With a mixture of anxiety and determination, Adrian walked up to the woman. She looked up as he approached, her eyes widening slightly. "Hi," he said, trying to sound casual. "Mind if I sit here?"

She smiled, seemingly taken in by his handsome features and charming demeanor. "Sure, go ahead."

Adrian sat down beside her, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm Adrian," he said, offering her a friendly smile.

"Emily," she replied, returning his smile. "Nice to meet you."

They chatted for a while, and Adrian found himself relaxing as the conversation flowed naturally. He felt a strange connection with Emily, as if an invisible thread was drawing them together. As they talked, he sensed her growing attraction to him, and he knew the time was right.

Gently, he reached out and took her hand, looking into her eyes. "Emily, I need to ask you something," he said softly. "It's a bit unusual, but I promise it won't hurt you."

Emily's eyes widened in curiosity and a hint of apprehension. "What is it?"

Adrian took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady. "I need you to trust me. Just close your eyes and relax."

To his surprise, Emily did as he asked, her trust in him absolute. Adrian leaned in closer, his heart pounding. He could feel his fangs elongating, the thirst gnawing at him. Gently, he sank his teeth into her neck, taking just enough blood to quench his thirst.

The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Warmth and energy flowed into him, filling the emptiness inside. He could feel Emily's pulse beneath his lips, her heartbeat slowing as he fed. Carefully, he pulled back, licking the wound to heal it.

Emily opened her eyes, a dazed expression on her face. "What... what just happened?"

Adrian smiled reassuringly. "You did great, Emily. Thank you."

She blinked, the daze slowly lifting. "I feel... strange. But not in a bad way."

Lilith stepped forward, her eyes filled with pride. "You did well, Adrian. You showed restraint and control. In time, it will become second nature to you."

As they walked away, Adrian felt a sense of accomplishment. He had taken the first step in his new life, and while the road ahead was still uncertain, he knew he could handle it with Lilith by his side.

In the days that followed, Adrian continued to train and learn. Lilith introduced him to other vampires, each with their own stories and experiences. He learned about the Crimson Council, the governing body of vampires, and the delicate balance they maintained with the other supernatural races.

One evening, Lilith took Adrian to a grand mansion on the outskirts of the city. The mansion was a stunning example of Gothic architecture, with tall spires, intricate carvings, and large, stained-glass windows. As they approached, the heavy wooden doors swung open, revealing a grand hall filled with elegantly dressed vampires.

"This is the Crimson Council's headquarters," Lilith explained. "We are here to introduce you to the council members and officially welcome you into our society."

Adrian's nerves were on edge as they walked through the grand hall. The vampires around him exuded an air of power and authority, their eyes watching him with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny. At the far end of the hall, a group of vampires sat on ornate chairs, their presence commanding attention.

As they approached, one of the council members, a tall, regal-looking vampire with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, stood up. "Welcome, Adrian Steele," he said, his voice resonating through the hall. "I am Marcus, the head of the Crimson Council."

Adrian nodded respectfully. "It's an honor to meet you, sir."

Marcus's eyes softened slightly. "Lilith has spoken highly of you. She believes you have great potential, and we trust her judgment. However, there are certain protocols and responsibilities you must adhere to as a member of our society."

Over the next hour, Adrian was briefed on the rules and expectations of vampire society. He learned about the importance of discretion, the need to maintain balance with the other supernatural races, and the consequences of breaking the vampire code. It was a lot to take in, but Adrian was determined to prove himself worthy of the trust placed in him.

After the meeting, Lilith took Adrian aside. "You did well, Adrian. The council members are impressed with your progress."

Adrian let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Thank you, Lilith. I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Lilith smiled, her eyes glowing with pride. "You have a natural talent, Adrian. With time, you will become a valuable member of our society."

As the days turned into weeks, Adrian continued to hone his skills and learn more about his new world. He discovered that vampires had a unique ability to influence the minds of humans, a skill that came in handy when blending in and avoiding unwanted attention. Lilith taught him how to use this power responsibly, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the balance between their world and the human one.

One night, while exploring the city, Adrian stumbled upon a hidden enclave deep within Eldoria. The enclave was a meeting place for various supernatural beings—vampires, elves, and werewolves—all gathered together in a harmonious blend of cultures and traditions. Adrian was fascinated by the diversity and complexity of their society.

As he wandered through the enclave, he encountered an elf named Elara. She was tall and graceful, with long, flowing hair the color of moonlight and eyes that sparkled like emeralds. Adrian was captivated by her beauty and elegance.

"Hello," he said, approaching her with a friendly smile. "I'm Adrian."

Elara turned to him, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Greetings, Adrian. I am Elara. It's not often we see new faces here."

Adrian chuckled. "I'm still getting used to this world. It's all very... overwhelming."

Elara's expression softened. "I understand. It takes time to adjust. But you'll find that our society is rich with history and tradition. There's so much to learn and....

—To Be Continued.