
Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform.

In the heart of Eldoria, where neon pulses through the veins of the city and secrets slumber in every shadow, Adrian Steele’s life takes a wild turn. Picture this: Adrian, the brooding barista with eyes like smoldering embers, stumbles upon Lilith—the bewitching vampire princess. One bite, and Adrian’s world explodes into a kaleidoscope of supernatural wonders. Now, he’s not your run-of-the-mill vampire. Oh no, he’s got a cheat code—the kind that unlocks powers like teleportation, mind control, and the ability to rock a leather jacket like nobody’s business. But wait, there’s more! Eldoria isn’t just vampires and lattes. Elves sip chai lattes at the corner café, werewolves howl in the moonlit alleys, and the Crimson Council—the vampire Illuminati—plays power games like it’s their favorite MMORPG. Adrian’s heart? It’s caught between Lilith’s siren song and his old life. And let’s not forget the princesses—elves, werewolves, and more—each vying for his attention. It’s like a supernatural dating app, but with stakes (pun intended). Hold onto your garlic cloves, because Adrian discovers he can hop between worlds. Medieval castles? Check. Cyberpunk dystopias? Double check. He’s collecting allies faster than Pokémon cards, and the multiverse better watch out. But beware, young reader! Power has a price. Adrian’s enemies? They’re not just lurking—they’re plotting. Betrayal, ancient prophecies, and a dash of teenage angst—it’s all here. So grab your wooden stakes, charge your crystals, and join Adrian Steele on a rollercoaster ride through realms, romance, and destiny. “Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform” is the epic saga you’ll sink your fangs into! ——— Check Out My Other Books Too— “Ascension Of Malachor” & “Sovereign Of Void. •This Novel Is Participating In “WebNovel Spirity Awards”.

FackU4Ever · Fantasy
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65 Chs

3. Discovering The Cheat System.

Adrian's transformation into a vampire was only the beginning of his extraordinary journey. The days that followed were a whirlwind of training and discovery, each new lesson unveiling a deeper layer of the hidden world he now belonged to. Yet, amidst the chaos and the thrill of his new abilities, Adrian sensed there was something more, a latent potential within him waiting to be unlocked.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Adrian found himself alone in the grand library of Lilith's mansion. The room was filled with ancient tomes and manuscripts, each detailing the rich history and secrets of the supernatural races. Adrian's curiosity had brought him here, hoping to learn more about his new existence.

He was browsing through a particularly old and dusty book when a strange sensation washed over him. It was as if the room itself was pulsing with energy, drawing him towards a hidden corner. Following the inexplicable pull, Adrian found himself standing before an ornate mirror. The mirror's surface shimmered, reflecting not just his physical form but something deeper, something ethereal.

Suddenly, the reflection in the mirror changed. Instead of his own image, Adrian saw a series of glowing symbols and runes. They floated around his reflection, forming intricate patterns that seemed to dance in the dim light. Intrigued, he reached out to touch the mirror, and the symbols flared brightly, sending a jolt of energy through his body.

A voice echoed in his mind, calm and authoritative. "Welcome, Adrian Steele. You have been chosen."

Adrian blinked in surprise. "Chosen? Chosen for what?"

"You possess a unique gift, a system that will aid you in your journey," the voice continued. "This cheat system grants you abilities beyond those of ordinary vampires. You will grow stronger, faster, and more powerful with each task you complete."

Adrian felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. "What kind of tasks?"

"Tasks that will test your strength, intelligence, and resolve. Each completed task will reward you with points that you can use to enhance your abilities. This system is your guide and your ally. Embrace it, and you will achieve greatness."

As the voice faded, the symbols in the mirror began to rearrange themselves, forming a clear interface. Adrian saw various categories: Strength, Speed, Agility, Intelligence, and more. Each category had a current level and a point cost for the next upgrade. At the bottom of the interface was a small counter displaying the number of points he currently had—zero.

Adrian's mind raced with possibilities. This system was unlike anything he had ever encountered. It was like a game, but the stakes were real, and the rewards were tangible. He felt a surge of determination. If this was the path to unlocking his full potential, he was ready to embrace it.

His first task appeared in the mirror's interface: "Complete your first feeding without assistance."

Adrian's thoughts went back to his first feeding with Emily. Though he had succeeded, it was with Lilith's guidance. This time, he would have to do it alone. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge.

He left the library and ventured out into the night. The city was alive with activity, its streets bustling with people going about their lives, unaware of the supernatural beings that walked among them. Adrian scanned the crowd, searching for a suitable target.

After a while, he spotted a young woman sitting alone at a bus stop, engrossed in her phone. Adrian approached her, his senses heightened by the thrill of the hunt. As he drew closer, the young woman looked up, meeting Adrian's gaze.

"Hey," Adrian said, his voice smooth and reassuring. "Mind if I sit here?"

The young woman nodded, seemingly unfazed by Adrian's presence. "Sure, go ahead."

Adrian sat down beside her, striking up a casual conversation. He used his natural charm to put the young woman at ease, subtly weaving a spell of allure around her. As the conversation flowed, Adrian could sense the young woman's guard lowering, her trust growing.

When the moment felt right, Adrian leaned in closer. "I need to ask you for a favor," he said softly. "It won't hurt, I promise."

The young woman looked at him with a mix of curiosity and confusion. "What kind of favor?"

"Just close your eyes and trust me," Adrian replied, his voice hypnotic.

To his relief, the young woman complied, closing her eyes and relaxing. Adrian's fangs elongated, the thirst gnawing at her. He bit down gently, drawing just enough blood to quench his thirst without causing harm. The warmth and energy flowed into him, filling the emptiness inside.

As he pulled back, he licked the wound to heal it, just as Lilith had taught him. The young woman opened her eyes, a dazed expression on her face. "What... what just happened?"

Adrian smiled reassuringly. "You did great. Thank you."

He stood up and walked away, the sense of accomplishment mingling with the rush of feeding. As he turned a corner, the interface in his mind lit up, and a notification appeared: "Task completed. Points awarded: 10."

Adrian's heart raced with excitement. He had done it. He had completed his first task and earned his first points. The interface showed that he could now upgrade one of his abilities. He chose Strength, feeling a surge of power as the points were applied.

Over the next few days, Adrian continued to complete tasks assigned by the cheat system. Some were simple, like improving his speed or agility through practice. Others were more challenging, requiring him to use his intelligence and cunning to navigate complex situations.

One task involved infiltrating a secret meeting of vampire elders to gather information about a potential threat to the Crimson Council. Adrian used his newfound abilities to blend into the shadows, moving with silent grace as he listened to the elders' conversations. He learned valuable information that he relayed to Lilith, earning both her praise and more points from the system.

Another task required him to confront a rogue werewolf causing trouble in the city. Adrian tracked the werewolf to an abandoned warehouse, where a fierce battle ensued. Using his enhanced strength and agility, Adrian managed to subdue the werewolf, earning the creature's grudging respect and more points from the system.

As Adrian's abilities grew, so did his reputation within the supernatural community. He was no longer just an ordinary vampire; he was a rising star, a force to be reckoned with. The other vampires began to take notice, and even the members of the Crimson Council acknowledged his potential.

One evening, after completing a particularly challenging task, Adrian returned to Lilith's mansion to find her waiting for him in the grand hall. Her eyes gleamed with pride as she approached him. "You have done well, Adrian. Your progress is remarkable."

Adrian smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Thank you, Lilith. I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Lilith placed a hand on his shoulder. "You have a natural talent, Adrian. With each task you complete, you grow stronger and more capable. But remember, power comes with responsibility. Use it wisely."

Adrian nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "I will. I promise."

Lilith's expression softened. "Good. Now, there is something important I need to tell you. The Crimson Council has decided to test your abilities further. They have a special task for you, one that will require all of your skills and intelligence."

Adrian's curiosity was piqued. "What kind of task?"

Lilith's eyes glinted with a mixture of excitement and caution. "There have been rumors of a powerful artifact hidden in the city, one that could tip the balance of power in our favor. The Council wants you to find it and bring it back."

Adrian's heart raced with anticipation. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for—a chance to prove himself and make a significant impact. "I won't let you down."

Lilith smiled. "I know you won't. But be careful, Adrian. There are many who would seek to claim the artifact for themselves. Trust no one."

With those words of warning echoing in his mind, Adrian set out on his quest. The cheat system provided him with clues and guidance, directing him to various locations around the city. Each step brought him closer to the artifact, but also deeper into danger.

His first lead took him to an old, abandoned library on the outskirts of Eldoria. The building was decrepit and overgrown with ivy, its windows shattered and walls crumbling. Adrian stepped inside, his senses alert for any sign of movement.

As he searched the dusty shelves and forgotten rooms, he found a hidden compartment behind a bookshelf. Inside was an ancient map, its edges worn and faded. The map depicted a series of underground tunnels beneath the city, leading to a hidden chamber where the artifact was said to be located.

Adrian memorized the map and set out to find the entrance to the tunnels. It was a treacherous journey, filled with traps and obstacles designed to deter intruders. But with the cheat system's guidance and his own growing skills, Adrian navigated the dangers with ease.

As he ventured deeper into the tunnels, he encountered other supernatural beings, each with their own agenda. Some were hostile, attacking him on sight, while others were more cautious, testing his resolve and cunning. Adrian fought his way through, earning more points and upgrades with each victory.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Adrian reached the hidden chamber. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the walls were adorned with ancient runes and symbols. In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, and atop it rested the artifact—a glowing, crystalline orb pulsing with raw power.

Adrian approached the pedestal, his heart pounding with...

—To Be Continued.