
Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform.

In the heart of Eldoria, where neon pulses through the veins of the city and secrets slumber in every shadow, Adrian Steele’s life takes a wild turn. Picture this: Adrian, the brooding barista with eyes like smoldering embers, stumbles upon Lilith—the bewitching vampire princess. One bite, and Adrian’s world explodes into a kaleidoscope of supernatural wonders. Now, he’s not your run-of-the-mill vampire. Oh no, he’s got a cheat code—the kind that unlocks powers like teleportation, mind control, and the ability to rock a leather jacket like nobody’s business. But wait, there’s more! Eldoria isn’t just vampires and lattes. Elves sip chai lattes at the corner café, werewolves howl in the moonlit alleys, and the Crimson Council—the vampire Illuminati—plays power games like it’s their favorite MMORPG. Adrian’s heart? It’s caught between Lilith’s siren song and his old life. And let’s not forget the princesses—elves, werewolves, and more—each vying for his attention. It’s like a supernatural dating app, but with stakes (pun intended). Hold onto your garlic cloves, because Adrian discovers he can hop between worlds. Medieval castles? Check. Cyberpunk dystopias? Double check. He’s collecting allies faster than Pokémon cards, and the multiverse better watch out. But beware, young reader! Power has a price. Adrian’s enemies? They’re not just lurking—they’re plotting. Betrayal, ancient prophecies, and a dash of teenage angst—it’s all here. So grab your wooden stakes, charge your crystals, and join Adrian Steele on a rollercoaster ride through realms, romance, and destiny. “Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform” is the epic saga you’ll sink your fangs into! ——— Check Out My Other Books Too— “Ascension Of Malachor” & “Sovereign Of Void. •This Novel Is Participating In “WebNovel Spirity Awards”.

FackU4Ever · Fantasy
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65 Chs

1. The Encounter.

Eldoria was a city that never slept, a place where dreams and reality intertwined in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Neon lights flickered, casting colorful reflections on the rain-soaked streets, and the hum of traffic was a constant background symphony. For most, it was just another night, but for Adrian Steele, it was the beginning of something extraordinary.

Adrian closed the door of the small coffee shop where he worked, the chime of the bell echoing through the empty space. It had been a long day of serving lattes and cappuccinos to the regulars, and he was ready to head home and lose himself in one of his beloved fantasy novels. The night was cool, and the scent of rain lingered in the air, promising a storm.

As he walked down the street, he felt a strange pull, an urge to take a different route home. It was a feeling he couldn't shake, a whisper in the back of his mind urging him to venture into the unknown. Normally, Adrian was a creature of habit, but tonight, something compelled him to stray from his usual path.

He found himself in a narrow alleyway, one he had never noticed before. The buildings loomed high on either side, their dark windows like empty eyes watching him. The air was thick with shadows, and the sounds of the city seemed distant and muffled. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Adrian felt an odd sense of anticipation, as if he were on the brink of discovering something incredible.

The alley twisted and turned, leading him deeper into the heart of the city. He was about to turn back when he saw her. A figure emerged from the darkness, moving with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. She was tall and slender, her long, raven-black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of midnight. Her eyes, a deep crimson, locked onto his with an intensity that made his heart skip a beat.

"Adrian Steele," she said, her voice smooth and melodic, carrying a hint of an accent he couldn't place. It was as if she had been expecting him.

Adrian's mind raced. How did she know his name? He had never seen her before, and yet there was something eerily familiar about her. "Who are you?" he managed to ask, his voice trembling slightly.

She smiled, revealing a set of perfect, pearly white teeth. "My name is Lilith," she replied. "I've been watching you."

Before he could react, she moved closer, her movements so swift and fluid that they seemed almost supernatural. He felt a sharp pain in his neck, followed by a rush of warmth spreading through his body. The world around him began to blur, and he struggled to stay conscious.

As darkness closed in, the last thing he saw was Lilith's hauntingly beautiful face, her crimson eyes glowing with a strange, otherworldly light. Then everything went black.

When Adrian awoke, he found himself lying on a plush bed in a luxurious room. The walls were lined with dark wood paneling, and rich velvet drapes hung from the windows, blocking out the outside world. The air was thick with the scent of old books and leather, and a soft, ambient light bathed the room in a warm glow.

He sat up slowly, his head spinning. His throat felt parched, and a deep, insatiable hunger gnawed at his insides. He tried to remember what had happened, but his memories were hazy and fragmented. All he could recall was the encounter with Lilith and the sensation of her teeth sinking into his flesh.

"Easy there," a familiar voice purred. Adrian looked up to see Lilith standing at the foot of the bed, her crimson eyes watching him intently. "The transformation takes time."

"Transformation?" Adrian's voice was hoarse, and he winced at the pain in his throat. "What are you talking about?"

Lilith moved closer, her movements as graceful as ever. "You are one of us now, Adrian. A vampire."

The words hit him like a freight train. A vampire? It sounded like something out of one of his fantasy novels, not something that could happen in real life. He looked down at his hands, expecting to see some sign of the change, but they looked the same as always.

"Why me?" he asked, his mind struggling to process the enormity of what she was saying.

"You are special," Lilith replied enigmatically. "And you will soon discover why."

Adrian's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and fear. He had so many questions, but his body ached with exhaustion, and the hunger in his stomach was becoming unbearable. "What have you done to me?" he demanded, his voice rising in panic.

Lilith's expression softened, and she reached out to touch his cheek. "I've given you a gift, Adrian. A gift of power and immortality. You are no longer bound by the limitations of mortality."

Adrian recoiled from her touch, his mind racing. He had always dreamed of adventure and excitement, but this was too much. He felt like he was losing his grip on reality. "I don't want this," he whispered, his voice breaking.

Lilith's eyes flickered with a hint of sadness. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you have no choice now. You are one of us, and you must learn to embrace your new existence."

Adrian wanted to argue, to protest, but he was too weak. His body was shutting down, overwhelmed by the transformation. As he drifted back into unconsciousness, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would become in this new, terrifying world.

When Adrian awoke again, he felt different. The pain and hunger were still there, but they were more manageable. He sat up slowly, taking in his surroundings. The room was the same, but now he noticed the small details—the intricate carvings on the wooden panels, the subtle patterns in the velvet drapes. His senses were heightened, and he could hear the faintest of sounds, even the soft rustle of fabric as Lilith approached.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"Different," Adrian admitted. "Stronger. But still... hungry."

Lilith nodded. "That is to be expected. Your body is adjusting to its new state. You will need to feed soon."

The thought of drinking blood made Adrian's stomach turn, but the hunger was becoming unbearable. "How do I... feed?"

Lilith smiled. "I will teach you everything you need to know. But first, you must understand the world you are now a part of."

She sat down beside him, her presence both comforting and intimidating. "Vampires, elves, werewolves—we are all part of a hidden society that exists alongside the human world. We have our own rules, our own politics. And you, Adrian, are now a part of that world."

Adrian listened, his mind struggling to grasp the enormity of what she was saying. It was like stepping into one of his fantasy novels, but this was real. "Why me?" he asked again, needing to understand.

Lilith's eyes softened. "You have always been special, Adrian. There is something within you, a potential that has yet to be realized. I sensed it the moment I saw you. And now, with my bite, that potential has been awakened."

Adrian didn't know what to say. He had always felt different, out of place in the mundane world. But this? This was beyond anything he had ever imagined. "What happens now?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"Now," Lilith said, "you begin your journey. You will learn to control your new powers, to navigate the complexities of our society. And in time, you will discover the true extent of your potential."

As the reality of his situation began to sink in, Adrian felt a mixture of fear and excitement. His old life was gone, replaced by something far more dangerous and thrilling. He didn't know what the future held, but one thing was certain—nothing would ever be the same again.

— To Be Continued.