
Bioshock: A sunken city’s rebirth

Rapture…. Oh Rapture.. the city lost to the ocean. Most people believe it doesn’t exist or think it’s a mith But not me, I will find it My mother was obsessed with it to the point that she spent years of her life to find it With her research I tracked it to the North Atlantic Ocean As i land down at the bottom of the ocean I see a light in the distance. The light is followed by a low raspy grow… ———————————————————————— This will be my third book, hopefully it will be good. It’s based off what happened to the city of rapture after the events of bioshock 2 Now I must give you a warning Try not to drown~

TheZombie115 · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 3- A strong ping and a dead lighthouse

We left the dock three hours ago, you'd think that the dam fog would give up but no. It's so thick I can't see more than fifty feet ahead.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, it's Sam.

"Ok boy! Where are we?"

I sigh, "I have no idea, the fog is so thick that Rika lost where we are almost a hour ago"

Sam scratch's the back of his neck, a little bit of concern on his face. "Well if we don't know where we are we should turn our baring to straight east, we should hit land at one point or another"

I lean back in my chair and sigh, "your the sailor" i grab the ship's radio.

I click the button, "Fin, Rika, we're going in, we can't see anything." I let go of the button only to hear Fin and Rika to say okay back over the radio

I put the radio back and grab the wheel of the ship and slowly turn us back eastbound.

"So Sam aren't you 63?"

Sam looks a little surprised, "yes why you ask?"

I spin my chair around to face him, "well then you've heard the story of the girl in diving gear?"

Sam sits down in another chair in the room, " ya I know the one, on the cost of the North Atlantic a large metal escape vessel washed up with a bunch of small girls, a old lady and a teen girl in a reinforced dive suit. What about it?"

"Well Iv done research on the topic and I found that the old lady was taken in and linked to thirty plus children kidnappings, some of the kids found on the escape craft were some of said kids."

Sam slumps back in his chair, " so what happened to the kid in the diving gear?"

I throw my hands in the air, "that's the thing that I don't know! As they landed and most of the people were taken away, so was she. But unlike everyone else nothing was ever released about her. I've heard that she had powers!"

Sam scratch's his chin, he's Obviously thinking about something.

"You mean like superpowers right? Like the ones from those fancy comic books the kids read?"

I snap and point at him, "exactly, supposedly she could teleport. You know how useful that is!?"

"Ya that would be cool, I just hope-"

Sam gets cut off by Fin rushing up from below deck,

"We got a PiN, LOOK THE FUCK OUT!!"

I quickly turn to look straight ahead to see we're heading straight for a large clump of rocks, i panicky grab the wheel and turn to the right well turning the engine off, I barely drift the ship sideways up to the rocks. Basically parking our ship.

I turn to Fin and Sam, "land ho boys"