
Bioshock: A sunken city’s rebirth

Rapture…. Oh Rapture.. the city lost to the ocean. Most people believe it doesn’t exist or think it’s a mith But not me, I will find it My mother was obsessed with it to the point that she spent years of her life to find it With her research I tracked it to the North Atlantic Ocean As i land down at the bottom of the ocean I see a light in the distance. The light is followed by a low raspy grow… ———————————————————————— This will be my third book, hopefully it will be good. It’s based off what happened to the city of rapture after the events of bioshock 2 Now I must give you a warning Try not to drown~

TheZombie115 · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: a lighthouse in the middle of the sea…

"Land ho boys"

Fin face palms so hard he almost falls down the stairs

Sam storms out the door to the deck, I quickly follow right behind. I quickly follow him out and catch up behind him, "what's wrong Sam?"

Sam stands at the port side of the ship looking out into the fog past the land.

I grab his shoulder, "what's wrong?"

"We made it to land to quickly" he grabs the railing and jumps overboard.

I quickly look over the side to see him climbing up the steep rocks towards the top. I watch and wait.

He yells back to me, "it should have at last

been two hours to get home!"

Sam nearly slips but keeps climbing

Fin walks out, "i believe the fog should be clearing soon" Rika fallows Fin outside

Fin and Rika walk over and join me at the railing.

Sam reaches the top of the rocks as the ocean winds blow, his clothes blowing in the wind I barely catch a surprised look on his face.

He turns to us and over the splashing waves yells, "We've hit the jackpot boys!"

I quickly hoop over the railing and quickly climb up the rocks. The ocean wind blows so hard I have to hold my hat.

I reach the top and put my hand over my eyes to block the beaming sun.

The fog flows from my sight and I can't believe what I'm seeing

A lighthouse.

In the middle of the ocean.

The legends are true

Rapture exists

I quickly reach into my shit pocket and pull out the picture of the lighthouse my mother had and compare it to the one in front of me and it matches perfectly

I fall to my knees, five long years of searching and it's right in front of me

I start tearing up, "we found it"

I hope your proud of me mom

30 minutes later

We brought the ship around to the dock attached to the lighthouse and parked up. All four of us disembark from the S,S, treasure and climb the steps up to the front of the lighthouse.

I grab the door handle and slowly open the door…