
Chapter 44

Cassie gets down from her car and she walks closer to the guy and she says in her that she does not know him before and he was waving at her and she wonders what is going on, why did he wave at her?

“ Hey!” James says and Cassie walks closer more.

“ Hey! So I know you before?” Cassie ask.

“ Not at all, my car is faulty and I called mechanic he will be here, I was thinking you could drop at me Eko hotel, I have a meeting and I am already getting late” James says and Cassie has a pity on him and she stared at him from head to toe and he is handsome then she decided to help him.

“ Alright, I am going towards that side too, so I can help you and drop you off” Cassie says and James smiles and they both enter the car and Cassie drives.

“ I am James by name what about you?” James says.

“ I am Cassie” Cassie says and James smiled.

“ It’s nice to meet you. You are a very good person, you do not know me and you accepted to drop me to my destination” James says.

“ Yes, I am a good person but the some people do not value the good people always and wen the good people turn bad they will says what have come over the person but they will not know that they are the cause of it”Cassie says and James stare at her that’s she is a beautiful girl and  Cassie.

Pauline get down from the car and she walks to the gate to Mike house and the security man stop bad ask her what she wants and she said she wants to see mike and the security man tells her to stay at the gate so he will go and inform Mike, the security man inform Mike and Mike tells him let her in, the security man let her in and she walks in to the building and Mike welcome her.

“ What do I own this visite?” Mike ask and Pauline walks closer.

“ I was jut coming back from Tom’s house and Becky is been treated so bad” Pauline says and Mike does not understand what she is trying to says because he knows that Tom can never maltreat her.

“ What do you mean?” Mike ask.

“ What I mean is that, Isabella has been maltreating her so bad, she sent her out in the rain and she get a wound because of this, what a pity” Pauline says and Mike gets surprised.

“ You mean Isabella is in Tom’s house?” Mike ask.

“ Yes, didn’t  your friend tell you that Isabella is now is official girlfriend?” Pauline says and Mike laugh because he knows that Tom does not like Isabella but it’s a plan between them that he just want to pretend till they get the contract, he gets happy that Tom took to the advice that Tom gave him but also sad that that Isabella is maltreating Becky.

“ What are you going to do about that?” Pauline ask.

“ I think I did my part already by convincing her” Pauline says.

“ I do not know what to do now but I will think about what to do soon” Mike says.

“ You better do before it get late” Pauline says.

“ What do you mean?” Mike ask.

“ What I mean is that Leo also is in love with Becky and also maybe Tom as well but suddenly he brought Isabella as his official girlfriend so I was so confuse” Pauline says and Mike gets angry and yells at her.

“ Tom can never love Becky and please do not says that again, right now I should focus on Leo” Mike says and Pauline smiles and she picks up bag and she walks out his house and the guy Jessica’s paid sit in his car and he saw Pauline walks out of Mike house and Pauline stop a bike and she climb and Ken followed with his car some minute later Pauline get down from the Nile and she paid and enter the house and Ken now know where she stays and Ken picks up his phone and he called Jessica on phone, Jessica picks up the call.

” Yes Ken, tell me” Jessica says sitting in the garden with her sun glass with juice in her front.

” I think, I have found the girl that stole your ex heart” Ken says and Jessica remove her sun glass.

” How did you find out ?” Jessica ask.

” I saw her walks out of his house and good information I am standing in front of her house” Ken says.

” Good one then, but before you carry out that mission I want you to deal with Mike for now” Jessica says.

” That will be done soon, I will get back to you” Ken says and he ends the call and he drove off.

Tom walks downstairs and he saw Becky already prepared the lunch and Tom was surprised to see Becky already serving the food after he told her to rest,  he work closer to her.

“ I told you to take rest, why are you serving food” Tom ask and Becky stared at Isabella and Isabella signal her not to says that she tell her to resume na I to work and Tom already notice but he kept shut.

“ I...I..I decided resume myself, I am fine already you should worry about me sir” Becky says nervously.

“ Why are you lying? I can see it in your eyes” Tom says and they both stare at each other.

“ I am not lying sir, I am telling the truth sir” Becky says and she face her head down and Tom stare at him.

“ You can go back to work” Tom says and Becky continue serving the food and Isabella stood from she is sitting and she walks to the dining and Becky walks back to the kitchen and she stood and says in her mind why did she lie to Tom, she should have tell the truth maybe Tom could have published her and Isabella and Tom eat the food Becky serve.

Cassie drop James and in Eko hotel and James thank him and he said he will like to see her some another day and Cassie smiles and gave him her card that he can call her at any time, James smiles and he get down from the car and Cassie drives out of the hotel and James stood and he bring out his phone and he called her Tina over the phone and Tina step aside to pick up the call.

“ Yes, tell me James” Tina says.

“ The work is done and you should not worry, I will get close to her because she gave me her card to call her”James says and Tina smiles.

“ Good job then, I will speak to you later” Tina says and she ends the call and she gets happy that soon Leo be hers.

It’s the next days already and Isabella dress up already for office works, she walks downstairs holding her hand bag and she walks to the dining and she saw what Becky prepared for breakfast.

“ What?!!! Akara and custard, “ Isabella says and Becky ran out of the kit and she walks to the dining.

“ What is this? Why will you prepare this for breakfast?”Isabella says as she yells at her.

“ This is a local dish ma’am and Mr Tom likes it for morning food” Becky says and Isabella yells.

“ You are such a fool, why couldn’t you ask me what I want for breakfast” Isabella ask in anger.

“ I..I..I am sorry ma’am” Becky says and Isabella yells at her not apologize to her and Tom walks downstairs and he walks closer to the ladies.

“ What is happening? Why have you been yelling? I was upstairs hearing your voice” Tom says.

“ Your so called maid prepared a local dish, for breakfast, akara and custard to be precise” Isabella says and Tom smiles.

“ Come on! This is our normal meal for morning before the white introduced the international food to us, we should learn to appreciate our culture and our food, have a taste, I am sure you will like it” Tom says and Isabella gets angry.

“ I will take my leave now for office because I will not be part of this, I will not join you to eat this” Isabella says and she walks out in anger.

Tom sit and he eat his breakfast and already dress up  in his suit and Becky stood watching him eat and Tom raise it head up and he stare at her and Becky face her head down and the song ( Like I do)plays and Tom continue to stare at her.

“ Are you ok?” Tom ask.

“ Yes sir, I am very much fine sir” Becky says and Tom continue to stare at her and she could not look at him in the face.

“ What about your leg?” Tom ask.

“ I am fine sir, thank you for caring” Becky says.

“ I am sorry about the way Isabella treated you”Tom says and Becky raise her head up and she stare at him.

“ Why are you apologizing sir, she is your girlfriend so it’s her right to misbehave with me, her boyfriend is the owner of this house so who am I to complain” Becky says and Tom stare at her and he feel pain about what Becky says and he hope that she was the one instead of Isabella.

“ You can go back to your post” Tom says and Becky walks to the kitchen and she thinks that maybe she she has over says thinks because she can see it in Tom’s face that he is not happy when she said what she said,Tom finished eating and he stood and he leave for office, Becky clear the dining and she gets happy that Isabella is not home and she will not be confuse and she prays she does not come back to the house.

Cassie holding her juice and she stood beside the aquarium watching the fish inside it and she sip her juice and she think about how she and Leo had sex she smiled why remembered but get sad when she remembered that Leo said it means nothing to him, Jessica saw her thinking and she walks slowly to her and she touch her by her shoulder and she turns back.

“ Jessica!” Cassie says.

“ What are thinking about it are you still thinking about Leo?” Jessica ask.

“ Yes, I am still thinking about him, I told him yesterday that if I can’t have him then no one else will because I am ready to fight this battle and I also told that of really love the girl he should tell the girl to back off because I am ready to be wicked now” Cassie says and Jessica smiles.

“ Good girl, that is why is you are my younger sister the same bloods have to run in our vains we do not have to have pity on them” Jessica says.

“ What do you want to do? What’s your plan?” Cassie ask.

“ My first plan is to beat up Mike for no reason, I told Ken to do that, I have told him not to have mercy on him, I want to see the girl to go look for him at the hospital I need to be sure that it’s the girl that Ken told me saw in Mike’s house yesterday” Jessica says.

“ Did Ken told you how the girl look like?” Cassie ask.

“ Not yet but if that’s she is the one, I need to kidnap I want to see Mike suffer” Jessica says and Cassie smiles.

“ I will not see Leo suffer but I want to see that girl he is taking about suffer” Cassie says and Jessica smiles.

“ I can’t wait to see how this will affect Mike so well, I want to see him suffer so bad, is either he apologize coming back to me or he will continue suffering for the rest of his life” Jessica says and the two sisters laugh.

Tom got to work and he saw Mike and Loe stood already at the receptionist and he gets surprised why they are there and he walks closer to the and he greet them and he tells them to come to his office and they bit follow him to his office and they sit.

“ You are such a player” Leo says and Tom smiles.

“ I am doing this for the benefit of we three, I can’t wait for her to go out of my life” Tom says and Leo laugh.

“ You should carry your cross, I think she loves you a lot but when I get to your house and the way she is maltreating Becky, I do not really like that” Leo says.

“ I heard that she sent Becky out yesterday in the heavy rain and you could not do anything” Mike says and Leo gets surprised, what kind of woman she is and Yom gets surprised of how he gets to know and he thinks maybe Becky is beginning to get close to him.

“ How do you know about this?” Tom ask and Mike open his eyes wild that he has o we talk and they are going to find out about Pauline trying to convince Becky for him.

“ You do not need to know how I get to know about that” Mike says.

“ He just ask you a simple question so I think you should answer” Leo says and he wonders why will Isabella do that.

“ Why would Isabella do that to his fellow woman?” Leo ask himself.

“ She is been heartless but thank God, I came at the right time” Tom says.

“ What do you mean?” Leo ask.

“ She did what she did because I was not home, I told her that I wanted to come to the office and pick up some important documents and so forgot something so I had to come back home and on my way back I saw Becky inside the heavy rain so I had stop and take her home back” Tom says.

“ What did you says to her what you get home?” Leo ask.

“ I was disappointed at her and I told how I feel about what she did to Becky” Tom says and with the way Tom spoke Mike begins to suspect maybe he is also in love with Be j’y and he remembered what Pauline says to him yesterday but he does not want to believe that.

“ I can’t just wait so we can just single this contract and then she should go out of my life for good then we will start working with Mr Silver” Tom says.

“ I think Isabella is a nice girl and she really love but have a problem that Becky is in your house and maybe because you are treating her so nice” Mike says.

“ I am treating Becky as humans should treat their fellow human only animals will treat people like trash and Becky is also a nice girl and I don’t see any reason to treat her like trash “ Tom says and Mile stare at him.