
Chapter 43

Isabella gets happy that she already send Becky out in the rain and she might not think of coming back to the house and even though she comes back to the house, she will make sure she punished her more again  and she heard sound of car coming in and she quickly peep from the window as the rain continues to fall heavy, Tom drives in and he get down of his car Becky was trying to get down and Tom stop her and he carried her on his arm and Isabella saw that through the window and she gets jealous, Tom enters the house with Becky on his arm and their cloth wet and he drop her on the couch and he stood and stare at Isabella in anger and Isabella looks away.

“ Are you still feeling the pain in your leg?” Tom ask.

“ Not really sir, just a little, I just have a little scratch on it, I will handle it” Becky says and Tom walks closer to Isabella.

“ You can punish if she is wrong but not this way Isabella, this is an act of a wickedness. Come on Isabella, you are also human, how can you send your fellow woman inside a heavy rain, what if someone has happened her” Tom says and Isabella keep shout and could not says anything.

“ I am sorry but why do you acte so much for her, after all she is your servant and servant can be treated anyhow” Isabella says.

“ You can treat your maid or servant anyhow if you are I. Your house but not here, only animals treat people the way they like and I am not an animal, I am a human and I can fell the pains of my fellow people when they been treated anyhow, I can understand that they are not up to our level and standards but no one knows tomorrow, they can also be rich likes one day, that is why is good to treat people well, either poor or rich, we do not know alors know what the future holds, sending her out there in the rain without even considering her Heath condition is bad and very bad, I do not expect this from a woman I want settling down with, you have made me so upset today with this act” Tom says and Isabella could not says anything and he carried Becky and he took her to her room, he lay her in the bed.

“ You should rest here, I do not want to see you do any work for today” Tom says and Becky nods her head and they both look into each other’s eyes and the song ( Like o do) by Fireboy plays and Tom walks out of the room. 

Pauline dress up in Ankara short dress walking of the church with Becky’s mum after the Sunday service and Becky’s Mum stop a bike and Pauline stood behind.

“ Why are you standing over there?We should go home now” Becky’s mum says and Pauline walks closer  to her and she says to her that she is not going home now that’s she wants to go see Becky and Becky’s Mum gets happy that she loves the bond between her daughter and her niece but knowing Pauline is playing her selfish act because of money.

“ You should get going already, may the lord bless you to two for me” she says.

“ Yes, aunt bye” Pauline says and she left and Becky’s mum climb the bike.

Cassie drives in to Leo’s house and and she get down of the car and she walks out to the doorstep of the house and  was about to knock on the door and Tina open the door because she already saw her through the window and Leo is already downstairs in the living room and Cassie push Tina away from the doorstep and she enters  the house ans Tina looks back and she gets angry and she shut the door and she walks aside so she can listen to what they are saying and Leo raise his head and saw.

“ We need speak” Cassie says standing in front of Leo.

“ I am all ears, tell me what you want to say” Leo says and Cassie looks around and she saw Tina.

“ Not here, someone more private like the pool side or the garden” Cassie says and Leo stood up and they not walks outside and Timi brings it her cellphone to call James over the phone, and she tells James over the phone that it’s tile for action, she says Cassie is here with Leo and now she believes that she is the one Leo is taking about and he told him to block her on her way back home and James and Tina has already plan and borrowed car and house in the next street just to distract Cassie from Leo so she can take over, Tina drop the call and she go back to what’s she was doing and Cassie and Leo walks to the pool side.

“ Now, we are here and there is no one, why have you come here?” He ask.

“ I just wanted to know if really do mean what you said yesterday?” Cassie ask.

“ Yes, I mean. So you have a problem with that?” Leo ask and Cassie smiles.

“ Yes, I do have a problem with it” Cassie says.

“ Which is?” Leo ask.

“ Never mind but i can promise you this that you will not find happiness with her because if you can’t be with me then you can’t be with any other girl, I promise you that, so you should be ready and also you should tell that girl you have in mind to be ready to face the consequences” Cassie says and Leo smiles.

“ Is this a threat?” Leo ask and still smiling.

“ No, this not threat but a warning for you and to save that girl away from trouble” Cassie says and Leo still smiled.

“ Do you think, I will be so weak as Tom became weak because of Isabella, the answer is no baby, so you should keep your warning to yourself” Leo says and Cassie stare at him in anger.

“ Then watch and see what happened next” Cassie says and Leo smiles and Whispered in her ears.

“ We shall see baby” Leo says and Cassie walks out on me in anger and she walks to her car and drives out of the Leo’s house.

A enters Jessica’s car and Jessica bring out a picture from her bag and it’s Mike pictures and she gave it to the guy, the guys name is Ken.

“ That guy, you are seeing in that picture is my ex boyfriend and he left me because of girl that I do not I le about, he broke my heart so easily and you know how it’s painful to leave one woman for another and even have the nerve to say it to my face” Jessica says and the guy take the picture from her and he looks at it.

“ What do you want me to do?” Ken ask.

“ I have two mission for you but the first one is that I want you to teach Mike a lesson for me, I want you beat him up for no reason and I o not want you to pity him at all, I will tell you what next to do about him after that and the second missions is that I want you looks for this girl he is taking about i want for know the girl, I need to know why he leaves me for thy girl and when you find her I want you to kidnap her for me, I have some questions to ask her and I need some answers from her” Jessica says and the guy looks at her.

“ Consider the job done already” Ken says and Jessica brought an envelope of money contain hundred thousand naira, the guy collected it from her and he open the envelope and checked inside and then he nods his head.

“ I will balance you up when the job is done” Jessica says and the guy nods his head mad he gets down from the car and Jessica drove back home.

Tom looks very angry about what Isabella do and he does not want to speak to her, Isabella walks closer to him and she tries to apologize but Tom  does not want to speak to her and she follows Tom everywhere he goes, in kitchen and other places in the house.

“ Please speak to me, Tom don’t treat me this way, you can’t be silent for the whole day” Isabella says pleading with Tom.

“ I do not want to speak to you for now Isabella” Tom says and Isabella stared at him and she gets sad and Tom walks back upstairs.

The security man open the gate for Pauline and she enters and then she remembered Becky telling that Isabella is in Tom house, she walks to the door step and she knocks and Isabella walks close to the doorstep and was about open it and she move back and says in to herself that this is not her work this is supposed to be Becky’s duty and she walks to Becky’s room in anger and she knocks her door and Becky opens the door and Isabella yells at her.

“ Can’t you eat the doorbell ringing? Or do you expect me to do that for you? Or is it because Tom ask you to be inside here and you expect me to the all the chores for or who do you leave the chores for?” Isabella says in anger and Becky walks out of the room to go check who is in the door, Isabella didn’t mind if Tom is upset with her or not because of what she did to Becky earlier she still plan to deal with her, Becky walks to the doorstep and she open and she saw Pauline at the doorstep and she gets shocked.

“ What are doing here?” Becky ask and Pauline looks down and she saw scratche of Becky’s leg and she looks nervous and Pauline noticed.

“ How did you get scratched on your leg and why do look so nervous?” Pauline ask and Isabella yells from inside and she walks to the doorstep and she push Becky aside and she saw Pauline at the doorstep.

“What are doing in here?” Isabella ask and Pauline smiles.

“ Does here look like your house? I guess the answer is no, so move aside I am here to see my cousin Becky” Pauline says and Isabella gets surprised the way she spoke to her.

“ Step aside, or I will help you out” Pauline says says and Pauline move Isabella aside and she enters the house and Isabella gets angry and she says in her mind that Becky will pay for what Pauline did, Becky and Pauline to the kitchen.

“ How did this happen?” Pauline ask.

“ Isabella sent me out in the rain and so Tom saw me on the roads going in the heavy rain and he brought me back home and my leg hit the stone” Becky says and Pauline smiles that Becky is such a fool, her fellow woman aimed her message in a heavy rain mad she went couldn’t been fight for her right what a pity.

“ This is not right, what did Tom did about this?” Pauline ask.

“ I do not want to talk about that, tell me what are doing here? You can’t stay here for long because Isabella is very crazy “ Becky says.

“ I do not care about her” Pauline says.

Are you scared of her? I expect you to be smart” Pauline says and Becky still lol confuse because of Isabella.

“ I know that I should be smart enough but remember Isabella is from a rich hole and already she does not want me here in this house, she has been frustrating my life”Becky says and Pauline laughs at her.

“ What is so funny?” Becky ask.

“ What you just said it’s funny dear, listen I know that you want you work but sometimes you need to use brains if that you have accepted for Mike, Isabella will not have the nerves to speak to you or order the way she wants, what am I even saying you will not still be working here as a common maid, use your heard dear cousin” Pauline says and Becky stood and she think about what Pauline said.

“ But I think that you really prefer the way Isabella is treating you seems you are enjoying it right?” Pauline asks and she smiles and Becky could not speak.

“ Only of you accept for Mike your life will change and you will be able take your revenge back and speak back to Isabella the way you like but if you still want continue working like a maid then you can stay, so that Isabella will not only send out in the rain but one day maybe kill you” Pauline says and Becky open her eyes wild.

“ Because since, she can send you out in the heavy rain then tell me who is she not send kidnappers or send maybe her body’s to kill you, she is heartless and she also has the money but only if you too you have a strong boyfriend like Mike you will be able to fight back or else you will be kill like a local fowl” Pauline says and Becky yells at her.

“ Just shut up alright and please stop talking about this, I think you should start going now” Becky says.

“ I will take my leave now but you should think about what I said earlier and I hope the witch will go to office tomorrow morning so we can go shopping” Pauline says and she left and Becky stood in the kitchen and she remembered the way Isabella send out in the heavy rain and how she got hurt by the stone and how Isabella has been treating her and speaking to her and she remembered the way Leo defended her and she stood confuse between Mike and Leo who to choose.

“ I have to choose carefully, I have to make sure the both of  them are not up to something silly, I wouldn’t want either Leo or Mike to dump me at the end of the day but what I feel for Tom is strong and it’s better if I leave here or else I will get jealous every seeing him with Isabella” Becky says and tears drop from her eyes and the song ( dancing with a stranger) by Sam smith plays.

Cassie drives and she saw someone waving to her from afar as she drives front and she drives closer to the person and it is James Tina’s boyfriend, standing beside a car pretending that the car Tina borrowed for him is faulty, all this is part of the plan, Cassie stop the car  and she stared at him and James is dress up in a very expensive clothes.