
Chapter 45

The doorbell rings and Becky rushes to the doorstep and she open the door and she saw Pauline.

“ Tell me, is that witch still around?” Pauline ask.

“ Why didn’t you call me when you want to know about that?” Becky ask.

“ Well, she is not around. She went to the office but I am

Not sure if she will come back here or not because she always make me confused” Becky says and Pauline smiled and she enters the house.

“ I do not want you complain at all” Pauline says.

“ But why?” Becky ask.

“ You should not ask me that question but you should be asking yourself that question” Pauline says and Nevky stare at her.

“ Why did you says so?” Becky ask.

“ It’s simple, I told you to accept for Mike and your life will change and no one will ever have the nerves to speak to you as they want, trust me on that because even Mike wouldn’t want that to happen, think about it” Pauline says and Becky think about and Pauline stare at Becky.

“ I will think about what you said but I just want to be careful, I do not want him to play me at the end of the day”Becky says and Pauline gets happy that Becky beginning to change her mind and soon, she will convince her more so she can changer her mind completely and five million will be hers.

“ Come on! Since, the witch is not home right now, we should go shopping then” Pauline says and Becky smiles and she says in her mind that she should not dull herself, she should go shopping as well.

“ Yes, we should go shopping” Becky says and Pauline gets happy and she sent a text message to Mike.

“ Mike received the message while he is in his office and he sent the money through Pauline’s bank account and Pauline receive the alert and she gets happy.

“ It’s time to go now” Pauline says and they left.

James call Cassie over the phone, Cassie’s phone rings and she stare at the screen of her phone and it’s an unknown number, she picks up.

“ Hey, pretty lady” James says shining his teeth.

“ Sorry, may I know whom I am speaking to please?” Cassie says and James smiles.

“ Oh my bad, sorry I did not introduce myself first”James says and he explained who he is to Cassie.

“ I am the guy helped yesterday on the way, you dropped me at Eko hotel” James says abc Cassie now remembered who is speaking.

“ Oh, I did not know it was you. Thank you for calling” Cassie says and she smiles.

“ I still wanted to thank for yesterday” James says and Cassie smiles.

“ I hope, your car is been repaired?” Cassie ask.

“ Yes, thank for asking but if you wouldn’t mind, can we see” James says.

“ I am not sure about that but when I am sure, I would let you know” Cassie says and she she ends the call and James smiled and they was Tina beside him.

“ What did say?” Tina ask.

“ She said, she is not sure about us seeing for now but when she is sure, she would let me know” James tells what Cassie told her on phone.

“Alright, you will have to keep on pressing on want to see her” Tina says and they both stared at each other.

“ Let’s go in, I want to feel you” Jame says and they both smile and James carried her on his arms and he walks upstairs to Leo’s room.

“ Come on this is Leo’s room, take me to the guest room”Tina says.

“ No, this is where I wants us to be, this is where I want us to have sex, I have miss you so much just let me practice so that if we get the house for ourselves this room will not be new to us” James says and Tina smiles and they both kiss.

Pauline and Becky get down from the Uber and Pauline paid the Uber man, Pauline and Becky walks in to the cloth store and Becky and Pauline walks towards to the females wears and they picked they are chores, they walks closer to the women’s shoes and and Becky choose a bob, fringe and six inches wig, they shop a whole lot of thing and they both walks to the counter and Pauline gave her card, they pay and they walks out of the store.

“ I will take a different bike why you take a different one”Pauline says Becky in surprise.

“ Why are we supposed to take different Uber?” Becky ask.

“ You ask a lot of questions, why I said so is that, I am going home and you are going back yon to Tom’s house” Pauline says and Becky nods and Pauline for two different Uber and some minutes later, they both enter inside the two different Uber.

Isabella in her office and she remembered the way Tom kisses her, her dad knock on her office door several time but she could not hear because she was already lost in thought and her dad enters the her office and still she is lost though and she sit in her office chair smiling and her dad walks closer to her and he stood in her front and he called her by her name “Isabella dear!” He says and Isabella quickly come back to her senses.

“ Dad! When did you entered my office, I could not notice you at all” Isabella says and she takes some files from her table.

“ I knocked but your office door several times but you didn’t respond so I decide to enter and saw already lost in thought, I was expecting to see you in my office but no you know you are away from house for the weekend so I miss you “ her dad says and Isabella stood from her office chair and she walks closer to her dad and she hugs him tight.

“ I am sorry dad that I did come to see you, when I got my office I came to your office but you were yet there, I miss you too, I am coming back home after office because I have miss mum” Isabella says and her dad smiles.

“ Your mum too miss you so much, tell me how did you spent your weekend with Tom” her dad ask.

“ It was super cool dad and I really enjoyed myself but I hate seeing that young fool called her name Becky” Isabella says in anger and she gold her hands.

“ Who is Becky?” Her dad ask.

“ Becky is Tom’s maid but I do not like seeing her at all in that house, I just want her out of that house, I want her fired “ Isabella says in anger.

“ But why because, I do not like seeing. I don’t think I have reason why I want to see her is just that girls are so smart this days, what is she seduce Tom and have hi for himself”Isabella says and her dad calm her down.

“ Calm down dear, you know Tom will never go someone like that, her level is Leo to him so please forget about her and concentrate on yourself and Tom do not give yourself headache on unnecessary things like this” her dad says.

“ Tell me about, have you gotten to know if Tom accepted you because of the contract signing or it’s because he wants to change his mind” her dad ask.

“ I am not dad but he has not given me negative vibe, he has been give me a positive vibe so I just confuse but is Just that one thing I know for sure is that Tom is different from Leo and Mike and he is not a player” Isabella says.

“ You never can tell, if he has change or not. People do change when it comes to money” her dad says.

“ You are right about that dad but I think, he is not pretending” Isabella says and her dad stare at her.

“ If says so fine but you still need to observe him well” her dad says and Isabella smiles.

“ Sure dad, I will” Isabella says and her dad wake closer to her office table and he took some files and he went through them.

“ I have been looking for this files, how did it get to your office?” Her dad ask.

“I ask your secretary to bring it for me because I had to work on it again dad, they are some many errors on it that need to be rectify, “ Isabella says and her dad stare at her he smiles that he has a daughter like son that did the company job well even more than what a man will do.

“ You will forever be my number one, I am not sure your younger brother can handle the company the way you are doing even though he is back from London” her dad says.

“ Don’t look down on him dad just be negative about him, I am sure he will able to do more than what I am doing now right now” Isabella says and her dad smiles.

“ I know you care about your brother a lot but I am just telling the truth” her dad says and Isabella went back to her office chairs.

“ Dad! I believe that he will do better and also gives his best always” Isabella says and her dad smiles.

“ I will leave you take your time and rectify the mistakes and make sure send the files back to me when you are done” her dad says and he left her office and Isabella continue what she was doing.

Becky got back home, she got down from the Uber and she walks in to the house, she walks to her room, and she bring out the wig she bought for herself she put in on and she thinks of wearing week when doing the house chores maybe she will stop looking cheap and then tried some of the dresses you got for herself and she saw how it look good on her and she walks ti her bed and she sat down and she think about what Pauline said.

“ Instead of me continues working as maid here, I think it’s better I go for Mike or Loe but I am confuse Leo Lola more real than Mike and Pauline wants me to go for Mike, but I do not want to miss any opportunity, I want to make money, this job don’t also pay, whenever my salary is been given to me, it’s always go to my mum’s bills and myself to i have not even have any savings on this, should I should follow what Pauline said that I should pay a game with Mike or I should follow my mind” Becky says speaking to herself.

“ No, I do not want to toy with any ones heart, what if Mike truly love me and what if Leo also truly love me but I think I can see it in Leo’s eyes, he like me but I do not think I feel anything for him even Mike, I feel something strong for Tom but he is with another now” Becky says and she gets confused on what to do.

“ I think, I just need to sit right and think straight since Isabella is not around, I do not even know if she is coming back, I don’t even paru for her to come to the house because she gives a lot of trouble why will Tom even go for someone like her, she is troublesome” Becky says.

“ What is even my problem, why am even worried for Tom”Becky says and she smiles and remember when they always stare at each other and the song ( dancing with a stranger) by Sam smith and she continues smiling.

Pauline get back home and and she put all what she bought in the bed in her room and she gets happy that at least she is getting expensive clothes now and wigs and now is time for Becky to accept so that she can become a millionaire and after she becomes a millionaire she will find a way to snatch either Tom or Mike for herself.

“ Now let the game begins, I also deserve to be in a good place not only Becky is deserve to be in a good place when I am done using her, I will make sure that I destroy her beauty and no one will able to love her, I will destroy her good heart and no one will able to love her, they will only love me” Pauline says and she smiles and she try on all the dresses she got for herself and the wigs and she gets happy.

“ Because of Becky, I am able to use an iPhone and because of her I am able to use expensive clothes and because if he now I am going be a millionaire now I am going to change the game when I get everything I want now she is going to depend on me, I will make sure she is left with nothing” Pauline says with hatred fill inside for Becky, jealous writing all over her face because Becky is more beautiful, sexy and has a good heart.

It’s 7 pm in the evening already and still close from office and Isabella stood beside his car and Tom saw her and he gets angry and he says within him that he does not want to spend the night with this woman to night, he walks closer to his car and he smiled a fake one.

“ Hey! I just miss you at work and I decided to come see you before going home” Isabella says and Tom heard that he gets happy and thank God that Isabella is not passing te night in his house but he has to pretend to be angry to not spoil the  game he is doing laying with Isabella.

“ But why? I thought you were going to stay for this night, I was thinking of coming to your office to pick you up I really enjoyed your company for the weekend even though you are troublesome a little and can be silly at time” Tom says and Isabella smiles and she gets happy that’s she and Tom are getting along.

“ I also do not want to go home but I had to because my mum is missing for this few days I am away from home even my dad” Isabella says and Tom smiles and thank goodness that’s he will my be staying because she respects her parents a lot and she will not want to stay.

“ Alright, you should go because I can understand how you love and respect your parents a lot but tell me when you get married to me is this how you will be doing” Tom says and Isabella smiles.

“ Not at all, I will just leant you stay with you but right now I am have to my parents but I promise that I will try to change when he get married but not completely” Isabella says and she embrace Tom and she kiss him on the lips.

“ I love you” Tom says and Isabella smiles.

“ I love you too” Isabella says and she left and Tom smiles and watch her leave.