
Chapter 42

Isabella stood angry in the living room and Tom pour drink in to the glass and he gave her so she can calm down because he does not want her to be angry and Isabella collected the glass of wine in anger and she sip and she walks to speak and Tom hold her by her wast and pull her closer to him and they both stared at each other and Isabella was about to speak about what happened earlier and Tom shut her mouth and put his finger on her mouth and Isabella stared at him and now she says in her mind that Tom has fallen in love but still she want to be sure that Tom is not playing her.

“ Why are you shutting me up?” Isabella ask.

“ I do not want you speak about this matter” Tom says and Isabella smiles and she stared at him.

“ Why?” She ask.

“ Because I do not want you to stress yourself, you came here to have fun with me and to spend time with me so why do you want to stress yourself on unnecessary matter, you do not need that” Tom says and Isabella smiles more.

“ Alright but I do not like this your maid at all, can we look for another maid, I can even help you look for one, our house maid, she is an old woman and she also have a younger sister that also want this job you can employ her because all this young girls are not to good for cleaning an d cooking, she is always making mistake” Isabella says.

“ How come you are the only one seeing her mistakes? She has been working for me for a while and I have not seen anything wrong she has done” Tom says.

“ You are not always at home to see what is happening, you are always at the office” Isabella says.

“ Let me ask you a simple question, when you get to my house, did you met it dirty, untidy, unclean or smelling? Because if it was I am sure you are not going to stay” Tom says and Isabella could says anything.

“ She is a good cook and I always enjoy her food” Tom says and Isabella gets jealous that Tom is defending Becky and she think of doing something so that Tom can throw her out of the house and fire her, she is tried of disgusting face and Tom walks upstairs and Isabella walks slowly to the kitchen and she saw Becky preparing the dinner and she stood and she think about she can to do in the food to spoil, Becky turn back and Isabella hide but Becky noticed that someone behind and the only person she could think about is Isabella but she still have a doubt and Isabella hide in the corner and she think on how to distract Becky from the kitchen so she can spoil the food Becky is cooking and she think of tell Becky that Tom wants to see her in the living room, she smiled and she walks out from the corner she was hiding and she enters the kitchen and Becky looks back.

“ Good evening ma” Becky says and she stood confused and says in her mind that Isabella always get her confuse and she can’t wait for to go back to her house.

“ To says he wants to see you” Isabella says.

“ I will be with him soon, I need to finish the cooking first” Becky says and Isabella yells.

“ Are you trying to disrespect your boss?” She ask and Becky stood confused and nervous.

“ Not at all ma’am” Becky says nervously.

“ So what are you still for waiting for?” Isabella ask and she was about to go and she says in her mind that Tom don’t Norma call for her if she cooking or busy and she thinks in her mind that Isabella is up to something and Isabella still see her still standing and she yells at her.

“ Why are you still standing here doing?” She ask and Becky walks out of the kitchen and she was about to go the living room and she tiptoe back and walks slowly to the kitchen and she hides in corner to see what she is doing and she saw her adding plenty salt and grounded pepper and she brings out her phone and she did a little video of Isabella is doing and Isabella was about to turn back and Becky ran upstairs and Isabella notice someone was there but later she says in her mind Becky can’t be here she already told her to go upstairs, Becky ran upstairs lolo g back and Tom walks out of his room and Becky mistakenly throw her self on him and Tom hold her tight and they both stared at each other and the song( Like I do)by her Fireboy and they still continue staring at each other and Tom wonders why she was running and he leave her.

“ Sorry sir!” Becky says and Tom still continue staring at her.

“ Why were you tuning?” Tom ask.

“ Ehmm.. Miss Isabella said that you call for me” Becky says and Tom get surprised.

“ When did I called for you? I did not call for you” Tom says.

“ I knew that you did not call because you don’t always do that when ever I am busy or cooking especially but the reason why she did that I know it” Becky says and Tom is already lost and can’t understand what she is saying.

“ Can you explain to me what you mean” Tom says and Becky brings out her phone and she shows Tom, he watch the short video on Becky’s phone and he gets shocked by seeing what Isabella was doing.

“ When she told me that, you called for me, I wanted to come you to meet but I had tiptoe back and then I saw her doing this so I had do a short video for it but I do not know what she will gain by doing this” Becky says and Tom already understand why she did that.

“ I have not offended her in any way”Becky says and Tom tell her to go back her duties and she should throw that one away and cook the same she was cooking, Be my walks back downstairs and Isabella watch her walks back to the Kitchen for she smiles and says in her mind that if Tom taste the food and the food is spicy he would have to fire her, Tom walks downstairs and he met Isabella smiling and looking happy.

“ You seems happy this evening, what is the secret?” Tom ask.

“ Nothing, I am just famished and I can’t wait to see what your dear favorite maid prepared for dinner” she says and Tom smiles, Becky throw the food she was preparing and she start as fresh again.

Tina serve the food on the dining for Leo “ I know why you do not want come home last night?” Tina says and Leo raise his head up and Tina continues serving food.

“ What do you mean?” Leo ask.

“ I know you were with Cassie last night at Eko hotel, so Cassie was the girl you were taking about” Tim a says and she continues serving the food.

“ Yes, I was with Cassie last night, do you have a problem with it?” Leo ask and Tina drop the dishes on the table.

“ I have a problem with that because Cassie is not in anyways better than us” Tina says and Leo smiles.

“ Please Tina, do not let me lose my appetite and if you continue giving me headache in my own house then you will give me no choice than to fire you and look for another maid and if Anita also continues giving me headache, I will do the same for her, you both are not the first, I had sex with no strings attached” Leo says and Tom a says  in her mind that it’s Anita was right that it’s Cassie Leo was talking about now it’s time for action, she has to act fast so all the properties will belong to her, she walks away from the dining and she walks aside and Tina brings out her iPhone X and she calls her boyfriend James over the phone and she tells him about Cassie and it’s time for them to act fast before they lose this chance and he tells him to come on Monday, Leo will not be around he will go to office so they can plan how to distract Cassie from Leo, she received the call finished and she stood staring at Leo from behind and she says in her mind that she will make sure she became his wife and have all the properties and get married to her boyfriend James but knowing that Cassie is not the girl Leo wants for himself.

Becky served the food on the dining and Isabella was the first to walks to the dining and smiling, Tom stood from the couch he was sitting in the living room and he walks to the dining and sit and Becky served Tom first and she served Isabella as well, Isabella wait for Tom to state the food Becky prepare so he get angry, Tom taste the food Becky serve and he did not react and he continues eating and Isabella gets surprised and Becky stood and she watched reaction and Tom continues to eat the food and he even said the food is so tasty and Isabella gets surprise and Becky smiles and Tom also stared at Isabella and he raise his head up and he winkle at Becky and Tom says in his mind she did a good job.

“ Why haven’t you touch your food?” Tom ask and Isabella still gets surprised that Tom didn’t complain about the food.

“ Of course, I will” she says and she have a taste and the food is not spicy and she has a tâte afin to be sure it still not spicy and she has taste for the third time and it’s still the same and she could not believe that the food it’s not spicy and she remembered how she added more salt and plenty pepper to the food Becky was  cooking and she wonders how it’s happened or maybe the pepper was not spicy enough or maybe the quantity she put was not spicy enough and she drop the folk on the dining and she stared at Tom continue eating the food and she stared at Becky in anger and Becky looks away and she still try to think how did it happen, Becky walks to the kitchen and she dispose the wasted food so Isabella will not know what she did, Tom saw stop eating.

“ What happened? Why are you not eating your food? You were rushing it just now and you have three spoons, don’t you like the food?” Tom ask.

“ No, I do like the food, of course I will eat” She says and she eat more, some minutes later Becky clear the dining and she clear the kitchen and Tom and Isabella lay down in the same bed in Tom’s room, Isabella pretended to sleep and she wait till Tom slept and everyone, she get down of the bed slowly and she slip her leg in the bathroom slippers and she walks outside the room and Tom open his eyes and he go after her behind, Isabella get to the kitchen and she taste the salt and the salt is so sharp and she taste the pepper to confirm and she is also spicy and she stood and wonders how it happened that food was not spicy and she turns back to the room and she saw Tom staring in the doorstep of the kitchen and she gets shocked.

“ What are you doing in the kitchen?” Tom ask.

“Humm.... I was thirsty so I came to drink some water” she says and she walks to the fridge and she take a bottle of water and she drink some water.

“ Can we go now” she says and they both went to the room.

It the next morning and it’s raining already but Tom has an important place to go that early morning he tells Isabella that he has to his office to get a files and he need start working on today and Tom walks out of the house and the rain is falling heavily and he enter his car and he drives out of the house, Isabella says Tom already out and she think of pushing Becky in the rain and she calls Becky’s name.

“ Becky!” She says and Becky left what she was doing upstairs and she rushed downstairs.

“ I want you to get me food from the outside and I do not want to eat your this morning” She says and Becky wanted to go and Isabella stop her.

“ The driver will not drop you. You will go on your own”she says and Becky does not have money to take a bike and she ask for money from Isabella and Isabella yells at her to go and not waste her time and Be my walks slowly and she walks out of the house and the rain is heavily and she enters the rain and the security man watch her go out of the gate and she walks shivering and Tom forgot his cellphone home and he turn the car around and drive back home and Becky walking shivering and Tom driving towards that direction and he saw Becky in the rain and stop the car and Becky walks pass the car without noticing and Tom get down of the car and he called her name and Becky looks back and wanted to to go to him and there was a stone in front her leg and she doesn’t know and she hit her leg and fall and the rain continues to fall on Tom and Becky and Tom ran to her and he carried her in his rams and they both stared at each other the the song( Like I do) by Fireboy plays and Tom take her to the car and he put in the front seat and Tom run to the driver seat and sit.

“ What are you doing in the rain?” Tom ask and Becky continue shivering and all her clothes are wet and Tom as well, Tom remove his suit and he gave her to wear and they both stared at each other and the song( like I do) by Fireboy plays.

“ Miss Isabella said that I should get her food from outside that she does not want to eat my food for breakfast” Becky says and Tom get angry and he says in his mind that Isabella is crossing the line and Becky still feel pain in her leg and Tom tell her not to worry that they get home he will treat it for her and she nods.