
Chapter 41

Leo wakes up seeing Cassie beside him and he sit up in the bed staring at her sleeping and he tried to flashback what happened last night and he remembered that they both have had sex and he was drunk and last night and he stood from the bed and she walks to the bathroom and he freshen up and he finished freshen up he walks out of the bathroom and he wear his clothes and Cassie wakes up ans she raise her hands up ans yarned, she looks beside her and she could not find Leo beside the bed and she saw him already dressing up and she stood up from the bed and smiles and she walks clears to him and ans she tie the duvet.

“ Good morning! How was your night?” She ask.

“ I was drunk and the only think you could do is to lead me on so we can have sex” Leo says and she continues dressing up.

“ Come on! We both are adults so why are making seems like a big deal?” Cassie ask holding him by his shoulder and smiling.

“ I thought you are different from other girls but you proved me wrong that you are one of them” Leo says and Cassie removed her hand from his shoulder and she gets shocked about what Leo said.

“ Is it because we had sec last night that is why you are coming me to the other club girls? Fine then! But we already something together and you know I am not one of them, what is going happened?” Cassie ask.

“ What do you want to happened? We did it and it’s gone already because you made yourself so cheap”Leo says and Cassie gets shocked.

“ So what do you mean?” Cassie ask.

“ What I mean is that what happened last night mean nothing to me, I have girl that I love and she is reserved, she is different from other girls” Leo says and tears drop from Cassie eyes and Leo dress up and he left the hotel room and Cassie continue weep and she walks close to the bed and she sit in the bed and tear continue to drop from her eyes uncomfortable. Leo walks to his car and he open and enter and he sit in his car and he think what has he done, he loves Becky but he keep on having affairs with other girls, he wants to try to change since he met Becky but the girls are always tempting him and thinks of going to see Becky before he go back home and he drives.

Isabella staring at Tom and she smiles and Tom also stare at her and he gives her a fake smile and Isabella force to kiss him and they both kiss and Becky walks out the kitchen with two glass of juice and she saw the both them kissing and she gets shocked and drop the two glass juice on the floor and Tom and Isabella look at her directions and she stood nervous and Isabella gets angry that she distracted their good moments and she yells at her.

“ What?!!! What were you thinking before you drop on the floor? Are you blind or something?” She says in anger.

“ I am sorry ma’am, I didn’t mean to drop it on the floor, it was by mistake” Becky says.

“ Mistake! Did you just said mistake? You just a fool, if your hands are not to good or strong to carry just two glass of juive then why are you a maid here? You are nothing but a fool” Isabella says and Tom gets angry and he wanted to yells back her that it’s enough and not speak to Becky that way but he caution himself again, tears drop from Becky’s eyes and she stood and could says anything the only thing she could think of is that, if she hasn’t come to work as maid, her fellow woman like her wine be speaking to her anyhow and she think of Leo loving her and Mike and she thinks in her mind of considering them because she is not also cool to gets insulted, she thought Tom was different from others rich kids but he proved her wrong today by allowing Isabella to insult her in his presence and without him saying anything, why is she even bothered Tom introduce her as his official girlfriend then why is she jealous.

“ Becky! You should clean up the mess” Tom says and they both eyes met and Becky walks back to the kitchen to and she brought the what she will use in cleaning the mess she made and she walks back to the kitchen to prepare another fruit juice for Tom and Isabella, Becky got to the kitchen and she stood weeping and she flashback to the way Tom use to behave with her there is always peace till Isabella came in this weekend and she flashback to the way that Isabella speak to her.

The doorbells rings and Isabella ask Tom if his expecting any visitor for the day and Tom replies no and Tom walks to the doorstep and Isabella stop him that this is not is work that is the work of his maid Becky and she called Becky’s name and she shout her name calling.

“ Becky! Becky’! Becky!” Isabella shout calling her name and Becky left she is doing in the kitchen and she ran to the living room nervous and she stood confused and don’t know the reason why Isabella called her.

“ Why are you still standing? You should know what to do or don’t you eat the doorbell ringing” Isabella says and Becky rushes to the doorstep.

“ She is such a fool” Isabella says and she went back to sit and Becky open the door and she saw Leo in the doorstep.

“ Hey!” Leo says.

“ Hey!” Becky says and Isabella yells at her as she stood in the doorstep.

“ Why are you still standing at the doorstep? Who is there?” Isabella ask and Leo heard Isabella’s voice and he entered and he saw Isabella and Tom together and he smiles.

“ Oh! Leo that is you” Isabella says and she walks clore to him and embrace him.

“ It’s nice seeing you seems you are having a nice time with  Tom” Leo says.

“ Seems Leo has not tell you the good news that I am his official girlfriend” she says and Leo smiled that Tom took his advice.

“ Tom! Why do you have to hide this from me and you we are friends” Leo says and Leo walks closer to him and he embrace him and he whispered that his ear.

“ You really did well, thanks for taking to my advice” Leo says whispering to Yom ears.

“I can’t let us lose hundred million” Tom says whispering as well and they both smiles, Isabella saw Becky stood in the living room confuse and she yells at her.

“ What are you still doing here  standing? Are you confuse?” Isabella ask and Leo gets surprised by how Isabella speak to Becky and Becky rushes back to the kitchen and she prepared the juice and she served it to Tom, Leo and Isabella and Isabella taste hers and she poured it out and she stood up angry and Becky stood still confuse that what is the matter and Becky stood confuse and Isabella walks closer to her and was about to slap her and Leo holds her hand and Becky’s head was aside as she saw Isabella was about to slap her and she raise her head up and she saw Leo holding Isabella hands and Tom stood up and Isabella gets angry and seeing staring Leo holding her hands and she removed her hand with anger.

“ Why will you do?” Leo ask and Isabella yells.

“ She is such a fool and don’t know how to do anything, Joyce she mad it’s rubbish” Isabella says and Tom walks closer.

“ Don’t you think you are overreacting Isabella? She has been working for me for a while and she is a good cook and also do her job so neat and even juice is the same she served all of us and it’s taste good why are you the only one complaining” Tom says and Isabella gets angry.

“ You have employed a fool in this house, I do not like her, she is such a clown” Isabella says and Leo gets angry.

“ Why are using all this words for her? She is also human like you and your fellow woman, why are you over reacting, I have always known her to be gentle girl, why do you want to force things out of her” Leo says in her anger.

“ Why are you all defending her? What is in her that is so special?” Isabella ask.

“ Are you feeling intimidated by her?” Leo ask.

“ No, why should I be?, she is even up to my standard”Isabella says.

“ But it’s seems you are. you are overreacting” Tom says and Isabella raise her head up.

“ Because she is a maid that does not mean you can speak her as you like, she is human like you and she deserves her respect even though she is not up to your standards” Leo says and tears drop from Becky’s eyes that Leo is the one defending her even though if she does not like him but it’s seems she is seeing the good side of him and she face her head now and can’t look at him the face and Tom orders Becky to go back to her duty and Becky go back to the kitchen.

Becky walk to the kitchen and she continues weeping and Leo drink his juice finish and he walks to the kitchen to meet Becky and she stood at the doorstep of the kitchen watching her cry and he walks closer to her and he touch her by her shoulder and Becky quickly clean her tears and she looks back and she saw Leo.

“ Why are you crying? You are crying because your fellow woman insulted, you should not cry because of your fellow woman, know that your thoughts right now will be because you work as a maid and you are not up to any of standard that is why you can’t speak up to defend yourself right” Leo says and Becky stared at him.

“ No matter what I want you out in mind that you can’t work as a maid for entire life, I want you to put in your mind that one day you will also make and no one will able to speak to you anyhow, I love your hard work and you are different from other girls you also have respect it’s shows that you came from a very good family and you should keep it up” Leo says and Becky smiles and she says in her mind that Leo encourage her.

“ I came to see you but it’s seems you are under pressure” Leo says.

“ I will be fine” Becky says and Leo’s phone rings and he walks aside to pick up and Becky stared at him and some minutes  later Leo finished receiving call and he walks back to her.

“ I have to take my leave now, I hope speak you to on phone” Leo says and he stared at Becky and Becky face her head down.

“ Bye” Leo says and he left and Becky stood and she smiled that at least Leo defend her from that witch Isabella.

Cassie got back home looking sad and she met her mum in the living room and she walks pass her without greeting her and her mum stop her but she did not reply and she continues walking upstairs and her mum wonders what is the matter with her two daughters, Jessica has been inside her room since last night and she lock herself, she did not open the door and now Cassie came back home looking sad, and Cassie walks to Jessica’s room and she was about to pul so she can open and she it’s is lock from the inside and she knock on the door and she calls Jessica’s name to open the door, Jessica heard her voice and she quickly walks to open the door for her and she met Jessica weeping and Cassie also crying and they both get surprised and wonders why did Cassie came crying and why is Jessica also crying in her room and Jessica let he in and they both sit in the bed.

Why are you crying? I thought you had a good time with Leo” Jessica says and Cassie continue weeping and she says in her mind that she should have listened to Jessica what said to her that she should not throw herself so cheap to Leo but now he did what had to and now he said what ever happened bête et them means nothing to him.

“ Speak to me what happened?” Jessica says and tears continue to drop from Cassie eyes.

“ After the night club last night, Leo and I logged in a hotel and we both had sex but this morning that he woke Leo said that what he had last night means nothing to him, that I am cheap and not different from other girls out there, I should have listened to you this my fault, he told me that he has a girl that he love and she is reserved and she is different from any other girl” Cassie says and she continues weeping and Jessica stood and she clean her tears and she ask Cassie to clean up her tears and Cassie clean up her tears too.

“ I also also called Mike yesterday and he told me that is over after five years of relationship, but right now o think it’s time to be wicked and it’s time to be a vilain” Jessica says boldly.

“ What do you mean?” Cassie ask.

“ You will look for the girl that he said she is reserved and different and deal with her and also deal with Leo himself without any pity” Jessica says.

“ How will I do that and how will even know the girl?” Cassie ask.

“ You will know the girl as time goes on, you will just need to follow my step because I am going to make Mike suffer for what he did to me and I will make sure I destroy any other relationship he will have with other girls” Jessica says and she frown.

“ I want to be so wicked that I will not have pity on any Mike himself because I will forget that we have dated” Jessica says.

“I have been so nice to him, submissive to him but this is how he wish to pay me back then he should be ready to face the consequences because I will make his life living hell and I also want you to make Leo’s life miserable”’Jessica says as she wants to go wicked and Cassie says in her mind she do not think she can do that for Leo because she still feel love for him and she hope that one day he will come back realize the love he has for him.