
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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Prelims part 2: The Truth

"WHAT...THE...FUCK?!" Were the thoughts and voices of everyone who could not believe what they were seeing before their eyes, many had tried to say Kai to dispel the Genjutsu upon these four only to find there was no genjutsu at all!.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? THE BRATS ARE GROWN! AND-AND NARUTO LOOKS LIKE A SEXY BEAST!" Thought Anko who was blushing and drooling looking at her Student who couldn't believe how hot he looked as a Adult!.

Kurenai could only look in pure shock at Hinata's look as she then turned to Naruto with a small blush she turned away not wanting to even look at him.

Kiba drooled At how beautiful and Hot Sil, Eve and Hinata was! He definitely gotta tap one of their asses. His companion Akamaru whimpered at the sight of Naruto and at that moment he knew that Naruto had clearly become a Alpha of some sorts and hoped his Master wasn't stupid enough to go after another Alpha's Mates.

Shino if you could even see his reaction his brow raised and only could stare in disbelief at Hinata's appearance.

Sakura and Ino along with Temari and Tenten could only look blown away by Hinata, Sil and Eve's appearance! And could only look in Envy at how beautiful they look. Sakura and Ino looked extremely jealous that they don't have any sexy curves like the three adult women before them.

Neji could only looked surprised at how grown his cousin has become, but it made little difference that she has changed he will still beat her today.

Shikamaru and Choji couldn't believe their eyes either, guess you could say that Shikamaru finds their sudden growth spurt troublesome, Choji looked even more amazed at how grown Naruto has been as he didn't bother to eat anymore of his chips.

Kakashi, Guy and Asuma could only drop their jaws at the sight of how these four have grown like what the hell!? Asuma was too busy looking at Eve seeing how pretty she looked, Kakashi was more focused on Naruto seeing the resemblance between him and his Sensei Minato. He started to put it together did this mean Naruto is his Sensei's son!? It can't be possible?!

Gaara seemed to be staring at Naruto for some odd reason, the grown Naruto looks to be a great challenge for him someday and probably will prove his existence and give his blood to his 'mother' speaking of his mother, Shukaku had mixed feelings about the blonde man, as if he could sense odd aura around Naruto and Senses the familiar essence of Kyuubi around the man.

Sasuke was shocked as well and couldn't believe his eyes, that Naruto has become a Adult! But his sights were more focused on Sil and Eve, he could feel that both of them are strong to be his future wives, he must get his clan restoration acts activated and get those two immediately in his clan for marriage.

Orochimaru who was in his disguise could only look shocked as well. He thought he rid of the brats!? Now they are grown and will be a even bigger problem to his plans!.

Kabuto looked surprised too and then turned towards his master who is just as shocked as he was.

There were millions of questions going through everyone's heads wondering how the fuck are they adults suddenly!?

Hiruzen looked close to having a heart attack at what was before him, Naruto is a Adult? Along with Hinata Hyuuga and those twins?! He needs a explanation.

"Ahem... Naruto my office please... Anko come as well." Hiruzen said now as He nodded as they followed him to his office.

He wasn't sure how was he going to explain this to Hiashi about his Daughter's sudden growth spurt.

( meanwhile at Naruto's apartment)

Ahri and Haku are feeding the kids. They managed to sneak into the village without no one noticing them or the babies.

Haku is breastfeeding both of her kids, Ahri is also breastfeeding her kids also, as She made clones to feed Sil's Eve's and Hinata's kids.

All of them were breastfeeding the babies who are drinking their milk hungrily.

Feeling the pride of Motherhood swell into them. Feeling great emotional attachments to their kids.

( Hokage Office)

"I want Answers old man when were you going to tell me that the Yondaime was my father.?" Questioned Naruto giving the old kage a heavy glare.

"Wh-What!?" Shouted Anko who looked even more surprised that Naruto is the son of the Yondaime as she turned towards the Hokage hoping he would confirm is that true?

"He knows? How?" Thought Hiruzen now surprised that Naruto knows about his father It seems he has no choice but to tell him with the cat out of the bag.

"Naruto, I was going to tell you at least until you made Chunin or wait it out until you were 16 you would learn your heritage." Answered Hiruzen seeing Naruto frown.

"Why keep this from me though? Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to know who my parents are? Thinking they probably abandoned me like all the villagers say." Growled Naruto still not pleased as Hiruzen sighed.

"Please understand on why I kept this from you, If you knew at a young age and began telling who your parents are that would leave trouble, your father made a lot of enemies, mostly Iwa and Kumo. The reason I couldn't announce the village about your heritage that if word got out then Both Iwa and Kumo will stop at nothing to send assassins to kill you to spite your father." Hiruzen explained hoping Naruto would understand this as the boy still had his glare at the old Kage

"And what's this about my Clan? The Uzumaki Clan? You thought it was okay to keep that from me too?" Asked Naruto still glaring at the old Kage who looked surprised that the boy even knows about his clan on his mother's side!.

Anko gasped her student was also from a clan!? This was mind blowing!

"How?" Asked Hiruzen

"Let's just say a certain Fox told me everything after my growth." Naruto answered with his glare never leaving off his face.

"And how exactly did you managed to.. hit a growth spurt? Same with those twins and Hinata?" Hiruzen asked

"Fine I'll tell you old man. Ever since I've freed and met Sil-Chan and Eve-Chan from that snake bastard's lab I've been having these nightmares... these dreams that keep telling me what I have become and what those dreams are leading me to do." Naruto answered with Anko and the Hokage raise eyebrows

"Elaborate Naruto?" Hiruzen wanting to know exactly what the boy was getting at.

"As you could see, Sil and Eve aren't normal and neither am I... We are something above the stars, like from another world. These creatures we are becoming I can't describe.. These dreams tells me that I am the creature and it wants me to breed... It wants me to sexually breed and infect other females of my choice. This led to our growth it was time for us to mature and start mating... A month ago before the exams I infected Hinata-chan because the dream showed me she was perfect I infected her and that is how she went through her growth, I marked her as my mate forever." Naruto said explaining everything to the Hokage as the old kage and Anko could only look dumbstruck at what Naruto told him, he realizes Hiashi will not support Hinata with Naruto.

"Naruto, Hiashi Hinata's father will not support the idea of you claiming his daughter..." Hiruzen said but saw Naruto's eyes flash red.

"I don't care! If he doesn't support our relationship or bonding! Hinata is mine! She belongs to me as my mate and lover! I dare that son of a bitch to try and take her from me!" Growled Naruto feeling aggression grow within him and feels very predatory and possessive.

"Naruto, calm down please!" Hiruzen said hoping to call the man down as he saw Anbu appear he raised a hand telling them to stand down and that he got this.

"If he even tries to take her from me! I'll murder him!" Hissed Naruto feeling his inner alien erupt more aggression into him. No one takes what belongs to him, he will kill them.

Sil Eve, Hinata and surprisingly Anko began to get wet from seeing Naruto become so enraged that it turned them on.

"But Naruto what about how Hinata feels you can't just-" He said but Hinata cut him off.

"It's fine Hokage-sama, I don't care what my father thinks of me or Naruto-kun, I will stay with Naruto-kun along with Sil-chan and Eve-chan. Even Haku-chan." Hinata said surprising the old man.

"When will I have my father's house, the Namikaze estate. I want to move in now. After this Chunin exams." Naruto questioned.

"I will let you have it but know this, I will reveal your heritage to the populace on the day of the finals of the chunin exams." Hiruzen said seeing Naruto nod as he turned towards Anko

"Anko, what you have heard here is S-ranked. Am I clear?" He said seeing her nod.

"Understood Hokage-sama." Said Anko nodding

"Do you have anything else you wish to share with me.?" The sandaime asked as Naruto stared at him.

Naruto wondered should he tell the sandaime about the Kyuubi no longer inside him, and that he already bred his mates and impregnated them meaning he will have to reveal his kids to him. No, maybe later next month he will reveal them to him and the Kyuubi.

"No, old man, not at all." said Naruto as he gave His mates a silent message to not say anything.

"Very well then let's proceed to the preliminary's." Hiruzen said taking his smoking pipe as he and the others were leaving the preliminary's.

( Arena)

The teams were still there and we're still dumbstruck about Naruto and the girl's sudden growth spurt. Like how exactly did they just Grow!?

Everything was silenced as the Sandaime and Naruto and company came in he told them that they had a growth sprut to cover up what really happened with them. As he told his speech congratulating all those who survived the Forest of death and all as a Sick Jonin by the name of Hayate.

The Sick Jonin asked if anyone else was staying or leaving, Kabuto raised his hand saying that he was leaving.

Naruto narrowed his eyes when he looked at Kabuto's retreating form and smelled the man, he reeks of Orochimaru meaning the boy could be a spy.

Orochimaru and Kabuto are possible threats to him and his clan, he will end them someday but not now.

"Alright may we begin with Sasuke Uchiha and Zaku." Said Hayate.

( Same as Canon)

"Alright next up is Sil vs Sakura Haruno." He announced

"Yeah! About time I get to show Sasuke-kun that I am way better than that Blonde Skank!" Sakura said with confidence that she can beat Sil as she walked down the arena.

"Hell Yeah! Let's put that freaky bitch in her place!" Inner Sakura agreed with her outer self.

Sil only stared blankly at Sakura as if she wasn't worth fighting or hardly a challenge.

"Try not to kill her Sil" Whispered Naruto as Sil flashed a dangerous smirk similar to Anko's.

"I won't kill her, probably will break her." Sil answered as she walked down to the arena to meet with Sakura.

"Ready? Fight!" Hayate announced.

The two shifted into taijutsu and began to fight. Sil was much faster as Sakura couldn't keep up with her yet she tried to make a hit on Sil but was not able too.

"She's fast! but how!? I can't even touch her or make a hit on her.!" Thought Sakura as Sil saw an opening and sent a swift Chakra infused Punch into Sakura's gut that it made the pink-haired Haruno cough up blood and threw up what she ate for breakfast.

Eve could only watch in pride of her Twin Sister beating the breaks off Sakura. About time that little girl knows her place.

Those who were in the stands could only look in awe at how fast and Strong Sil was. Kakashi was keeping a close eye on Sil watching her movements, no Genin like her should be this fast? With such agility and endurance.

Naruto smiled watching his mate fight sakura.

Sakura got up gagging and coughing up more blood as she looked horrified at Sil.

"You freak! I will not lose to you!" Sakura said now reaching into her pouches and throw shuriken. Sil pulled out a Kunai and deflected each one but one of them Hit Sil's shoulder as the Woman grunted in pain.

"Yeah!" Shouted Sakura in thought happily that she finally hit Sil.

Up in the stands Eve looked pissed that little bitch is trying to get at her sister with the intent to kill, she looked ready to jump down there and kill Sakura only for Naruto to stop her putting a hand on her shoulder, he frowned too but was watching.

Anko narrowed her eyes at Sakura too.

On the arena.

Sil pulled the Shuriken out of her right shoulder and tossed it aside. She took a deep breath and concentrated on her healing factor to heal up the cut on her shoulder as it started to heal up instantly.

Sakura widened her eyes, was her eyes playing her!? She can heal!?

"Since you want to play it like that, it's my turn." Sil said as she pulled out a smoke bomb tossing it on the ground covering the arena.

Sakura looked Startled the smoke was dense and she couldn't see Sil, no one couldn't see her in the smoke.

Everything was too quiet as she frantically looked around.

While she was looking around behind her, a Green Blur ran past her making her jump frantically and missed the blur.

"Hey! Show yourself freak! Fight me like a real woman!" Sakura yelled.

Low hissing could be heard, as Sakura felt a shiver down her spine, a green chitinous Clawed hand backhanded Sakura that it made her fracture her jaw and lost some of her teeth, as Sakura yelled in pain, Sakura fell on the ground as Sil leaped on Sakura pinning her to the ground hissing and growling lowly when Sakura got a good look at Sil. Sakura turned white and looked very terrified of Sil's appearance.

No longer human Sil is a chitinous and reptilian, humanoid in appearance. Her "hair" is a mass of prehensile tentacles which are slicked back behind her head. She possesses two sets of teeth with the internal set being razor sharp.

Growing and snarling Sakura screamed to the top of her lunges that it made everyone cringe she was so terrified and scared at who was above her, she foamed at the mouth with her eyes rolling to the back of her skull, sil's appearance truly frightened her that it made her pass out.

The smoke was beginning to fade, Sil quickly began to revert to her human form Before anybody could see her. She quickly tossed on her clothes.

Everyone was wondering what the hell happened in the Smoke? And what made Sakura scream? The smoke indeed faded away revealing an Unscathed Sil standing still looking at Sakura who is passed out from fright and foam was still out of her mouth.

Hayate walked over and announced Sil as the winner as medics put Sakura on a stretcher and carried her.

Team 11 along with those cheered for Sil's victory with the exception of Kakashi as he narrowed his eye directly at Sil wondering what did she do to Sakura?.

Next up was Naruto vs Kiba.

"Alright! About time I show him who's the better Alpha! Let's go Akamaru!" Kiba said jumping over while his companion didn't and for reasons why Akamaru acknowledges Naruto as an Alpha and was too afraid to go down their with his master and face Naruto,

Kiba noticed his companion wasn't besides him as he looked up noticing Akamaru was still in the stands.

"Akamaru get your butt down here! And help me show this punk who's the real Alpha around here!" He shouted confused as to why his companion won't come down and help him. The puppy refused coming down

"It seems your dog is smarter than you Kiba, he can tell the difference between me and you." Naruto said with a smirk and nod of respect towards Akamaru

"What are you talking about!? Akamaru knows I'm the REAL Alpha! Get down here now!" He yelled at his puppy only for Akamaru to stand by Hinata who picked him up.

"What's the matter dog brain? Can't beat me without your buddy?" Taunted Naruto in amusement as Kiba turned around snarling and glared.

"Fine! I don't need Akamaru to help me put you in your place and show everyone that I'm the top dog around here and Alpha!" Kiba growled upset that his companion forsaken him and refused to help him fight Naruto.

"If I win! This will show Sil-Chan, Eve-Chan and Hinata-Chan that I'm better!" Kiba glared as the three said women scoffed and looked at him with disgust.

"Bring it on, Dog boy." Naruto challenged

"Ready? Fight!" Hayate Announced as Kiba brashly swiped his claws at Naruto who was dodging at perfect ease as Kiba continued to try landing a hit on Naruto yet wasn't able too and it was very frustrating that it was pissing him off.

"Hold Still and take your hits!" Yelled Kiba.

Naruto had a triumphant smirk on his face as he continued to dodge Kiba who continued to brashly swipe his claws and try to keep hitting naruto, Naruto saw an opening and sent a punch to Kiba's stomach causing the boy to bend over in pain at feeling the gut-punch as he looked up narrowing his eyes at Naruto who looked smug.

"What's the matter dog brain? Why are you bending over like a bitch?" Naruto taunted hoping to upset Kiba more.

"Grrr! Damn you!" Kiba said as he attempted to lunge at Naruto who caught his wrists and tossed him over, as Kiba recovered getting back up and tried to attack Naruto again only for the man to catch him again and slam him straight into the ground.

Kiba did not respond as he was knocked out.

"He's finished, he will not be getting up." Naruto said towards Hayate who nodded.

"Winner Naruto Uzumaki!" He announced as everyone cheered for his win As Kiba was being carried on a stretcher to the medics with Sakura.

Next up was Ino Vs Eve

"Alright! I can do this! I can beat her all I need is to get into her mind." Ino said heading down.

Eve was already on her way down to fight the platinum blonde, haired girl

Once the two met on the arena Hayate moved aside.

"Ready? Fight!" Shouted Hayate

Ino engaged first on the woman and attempted to Toss kunai's at Eve only for the alien woman to evade them, Ino keeps tossing more and more Kunai's as she dashed and tried to get a swift punch at Eve only for her to block it and shove the girl back before charging at Ino with a Chakra infused fist, Ino barely dodged it as she jumped back away seeing Eve now recover.

"Now is the time to do it!" Ino shouted in her mind ready to do her family Jutsu.

Eve stood tall ready and waiting for Ino's next movements.

"Take this you bimbo! Mind switch Jutsu!" Ino shouted as she sent her consciousness and spiritual energy straight line into Eve.

Sil Naruto and Hinata widened their eyes as they suddenly realized what was going to happen.

"Eve! Dodge it!" yelled Sil but it was too late.

Ino had gotten inside of Eve's body and mind.

Everyone looked on in surprise, as Eve's body was now in control of Ino, who could only look like a frozen statue.

(Within Eve's mind)

Now having got inside of Eve she smirked and wondered if she could now control the woman to actually forfeit her match.

Little did Ino knew she failed to notice another being in Eve's mind.

A visage was snarling and growling that it caught Ino's attention before she could force Eve to forfeit she turned around and could only feel her blood freeze at what was before her.

It was a chitinous and reptilian that appeared to be humanoid in appearance. It's "hair" is a mass of prehensile tentacles which are slicked back behind it's head. possesses two sets of teeth with the internal set being razor sharp. And breasts.

It's skin looked dark with dark pinkish hues on its skin and body.

The creature growled and roared at Ino who could only look horrified as she screamed very loud.

( Outside of Eve's body)

Ino's face could only look horrified as she started to scream surprising everyone.

Naruto and the others looked concerned what was going on?

(Back in the mind)

"What the hell are you!? You can't be Eve!? Get away! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Screamed Ino as Eve in her alien form charged at Ino making the girl scream much louder and quickly pulled herself out Eve's mind.

( Back in reality)

Eve was finally free of Ino's jutsu as she glared at Ino who screamed truly terrified and fell on her ass backing away from Eve.

"KEEP AWAY FROM ME! STAY AWAY! PLEASE DON'T COME TO ME!" Screamed Ino from the top of her lungs as she kept seeing a visage of Eve's alien form manifest behind the woman.

Ino suddenly passed out with foam in her mouth as the image that she saw within Eve's mind would haunt her for days or months or would even be in her nightmares.

Confused as hell that Ino had lost Hayate checked on Ino and she seemed okay as he turned towards Eve with confusion as he turned towards the Hokage who nodded.

"Winner by knockout Eve!" Hayate announced.

"Yes!" Cheered Sil with Hinata clapping

Naruto smiled as well.

"First Sakura? Now Ino? Just what is with those two females?" Thought Kakashi who wondered how could these two win so easily?

Now it was Hinata vs Neij.

Neji could only smirk, it was finally time to put Hinata in her place as he walked down the arena to go and fight her.

Hinata wore a look that reminds her of her father as she walked down the arena to face her cousin.

"Today Fate will decree that I shall be the victor and show everyone how weak you are Hinata-sama." Said Neji with an ugly glare.

She said nothing but got into her stance giving him a stern glare.

"Hmph! Trying to act all high and mighty for that commoner and his whores? Trying to impress him? Not like Hiashi-sama will allow that. it makes no difference if you happen to have a growth spurt, I shall beat you! And fate will deem it so!" He declared as Hinata narrowed her eyes at what he said he insulted her Mate and new friends, and for that she was not going to show any mercy on him.

"Ready? Fight!" Hayate yelled

As the two Hyuuga's now clashed and fought in their clan Taijutsu Style the Jyuuken.

Hinata was much faster, as she struck Neji in the face which shocked him he quickly recovered when she was up on him and hit his jaw with full force of her strength knocking him aside.

Getting up he wiped his mouth and noticed blood.

"Blood?" Thought Neji looking at her as she charged at him with the intent to beat him with an inch of his life.

Team guy looked on in concern Hinata is actually beating Neji!

The hyuuga boy staggered a bit when he felt a few strikes to his chest legs and face.

She dashed forward and struck his face with a nasty Jyuuken hit.

He couldn't understand!? How is he losing to her? How is she pushing him into a corner!? It was pissing him off he has to end this!. He will not lose!.

Hinata stood up glaring at him, as she wondered what was Neji going to do now.

He activated his Byukugan,

She noticed, as she in turn activated hers as well.

He lunged forward now infusing Chakra into his palms as did she and they both clashed, he grunted in pain when she struck his chest, and when she struck his lunges, he staggered back clutching his chest looking at her. He tried to hit her only for her to block his attack and she ruthlessly attacked him.

Everyone except Naruto Sil and Eve looked in dumbstruck at how she was fucking Neji up!

He looked bruised up, he coughed blood, one black eye and lost seem teeth.

"I would advise you to give up Neji, face it you can't beat me, you never will or your so called Fate!" She spat waiting for him to forfeit now.

He growled as he got up trying to at least make a deadly strike at her heart with an infused chakra palm she had crushed him into the ground with a powerful strike to his chest and left him barely conscious.

"Give up now. Your fate is hopeless and won't save you." She said coldly

"NEVER!" He roared as got up only to tell in pain and clutched his head

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" He screamed when he looked up with his byukugan still active he widened his eyes at what his eyes were looking at.

Hinata had just used the cage birdseal in front of everyone she glared down at him but that wasn't what made him have a fearful look on his face.

He saw something that he has never seen before, and whatever it was, it's visage was behind Hinata Manifesting behind her.

And what was it he was seeing exactly?

Well let's just say that behind Hinata is a lavender chitinous, reptilian being with claws, it had curved tusks on its face, it had a well endowed figure that any man would desire, sharp teeth and its hair had tentacles going down its shoulders squirming and the eyes, they were lavender too yet with the Byukugan staring into his very soul scaring him.

"M-Monster... M-Monster!" He passed out after that as the visage of what he saw forever burned into his mind.

"Winner Hinata Hyuuga!" announced Hayate

Everyone was surprised that she won! And beat him!

The next few hours the prelims we're over those who advanced consisted of:

Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Sil, Eve, Shino, Shikamaru, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro and Sai.

For the Finals, it will be Naruto vs Sasuke,

Hinata vs Eve

Shikamaru vs Temari

Shino vs Kankuro

Sil vs Sai

And Gaara? Whoever wins from the first match it will be either Sasuke or Naruto against him.

All genin had one month to train for the finals.

Everyone was dismissed and went home.

And speaking of home, Naruto, Sil, Eve and Hinata has to go home and check on their babies and move them in the Namikaze Estate. After that Naruto has to infect his Sensei like he plans too and convert her. He has a feeling he will deal with the Hyuuga clan later on once Hinata is revealed to her father.

If push comes to shove if they dare keep Hinata away from him he will go there himself and take her by force kill them if he has too, Hinata is his.

Or Hinata might even attack them herself...

Whichever came first.