
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Moving in new home

( Naruto's apartment)

Once the four returned from the preliminary's they entered in the apartment to see their kids sleep who were attached to the clones of Ahri.

Instantly Sil, Eve, and Hinata instantly scooped up their children looking at their wonderful newborn babies.

Feeling the motherly instincts kick in.

Naruto looked at each of his kids, all of them were newborns.

He realized he can't keep them here in his apartment building, as he spoke up to his 'Family'.

"I've spoken to the Sandaime, he has allowed me and us to live in my father's home, so pack what you can and let's get there to the house." Naruto said seeing all of his mates nod their heads as they made shadow clones to pack up their belongings and seal them all in a scroll. Now we're on their way to their new Home the Namikaze Estate.

Ahri hid away her Fox features so no one wouldn't be suspicious of her as a Fox Woman. As for the babies they held them in bundles and were covering them so no one wouldn't suspect what they are holding.

Having found his Father's house, it's a very big house and clan home enough for lots of future mates and children to be here in their Nest'

Having settled in and unpacked all their stuff Hinata came towards Naruto handling him her daughter.

"Isn't she adorable Naruto-kun? She looks just like you and me, she has your whiskers and blue eyes." Hinata said looking at their Baby Himawari Uzumaki.

"She has your hair too Hina-Chan." Naruto said with a smile seeing his daughter coo, Hinata also smiled too.

Sil was looking at both hers and Naruto's children smiling warmly at her beautiful babies, she could not wait to raise them.

Eve was also loving her twin daughters Sara and Miranda.

Ahri adored her little kits she couldn't wait to have more and raise them.

Haku stared at her twins who are asleep.

They were now a Family, but later on in the future their family will be much bigger.

Only problem was that they have to face a lot of obstacles to protect and defend their family.

Naruto could see the Hyuuga clan will not accept Hinata as his and they will stop at nothing to get at him and Hinata, if push comes to shove he'll kill them.

Then there are those in the village who still hates him.

Then there is Orochimaru.

And of course Iwa and Kumo are deemed his threats too.

And he has a feeling he will encounter even more dangerous enemies.

He will do what's necessary to protect his mates, his family and most importantly his growing clan.

His next mate will be his Sensei: Mitirashi Anko.

He will infect her next and turn her.

Then he has to train for the finals, seeing that he will have to go against Sasuke, and fight Gaara, Naruto will beat both of them to become Chunin. The Sandaime will announce his Heritage on the finals after he advances and makes Chunin.

He smiled warmly looking at all of his children as he sat with all of his mates looking at each of them.

( Meanwhile with Ino)

Ino who was still passed out from her match with Eve was sweating and shaking. She was in the Konoha hospital.

After going into Eve's mind she saw some of the grown woman's memories and even saw her sexual relations with Naruto.

Even How she was created by Orochimaru.

It scared the girl when she saw Eve's transformation.

But her and adult Naruto having sexual relations made her blush in her state. If only she was grown and would become apart of Naruto's harem.

But the question was how?

(Later on at the Hyuuga Compound)

Hinata had returned she knows she can't stay at the Namikaze estate all day knowing her father will send her Bodyguard Ko to look for her.

She promised to return to her daughter and mate.

As soon as she got in the clan compound Many Hyuuga males could only stare at Hinata with Lust and could not believe her Beauty and the curves she has. The female Hyuuga's could only look at Hinata with Envy on their faces as she walked past them to meet with her Father.

Even her little sister Hanabi who saw her wondered who was that woman and why did she look so much like her Older Sister?

In Hiashi's office

He heard a knock at the door in his office.

"Come in" He answered as the door opened revealing a woman he thought was dead.

He widened his eyes in shock at the woman before him, she looked so much like his dead Wife... this couldn't be a Genjutsu to fool him. His wife is dead and she can't possibly be right here infront of him!?

"Who are you?" He asked looking dead at the grown woman

"It's me Father. Hinata." Hinata answered in a stoic tone similar to his.

His eyes threatened to pop out as he instantly turned on his Byukugan to make sure this wasn't a Genjutsu only to find there is no Genjutsu.

He Even said Kai to try dispelling the Genjutsu only to find none on his oldest daughter.

"How!?" He asked in shock.

"Let's just say father that I have hit a growth spurt." Answered Hinata

He looked completely baffled by her appearance, she looked so much like his wife.

"How did the Preliminary's go?" He asked

"I won and beat Neji." She answered which surprised him.

She beat his nephew? He has heard from the branch hyuuga members of how highly they spoke of Neji and that Neji was a prodigy. Not to mention he was the Rookie Of the year in the academy. How was this possible?

"I am pleased to hear that you have won..." He said still keeping his attention on his eldest daughter.

"If there is nothing else Father, may I leave? I only came to inform you of my advancement." She said as he nodded slightly she turned and left his office leaving him stunned.

He needed answers and he needed them now.

He leaves his office to go to the hospital to question his Nephew.

( With Naruto)

Having left his new house, he, Sil, Eve and Haku go out shopping for new clothes while Ahri babysits the children.

Getting new clothes to wear and probably wear for the Finals in a month and that they got to train.

Since Naruto will be fighting Sasuke he knows the boy will be trained by his Father's student.

Sil, Eve and Haku got them lots of clothes and paid with their pay from the missions they saved up on.

After buying lots of Clothes the four stopped at Ichiraku's to have Ramen.

Of course Ayame the waitress could not keep her eyes off of Naruto. He looked so damn hot.

Her father noticed this and then turned towards Naruto wondering how did he and his friends become well you know Adults!? Naruto explained to his Old man and friend that they had a growth spurt which how they became like this.

Naruto stared at Ayame slightly and could tell she was perfect to be his future mate. He can claim her, he couldn't wait to infect her.

Ayame blushed seeing him look at her.

He smiled at her while leaving her a tip after he and his girls are their ramen.

Now on their way home to see their children and keep bonding with them.

Now at their house

Naruto is holding his Son Sanji Namikaze Uzumaki feeding his kid a bottle of milk while Sil is breastfeeding his sister Lazuli.

He loved all of his kids equally. Including his lovers.

Right now he is holding Hinata's daughter. Feeding the mini version of Hinata.

Now in bed with his lovers except Hinata. He wondered where was she? What was taking her?

( Hyuga compound)

Hinata created a shadow clone to sleep in her bed while she goes to her 'Real' Home, with her lover and child.

She quietly opened the window and snuck out of it, also leaving the Hyuga compound without making so much noise.

She finally escaped and went on to the namikaze estate.

( Back at the namikaze estate.)

Hinata had joined Naruto in bed with Sil, Eve, Ahri and Haku.

While their babies are in cribs sleep.

( Two days later)

For the last two days the babies were growing at a fast rate, they suddenly grow a Year older every 12 hours they were growing.

They were now growing to become the Age of 5-year-olds.

Happy and still having emotional attachments for their children.

Teaching their kids how to read, count and etc.

Though they had a feeling their kids aren't ready to go outside yet in the village.

But they can't stay cooped up in this house forever and sooner or later they will be revealed.

Naruto will just have to make some arrangements on how can he allow his little offspring to go out and enjoy the outside world. He knows once they mature they will go out and want to mate too.

Ahri is cooking dinner for the family. Feeding the kids and what not while cooking, Sanji is watching and learning from his aunt Ahri on how to cook and suddenly he found a new interest he just may enjoy. By being the cook for his family.

While everyone was eating Naruto is going to leave out for a bit, it's time he makes his move on infecting his Sensei mark her as his mate.

"I trust that you are going to infect Anko-sensei." Said Sil who saw her lover getting ready to leave as her daughter Lazuli was standing besides her.

"Yes, I promise I will be back by bedtime." Naruto answered seeing her nod.

"I'll tell the others, before we put the kids in bed." Sil said as she took lazuli with her.

( Out in konoha at night)

Naruto was on the rooftops at night as he leaped and ran.

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop as he was tracking his Sensei's scent.

Following her trail.

He hid in the darkness as he saw her walking alone and was heading for her apartment.

Once she went inside he waited and tracked her scent again climbing up on her apartment building and was following her scent that would lead him to her apartment window.

Knowing she was getting ready for bed he waited until she was sleep, and once she was asleep that would be his cue to sneak in and infect her.

He waited an hour as he saw her drift to sleep. He then quietly opened her apartment window and snuck in without making a sound. He tiptoed right over to her bed above her watching her sleep peacefully, he cupped her face and leaned down kissing her lips.

Anko in turn unknowingly returned the kiss to Naruto who she wasn't aware that she was kissing him. He extended his tongue down her throat and transmitted the species virus into her.

Having done the deed he backed away and saw her stir in her sleep as she was starting to crack open her eyes.

She looked around groggily there was nothing, her pupils dilated suddenly as she felt her molecules rearrange. She started having dreams of becoming a creature and having sexual intercourse with her Student Naruto and have a baby with him.

With that she fell back to sleep.

( The Next Day)

The girls and Naruto are at the hot springs.

Naruto was in his own hot springs while the girls were in their own area.

While enjoying the warm sensational water something caught his attention, there was a odd smell of toads in this area.

He left his spring wrapping his towel around his waist and went to go follow the scent.

The smell was coming from the girl's side of the hot springs behind a wall. Narrowing his eyes it seems there is a pervert peeping on his mates.

The pervert was giggling pervertedly behind the wall as he scribbled material in his notebook looking at Sil and Eve.

"These two hot blonde babes are perfect for my research! They look stunning!" The pervert said in a whisper with a blush and perverted look.

Naruto found the pervert glaring. Naruto started growling which froze the Pervert who smells of Toads.

The perverted toad looked behind him seeing a enraged was he senile? Was his eyes playing him seeing someone that was supposed to be dead?!

"Mi-Minato!?" said the Shocked old man hoping this wasn't a genjutsu.

"I'm not my father, pervert!" Naruto growled as he suddenly grabbed the man and started beating the breaks off him.

Sil and Eve heard of the scuffle and instantly got out the water and wrapped towels to see what was going on.

They see Naruto holding the old man by the neck choking him.

"I'm going to ask who are you and how do you know about my father?" Asked Naruto glaring at the man.

"My name is Jiraiya of the Sannin the Toad gallant! The great! Author of Icha Icha! I am the one who trained the Yondaime! And what is your name? And How is Minato your father? Minato's kid is supposed to be a kid!? At least 12 years old now!" Jiraiya answered looking at the blonde-haired man as he was focused on the man's face.

Whisker marks, blue eyes, blonde hair... He wasn't senile this man couldn't possibly happen to be!?

"So you are the old man's student, I am Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki." Answered Naruto glaring at Jiraiya causing the older man to widen his eyes in complete disbelief.

"No... No! No way that you are Naruto! Naruto should be a boy!?" Jiraiya yelled shocked by this revelation of what was standing before him!

He kept staring at the boy as if he saw Minato's Ghost glaring at him.

"Well I am Naruto. You are the one who trained my father." Naruto said with the toad sage nodding as he turned his attention to the two blondes.

"And who are these two stunning blonde babes?" He said with a perverted smile only to flinch when Naruto growled and glared at the old sage.

"These two are Sil and Eve they are my lovers, my mates. Girls introduce yourselves to the fool." said Naruto

"Hello perverted old fool. My name is Sil Uzumaki, and this is my twin sister Eve Uzumaki. We are Naruto's mates." Sil introduced surprising the old man before him his godson has two blonde sexy babes!? Oh yeah this will be perfect material for his books!.

"So it seems you are the author of those smut books." Naruto growled seeing Jiraiya nod weakly

"I swear if you ever put my mates in your books, I will cut off the very thing that makes you a man and shove it down your fucking throat!" Hissed Naruto as he said it in a way that would make Anko even proud.

Jiraiya went pale at that threat, that sounded like something Kushina or Tsunade would say if they catch him peeping on them.

He nodded frantically as Naruto let him go as he turned towards the girls.

"Let's go." He said as he and his girls we're going to go change that was until Jiraiya stopped them.

"Wait! Naruto! Don't you want to know who I am?" He called out to Naruto who stopped.

"You already said who you are, I know you trained my father and all but I'm not interested in learning from you." Naruto replied seeing the old man flinch.

"Naruto I am your godfather." Jiraiya said as the temperature dropped when those words were uttered out.

"What. Did. You. Just. SAY!?" Naruto roared out feeling his inner alien become enraged.

Jiraiya flinched when he felt the massive thick aura of anger.

"You are my godfather? Where the hell were you all my life!?" Naruto said now stomping up towards Jiraiya who was backed into a wall

"Naruto please I can explain-" He started but flinched when he saw Naruto's right hand become clawed as it pierced through the wall.

"It's already clear, I don't want to hear your sorry ass excuse, your just like the rest of them. You abandoned me after the death of my parents, so the old man also kept this from me too? I'm tired of being kept in the dark!" Naruto turned and stomped off.

"Naruto Wait! Please! Let me explain!" He tried to call Naruto out but the man ignored him and walked off

"Naruto has every right to be upset with you, you have no idea what me, my sister and him been through together. Your just as guilty as the sandaime Hokage. Who lies and likes to keep secrets from our dear beloved." Said Eve with disgust in her voice.

Jiraiya looked away in guilt she was right.

"For what it is worth, stay away from Naruto." Sil added

The two blondes decided to leave.

Jiraiya who could only look down he realizes Naruto may never want nothing to do with him.

He has to make things right and mend things with Naruto.

For his Student's sake.

He must take his role as godfather seriously and basically helps Naruto and the girls from there on out in order to prove to Naruto he's sincerely sorry. He has to make up for it.

He has to have a word with his sensei.

( Hyuuga compound)

Hinata could feel Naruto's anger, she wondered what angered her lover as she decided to get up and leave the clan home.

"And just where do you think you are going young lady?" said Hiashi Hyuuga

"Out." Answered Hinata.

"To see that commoner filth? And his two whore of teammates?" Hiashi said that made Hinata stop in her tracks and turn to him with a sudden look of anger on her face that he has never seen before.

"What did you just say?" She asked with venom in her tone.

"You heard me, your cousin Neji told me that you've been accompanied by that commoner boy. I advise you stay away from him I believe he is the reason you've changed and I have reason to believe he could be responsible for your growth!" Hiashi said seeing her narrow her eyes at him.

"Now come here and go finish your study and training." He commanded.

"No." She replied coldly

"What did you say!?" He did not just hear his oldest daughter tell him 'No'

"I said No, you bastard." She said with defiance and walked away

Looking enraged at her disrespect and defiance he lunged at her

"Why you little!" He yelled going to grab her only for her to turn around with a Chakra infused palm and strikes his chest directed at his lunges.

Hiashi Gagged as he spat blood from his mouth he suddenly collapsed to the ground having trouble breathing as he looked horrified at his daughter who could only scowl at him.

"Don't touch me." She hissed walking away to go check on her Naruto-Kun.

Hiashi was having trouble breathing as he spat and coughed more blood out, his vision is getting blurry his heart was beating faintly. He struggled to breathe and function.

"Hiashi-Sama!" said Ko Hinata's bodyguard as he rushed towards him.

"St-Stop her... Don't let her GACK!" He coughed on more blood

"Help! We have to take Hiashi-sama to the hospital now!" Screamed the Hyuuga man

Hanabi could only look frightened.

( Namikaze Estate.)

Hinata had arrived as she and the other females calm Naruto down.

The kids were outside in the backyard playing.

"After all this time... I had a Godfather... and he dares show his face after everything I had to endure!" He hissed

"Calm down Naruto-Kun we know the feeling." said Haku comforting her lover.

"And the Sandaime kept this from me... It just makes me wonder what else has he kept in the dark from me... My trust for him is running thin, I swear if there is one more secret that he kept from me I will leave this village and transfer our family and clan to Uzu!" He growled partially transforming.

"Are you serious?" Asked Hinata with surprise on her face

"I am dead serious. I'm tired of being told lies and being kept in the dark." He growled

"And what if the old fool doesn't want you to leave? He might try to keep us locked up here." Sil said she already didn't trust the sandaime.

"There will be hell to pay if he does that. I won't stand for this any longer, if push comes to shove we will leave to Uzu and start our clan and breed... Help our children! Have them prepared to face the shinobi world." Naruto declared

His mates already agreed,

"And when will Anko-sensei join our fold?" Questioned Eve

"She's already infected, her transformation will kick in shortly." He answered

"We will wait for her to come to us." He said looking out the window

( Meanwhile at Anko's Apartment)

Anko Mitarashi former Student of Orochimaru.

Who hasn't left her apartment building after Naruto made his visit and infected her.

The Snake Mistress is currently in her cocoon that is up against the ceiling. It has been 12 or 16 hours of being inside of that cocoon.

The cocoon started to crack open, as a Hand shot out.

Another Hand was out.

She clawed at her cocoon to break free. After getting it open. Anko fell out of it, as she was naked in the process.

Opening her brown eyes and that she covered in slime.

Now sexier and even more beautiful Anko had slim curvy hips, her breasts got bigger, her ass was plump.

She touched at where her Curse seal was.

Only to find that it was gone. And that she did feel it any longer on the back of her neck.

She was finally free...

Free from Orochimaru!?

She is now eternally grateful to her Alpha.

Naruto Uzumaki.

Her Student, her Mate, her Alpha.

She now belongs to him.

And she intends to repay him by sexual intercourse and have his baby.