
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


( Forest of Death)

Naruto and his "Mates" have prowled through the night Hunting and eating Animals, roasting them, this was going to be their camp site roasting a Boar.

Suddenly they heard the bushes rustle, turning their attention at the source the being who appeared was none other than a Adult Hinata Hyuuga who was naked.

"Hinata?" Naruto asked shocked by her appearance,

"Naruto-kun.." Said the adult Hinata who now approached her Mate and lover.

"Come sit with us." Said Eve who was eating a piece of the boar as Hinata sat down next to Eve as Hinata now turned her attention to the Kyuubi.

"Who is she?" Asked Hinata looking at the Fox Woman.

"My name is Ahri, the Nine tails." Ahri answered surprising Hinata as she looked from Naruto then back at Ahri Putting it all together, The Kyuubi was inside of Naruto?

"Why would the yondaime put you inside Naruto condemning him a harsh life?" Asked Hinata as Eve and Sil looked at Hinata then at the Fox Woman.

"He did it to save this pathetic village who spit on his wish. His wish was for the village to see his son as a Hero." Ahri answered shocking Both Naruto and Hinata, but Naruto was more shocked at what he heard from her.

"Did you just say, son? You have to be joking..." Naruto said with wide eyes Seeing Ahri turn to him.

"It seems your old man has been lying to you about your family and heritage." Ahri replied Harshly.

Naruto looked angered, his old man has been keeping this a secret from him? Do you mean after all this time the Yondaime his Father? Sealed the Fox into him? What about his mother?

"Do you by any chance know about my mother?" Naruto asked as Ahri nodded.

"Yes, she was my last container, before you, and before her it was her master Mito Uzumaki. Your mother's name is Kushina Uzumaki." Ahri had said as she told him everything about his Mother and about the Uzumaki clan.

He was astonished He was from a Clan? On his mother's side?.

Hinata was shocked and surprised too that her crush, her mate, is the son of the Yondaime? And he is from a clan!.

Sil and Eve looked calm yet pleased to know their lover is from a great clan with Namikaze Genes and Uzumaki genes.

Ahri used her chakra to manifest clothes for Hinata. Wearing lavender shorts that hugged her hips and lavender top that hugged her bust.

Naruto sat there with emotions swirling in his mind, the sandaime kept this from him? What else did he keep from him? It made him angry, as he tried not to let his anger get the better of him, When he gets out of this forest, he and the Sandaime will have a long talk.

Sil noticed his expression and could tell he was mad.

"Should we Rest?" Said Hinata keeping her eyes on Naruto who looked up.

"Yes, we have eaten, later on we get out of this forest and meet with the other teams." Naruto said as he thought more about his dead parents.

( With Sakura)

She couldn't believe what she saw, she knew those two girls were freaks from the beginning! Those abnormal tongues! And Naruto! He is a much bigger freak! Her mother was right! He is a freak! A monster! She saw his claws! They were all freaks!.

She has to report this to her Sensei!

She managed to drag Sasuke away and find a hiding spot, she already set traps.

Though she was unaware of Team Sound watching her.

( Back with Naruto)

Now laying on the ground with Sil and Eve on right and left, Hinata on top of him with Ahri sleeping besides Eve.

It felt weird that he is how a grown adult, as he is having more dreams, Dreams of eliminating possible threats to his Clan, dreams of breeding more of his clan by bedding with women of his choice, he could feel his inner alien lust to be intimate with his chosen Mates. He feel as if he could claim any woman he wants depending on their genes, then having dreams of his future offspring going out to mate and breed.

He wants to claim his Sensei as his next mate, Anko.

He feels these urges to fuck his mates.

He can't resist, he needs to fuck, right now.

Turning over to his sleeping mates, he gets up, and takes off his clothes and flared his pheromone sky high waking them up, and they instantly got wet from seeing their alpha naked and looked hung as a horse. The girls drooled at the sight of it.

( Naruto's apartment.)

Haku suddenly felt the need to fuck, to have sex, get pregnant by her Alpha mate Naruto. She felt his pheromone and it was telling her to go to him. She jumped out the window and was instantly on the run to the Forest of Death to find her Alpha and have sex with him.

( Back at the Forest.)

( Lemon!)

Naruto impales his thick hard cock into Sil's pussy making her moan, at last, her and Eve had longed for this! For Naruto their mate to finally have sex! Breed them! Let them have an army of children! He trusted deep into her, feeling her walls clench.

"Fuck your tight Sil!" Naruto grunted forcing his thick cock deep inside her as she howled in pleasure, though Sil wasn't the only one enjoying the fun.

Naruto used the Shadowclone jutsu so that his clones can also fuck his other mates which they are doing now.

Eve was being fucked by both clones in her pussy and Ass.

Hinata was being plowed from behind by one clone while sucking off another one.

Ahri was in a gangbang with 4 clones, fucking all three of her holes while jerking one off.

Haku had finally arrived feeling her body hot from watching the pleasurable sex, her pussy was getting wet just from watching. She walked over to Naruto who is still impaling Sil's tight pussy, noticing that Haku was in his sights, he grinned with lust and could tell she wanted in on the fun, he created three clones just for her to play with.

Now Haku was in total bliss feeling her pussy being plowed by The Clone, while jerking two cocks.

"Grr! Naruto Fuck me harder! Harder!" Moaned Sil she was enjoying this, this was something she did not want to stop doing, she and her sister knew from day one when they first met, that Naruto was indeed the perfect specimen to be their ideal Alpha mate! Deep down they knew he was special! And now that they are having sex and want to get pregnant to have his babies and form their own big happy family!.

They didn't care if he gets more women to infect and convert them into what they are!. More Uzumaki babies! More Namikaze Babies! A new generation and species will be born in the elemental nations! A whole army of Uzumaki/Namikaze babies!. Bring new Life to this World of more of their kind!.

She was even willing to help convert any female into their kind and be impregnated by Naruto.

Still plowing into her Tight pussy Sil let out a gasp of pleasure, electric pulses coursing through her body as she felt his cock stretch her pussy to his size.

Meanwhile with the other girls who are enjoying as much fun as Sil was.

Eve, Hinata, Ahri and Haku were lost in pleasure, they loved this sexual bliss, of mating, getting pregnant with Naruto's kids. They didn't want any other male but Naruto, Naruto is their true Mate and Alpha.

Eve had the same thoughts as her sister, they and the girls will create a big happy family with Naruto for the rest of their lives,

Hinata was enjoying this way too much, she didn't care if the Clan or her father for that matter doesn't approve of her relationship and bonding to Naruto. She didn't care if her father strips away her Heiress title, Besides the clan and her father favors her little sister, But if push comes to shove if they dare try to put the cage birdseal on her or go after her future children and place the cage birdseal on them, she will massacre her own clan and Start anew. Only sparing her little sister and if Neji gets in the way she will kill him.

Ahri the Nine tailed fox was happily in the pleasure that she finally gets to have sex with Naruto, Kushina's son, she will give birth to a powerful Kitsune baby or litter that are strong as all tailed beasts. She knows one other Bijuu that is a female and that is Matabi the two tails, she will convince Matabi and her Host to join with Naruto.

Haku loved this sexual feeling, she could actually revive her fallen clan that was purged in Kiri, she wanted nothing more than to have sex, and give birth to Naruto's children.

"Breed us! Impregnate us! Fuck us! Let's form a powerful clan!" Shouted Sil, Eve, Hinata, Ahri and Haku in thought Unison making fucked silly expressions.

Naruto and his clones kept fucking his mates rough and hard, he could hear their thoughts, he could hear the voices in his head to Fuck every potential woman out there in the elemental nations to turn them into what his mates are! Breed them and have lots of children! So many potential women out there he must meet and infect! Corrupt them to become the creatures.

Maybe after this and after the preliminary's he will Infect his Sensei. Breed her. And maybe he could convince her to get the other Ice Queens of Konoha, Kurenai, Yugao and Hana Inuzuka, Kiba's sister. Infect them and breed them.

He must kill any possible threats that will harm his mates and children in the future.

He could feel himself close to releasing his seed into Sil, his clones were in the same manner with a growl he gave out one last thrust into Sil and finally released his seed into her womb.

The same thing happened to the other clones they released their sperm into Eve, Hinata, Haku and Ahri as they moaned so loud that it echoed causing them to turn partially into their true forms.

The women in question felt their wombs impregnated and could already feel life grow within them.

Their stomachs began to expand as their felt pride within themselves that they were gifted with motherhood!.

They're bulging pregnant belly's. Naruto could only watch as his clones disappeared watching his mates looked like they were giving birth already.

A few minutes later you could hear the sound of babies crying filled the sky.

As Naruto crouched looking at all of his newborn children,

Sil is holding Twins, both blondes, a boy and a girl.

Eve, is holding twin blonde girls.

Hinata is holding an Indigo haired baby girl.

Ahri is holding A pink-haired Baby kitsune and blonde baby kitsune, both are girls and sisters.

And Haku is holding a Boy and a Girl. They boy has black hair like his mother, the girl has purple hair.

Naruto felt the pride of a father grow within him. This indeed is his family, a family he created.

Now it was name-calling for his children.

Starting with Sil's pair, The boy will be named Sanji Namikaze Uzumaki, and his sister will be named Lazuli Namikaze Uzumaki.

(An: Let's see who can guess Who Lazuli is.)

Eve's pair of daughters will be named Sara and Miranda.

Hinata's daughter will be named Himawari Uzumaki.

Ahri names her Daughters tamamo no mae and Ran.

And finally, Haku names her son Zabuza Uzumaki, after her adoptive father, and her daughter Mizore.

Now having given them their names, Naruto, Sil, Eve and Hinata have to leave to advance. Naruto told Ahri and Haku to escort their kids out of the forest, feed them.

Sil, Eve and Hinata did not want to leave their babies but after the preliminary's are over they will bond with their children.

Naruto will most definitely bond with all of his children, it seems he will have to get a bigger house, once he talks to the sandaime he will reclaim the Namikaze Manor, which will be there home and love nest.

The mothers gave their babies kisses on the foreheads and left promised that they will return and bond.

( Forest of Death Central a Day later)

The genin teams had made it but with mixed expressions there were four genins missing.

Naruto, Eve, Sil and Hinata.

Anko looked livid she was informed that Orochimaru her sensei was in the forest and attacked her genins along with marking Uchiha Sasuke with the curse seal, the Hokage was informed about the incident.

Kurenai berated both Shino and Kiba on how could they lose Hinata, she was not happy fearing that snake bastard probably got to her as well.

Kakashi was informed by Sakura about Sil and Eve's freakish traits including Naruto, which caused him to dart his eye towards Anko, he had a feeling there was something off about those blondes.

While discussing about the incident and whatnot the next thing that Everyone saw blew them away.

Coming out of the Forest and entered in the central building Shocked everyone in great lengths.

Coming out of the forest was a Blonde haired man who looked exactly like their Yondaime, he was flanked by two lovely blonde women too they looked like they were wearing outdated Anbu wear. Something that the Sandaime knew, and he growled having remembered that outfit that was once wore by Danzo's Root Anbu, meaning the crippled War Hawk probably still have Root active behind his back.

But his focus was on the blonde-haired man who looks so much like Minato. Kakashi looked shocked as well at the man who resembles so much like his Sensei.

Kurenai stares at the Hyuuga female with them who looks so much like Hinata's mother.

The Hokage walked up to the blonde-haired man and questioned him in front of everyone.

"Who are you? What are you doing pretending to be the Yondaime?" He asked as the blonde-haired man frowned.

"You don't know me, Old man? I guess you are going senile, it's me Naruto." Naruto answered as everyone paused replaying what he just said.

"You-You can't be Naruto? Naruto is a young boy" Hiruzen said

"He's telling the truth Hokage-sama." Answered the Hyuuga Female.

"Who are you?" asked Kurenai looking at the Hyuuga woman

"I'm hurt that you don't know me either Sensei, I am Hinata Hyuuga." Said Hinata which causes everyone to look surprised

No no this has to be a joke? Or a trick!?

"I don't believe you! This has to be a Genjutsu! Kai!" Said Kurenai as the Adult Hinata only had a blank look.

Nothing, there was no Genjutsu.

The Hokage did the same attempt to Naruto only to find that there was no Genjutsu either, he widened his eyes.

"And who the hell are the two of you!?" Asked Anko this time looking at the two twin blonde women.

"Sil, and Eve " they both answered in unison.


Everyone had shocked expressions and face faults.

These four adults standing in between them are... Naruto, Sil, Eve and Hinata!?

They continued to look on in disbelief and shock... And they spoke out and thought in Shock.