
Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Johnathan, a fearless protagonist, awakens in a mysterious place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. He discovers that he is trapped in a complex labyrinth of cinematic simulations, each more surreal than the last, and no matter how much he progresses, the exit seems to have no end. With a deep desire to reunite with his parents, he embarks on a desperate quest to find the way out of this cinematic hell. Each door leads to a new world, from science fiction landscapes to period settings and fantastical realms. With every step, Johnathan realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the plot of each simulation. Will Johnathan manage to reunite with his parents and find the exit before dying in one of the simulations that await him?

SrCuervo · Movies
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51 Chs

The Story Continues

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With one more shot, Wesker killed the pursuing zombie dog and, in the process, saved one of his men.

During this period, Brad, the helicopter pilot, noticed that something was wrong, so he piloted the helicopter and fled directly, as he was the most exposed in the group simply because he had been left alone.

As for the rest, under Wesker's leadership, they ran toward the mansion, the only place that could keep them safe from the monsters lurking in the darkness.

No one knew when they ran, but everyone was exhausted halfway. The growls in the darkness were eerie, and everyone related them to what was said in the report.

When the entire team or survivors hurried to enter the mansion, it was well known that the plot was about to begin, and the stage was set for the events that Jonathan had to experience along with the group.

Originally, Wesker, Jill Valentine, Barry, and Chris were the only ones who appeared in the mansion. All of them had survived and were the most important people in the main scenario.

Jonathan, in one of the mansion's rooms, had already been in motion. He observed the situation unfolding and waited silently to see if it was safe to come out. Any anomaly would be a fatal result for his survival, so without maintaining control of his own course, he wouldn't expose himself to others.

"It seems that everything has started, much faster than expected, but it's okay..." Jonathan gripped his rifle tightly and walked slowly down the hallway.

As far as he understood, the initial scenarios are divided into two. On one side were the events that Jill Valentine would experience, and on the other were those of Chris, who should meet Rebecca.

Having no idea if Rebecca was nearby, Jonathan decided to follow her after Wesker ordered them to investigate.

Jill Valentine and Barry took one path, while Chris chose another.

But before Barry could continue walking, he saw a bloodstain in the main hall. "Jill, see if you can find other clues without going too far. I'll have to investigate this for a while. I hope it's not the blood of one of the Bravo team members."

After Jill Valentine heard this, she felt and pushed open the door on the side, entering the hallway. There were no lights, only the moonlight coming through the window that faintly illuminated the surroundings.

Scanning the surroundings, she saw a staircase ahead.

Jill walked slowly with a pistol in hand and then saw an unforgettable scene that completely changed the expression on her face.

Further ahead, she discovered a silhouette. Upon hearing the growling sound behind, it slowly turned its head, revealing its bloodied face while biting the corpse of a Bravo team member.

Jill, who had never seen such a scene before, was completely terrified. She panicked, wanting to run after seeing such a scene, but at that moment, a voice made her stop: "If you run from it, it will be a problem if it catches up with you. You have to kill it by shooting it in the head."


Jonathan, who had prepared to engage with these people, appeared with a gun in his hand and shot the zombie in the head. The impact of the bullet created a large hole in the silhouette's neck, causing it to die instantly.

He wasn't here to chat, nor was he interested in making friends. The only thing that mattered to him was survival, even if it meant using others to achieve it.

That shot immediately caught Barry's attention, and he quickly approached with a weapon in his hand.

It was then that Jill Valentine saw the silhouette in front of her. This man had a calm expression even though he had just killed someone. His black hair was neatly cut, his face was sharp, and it seemed that the simple act of killing did not affect his feelings in the slightest.

That remarkable quality Jonathan possessed seemed to have its benefits in this place. So, after seeing the corpse, he turned around, but at that moment, a gun was pointed at him.

"Drop the weapon right now!" Barry shouted while aiming at Jonathan.

Jonathan expected this; it was the most normal reaction in the world since his identity was unknown. Still, he wouldn't stoop to this situation and said, "I'm afraid that's impossible. If you want to kill me, you'll have to do it with a weapon in my hand. Are you forcing me to throw away my only means of staying safe from these infected?"

"Who are you?" Barry looked at Jonathan warily, ready to shoot at any moment.

Jonathan then pulled out his identification and said, "My name is Jonathan. I am a chief researcher at the Umbrella Corporation who has just been transferred from an overseas branch. I was working at the Training Center, and on the first day, it seems an infection started spreading, turning people into these things."

The tone of his voice, the calmness, and that trace of coldness made even Jill Valentine tighten her weapon and look at Jonathan vigilantly. Everything seemed to indicate that the man in front of them was normal, but when they saw the identification in his hand, they all lowered their weapons.

"You should be from the S.T.A.R.S unit of Raccoon City, right? Judging by your appearance, you should be just more victims of the contamination spreading around. Even a U.S.S squad was annihilated by these beasts. I'm afraid little is left of the first team sent from your unit."

When he said this, Jonathan illuminated the hallway, and that was when they could see the completely dead Bravo team member.

"Gentlemen, I need your services to investigate this mansion and find out if I can stop this..." Jonathan had prepared his speech beforehand and continued, "A member of the Bravo team has been helping me, so with more manpower, maybe we can do something."

"Yes, my name is Barry, and her name is Jill..." Barry sighed in relief. It seemed they had encountered someone who understands what is happening around them, so he extended his hand and greeted Jonathan amicably.

"What's the name of the Bravo team member helping you?" Jill Valentine looked at Jonathan and asked with a certain urgency in her voice.

"She's a young girl; her name is Rebecca..." Jonathan walked toward the exit and named his friend who accompanied him to this mansion.

"Where is she now?"

"I separated from her this morning, but she should be in this mansion." After saying that, Jonathan briefly talked about what happened last night.

The more he explained, the more the two Alpha team members frowned.

If it weren't for the fact that they had just seen zombies and zombie dogs, they would think Jonathan was telling a science fiction story.

Even now, they were filled with disbelief.

It was only the zombies lying at their feet and the unrecognizable members of the Bravo team who were bitten, completely exterminated... If they encounter Rebecca, maybe she can corroborate that explanation.

"I saw Kenneth get killed by this monster. Should we report to Wesker?"

Barry nodded, and after thinking about something, he looked at Jonathan with certain doubts.

Jonathan smiled and said, "It would be better if you accompany me; together, we might be able to stop what's happening around. If I go alone, I'll most likely die."

Neither of the two refused, so soon they hurried to the hall.

But Wesker had disappeared, just as it should happen in the plot.

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