
Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Johnathan, a fearless protagonist, awakens in a mysterious place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. He discovers that he is trapped in a complex labyrinth of cinematic simulations, each more surreal than the last, and no matter how much he progresses, the exit seems to have no end. With a deep desire to reunite with his parents, he embarks on a desperate quest to find the way out of this cinematic hell. Each door leads to a new world, from science fiction landscapes to period settings and fantastical realms. With every step, Johnathan realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the plot of each simulation. Will Johnathan manage to reunite with his parents and find the exit before dying in one of the simulations that await him?

SrCuervo · Movies
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51 Chs

It's a Little Late to Say Goodbye

The helicopter descended slowly, and at that moment, Chris, Barry, and the others took their seats one behind the other.

After Rebecca looked at Jonathan from a distance, but upon glancing at the note in her hand, she said nothing. It seemed like a temporary farewell; there were many more factors influencing the decision he made, so she couldn't say anything to change it.

Jonathan looked at Jill, who was just a few meters away from him, and said, "I bid farewell here, Jill."

Jill asked hurriedly, "Why? Aren't you coming with us? Do you have something else to do?"

"I'm afraid I can't expose you. Now I know how all the researchers in the facilities died, intentionally infected with the virus that turned everyone into monsters... I can't go back, not until I find out that I'm clean and why it is that I haven't died until now." Jonathan said with a serious look, his expression somewhat pale, and there were dark circles under his eyes, giving him a magnanimous feeling.

To tell a lie, one has to tell several truths. Jonathan had been infected before entering this simulation, so he only needed an excuse to leave and go back to where he came from.

Compared to many of the things that awaited him, he supposed that his stay in this world was much calmer than other worlds of mass destruction that existed in other realities.

"Remember one thing, Jill, don't obsess over what happened here, as you might not be able to stand against Umbrella Corporation. The businesses they're involved in are something that can't be faced; even politicians and high authorities in this country can't go against such an organization that holds incredibly magnificent benefits in their eyes."

Seeing Jonathan turning away, Jill, who was being awaited by the others, said, "Remember to be careful. Maybe we can't do it now, but at some point, I will destroy this organization. But still, I want to try; I will try..."

"Besides... thank you for saving me and helping us, don't forget to contact me if you need help."

With Jill bidding farewell, the helicopter rose slowly.

Jonathan looked at the helicopter in the air and also bid farewell.

Seeing the helicopter rise higher and higher, Jill's silhouette from this distance was no longer visible, so Jonathan said, "Finally, it's over..."

It had been an extremely tough road, something he wasn't willing to face for a second time since he barely escaped alive. Truth be told, if he had died earlier, it wouldn't surprise him because even he couldn't believe he had survived.

Looking at the time on his cellphone, he walked aimlessly while also glancing at the remaining seconds in this place.

Looking back at the mansion, Jonathan shook his head while recalling the scenes he had experienced inside: "I suppose I'll come back to this simulation sometime, I just hope to be much stronger to survive and return to my family..."

He had completed the main missions, and as for the secret ones, they weren't revealed, so Jonathan didn't know how to face the secret missions.

"I don't know if I really did it right, but I'm sure there are better ones than me... But that doesn't matter to me as long as I can get out of this hell."

Now, Jonathan didn't know if the future worlds of this place would be much better. He supposed that because he faced the simulations of history one and two, things would be different in three.

But what he didn't know is if there would really be other worlds where he experienced different missions.


At the same time, in another place.

Just when the mansion was closer to exploding and didn't have much time left, in the deep underground, Wesker stood in front of a computer with a somber face.

On the screen, it turned out he didn't have access rights.

His plan was to gather data on S.T.A.R.S members while they fought against the Tyrant. When he had the data, he would sell it to a rival company to protect himself from Umbrella, in return seeking a high position to reign.

But just when the data had been collected, the company's artificial intelligence canceled his access.

Wesker knew who had ordered the data cancellation, so he furiously hit the screen in front of his eyes.

"You'll pay for this..."


Jonathan was once again deeply asleep. He didn't know how much time had passed since he fell into the deep darkness, but he knew he was in some kind of fixed place, and every now and then, he heard some kind of drop falling from some kind of container.

If he were some kind of genius, he could count the drops and the time that passed from drop to drop; he wasn't that good, but what he was aware of was what he felt. That feeling of being fixed in one place was unique; he couldn't deny that he felt like he was deeply asleep in a dream from which he couldn't wake up.

The last time he felt something similar was when he had a deep nightmare; he thought for a brief moment that if he woke up, he could return to his original world. The smiling faces of his parents appeared in his memories, his mind fixed on a goal was what kept him conscious.

"Mom... Dad... If I can wake up, I'll be a better son than I already was, and I promise I'll succeed in life to give you those dreams you've always had. I'll get married and give you many grandchildren... Please, I need to wake up."

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