
Beyond my strength

Having fear of being replaced by his younger brother from the sit to the throne, the young prince makes a contract with the devil.

Keith_Longolongo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

04. The tragedy

" your highness , your highness"

"Who could that be? He asked. It's me Isabella your highness, she replied.

" What time is it? He asked again. It's 8 o clock your highness, she replied.

" Oh my goodness am late, hey Isabella can you pass me my outfit." "Yes your highness," she replied. How many times will I tell you not to call me that, anyway leave now I need to change and tell everyone am not joining them again today, if they ask tell them I have gone to train

" I'll do just that Keith am leaving now," she replied.

Keith puts on his outfit and rushes out, to the secret pathway and made sure no one followed him and he then entered the elevator and it took him down to the lower layer. He then left the pathway and hide the door to the secret pathway with a batch of bushes.

He then started walking looking for a nearest town, the place was so full of keishs and Keith sensed lower energies coming from them and these keishs were happy even if they had no sun and green plantations and trees, it seemed shocking for Keith cause this place was new to him and the air wasn't that rich compared to the one on the upper layer, every tree and plants were yellow and the light was being given by a star and this place had no morning or night. The only thing that could tell them it's time to rest was the huge clock in the middle of town that alarmed the keishs when to rest and awake up.

Keith walked in town looking at the keishs and what they were doing, everything seemed new to him as if this is when he was born in this world.

He then decide to go and ask questions in the guild hall, cause that's the place were people gathered the most. He walked and arrived at the guild hall. Everyone looked at him as he walked to bar tender cause he seemed he was not part of the lower lands. He went closer to the bar tender and sat on a side chair.

" Hey sir, is it okay if I ask you a question? "He asked. " it's tradition in this guild that if you want a question to be answered you need to buy a beverage and give me a tip," the bar tender replied. " alright sir , can I have one battle of soda and here's your tip," said Keith.

"Now we talking, what would you like to know?" said the bar tender. "am kindly looking for an old man whose staying with his daughter, do you know him by any chance?" Keith asked.

" Does he have a name? Bar tender asked back. " No I wasn't given the name," he replied.

" Hey kid! I know the guy you talking about, he stays in the black mountain with his daughter, he was one of the supreme royal guards before king Arthur took the throne. I can take you there if you promise to give me 5 silver coins," replied the man sitting behind him.

" Yes sir please, and am only remaining with five silver coins, here you may take it. So it possible for us to start off now, we shouldn't waste any more time," Keith replied.

"alright! alright!" the man exclaimed.

Keith left the guild hall with the man he found in the guild hall and went in search of the man he was told to see for his training. They got on the man's horse and headed for the black mountain.

" May I know your name sir, if you don't mind?" Keith asked. " You may call me Louis Vuitton Harris, just Mr. Harris will do," he replied. "And what may I call you kid?" Mr. Harris asked. " uh you may call me Richard," replied Keith.

"ha ha ha ha, whose the fool now, I told you Richard is a cool name," the devil speaks in his mind.

" No it's not, I had no time to think of a name and Richard seemed to be the only option," Keith replied in a lower tone.

"Hahaha," the devil laughed.

" Get out of my head, I thought you said you can come when I summon you," exclaimed Keith.

" Did you say something Richard?" Mr. Harris asked.

" no sorry just thinking out loud," Keith replied. " if you say so Richard," replied back.

" hey stubborn prince don't trust this man, he is after your money and plans to sale you off for slavery it's common on this parts," exclaimed the devil.

" And what makes you think that stupid devil, his taking me to the old guy so shut it and sleep in your chambers of flames," exclaimed Keith.

"Suit your self stubborn prince!" it's all up to you from now on," the devil replied.

Keith didn't believe what he was told by the devil. And continued to go with this stranger to the black mountains. The man kept Keith entertained as they were on the journey to earn Keith's trust .

" Mr. Harris the black mountain is that way, why did you make a turn?" Keith asked. " Don't worry will be back on course, I just need to pick up some supplies from my friend," Mr. Harris replied. " Okay if you say so, he replied.

Mr. Harris takes Keith in the deep forest and suddenly stops. He then gets off the horse and tells Keith to do that as well, a group of bandits come out from hiding.

" Hi my friends, I brought you a fresh looking young man care to pay up," Mr. Harris said to the bandits leader. " Good job Harris you never disappoint me, here is your money, 10 gold coins," said the bandit leader.

" Mr. Harris what the heck is going on here," Keith asked. " Sorry kid but I need the money to feed my family," exclaimed Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris suddenly jumps on his horses back and off he goes, leaving Keith behind with the bandits. Keith tries to make an escape and suddenly the bandits gain up on him.

" Hey kid just stay calm if you don't want to get hurt," said the bandit leader.

Keith then picks a rock, then throws it at one bandit and hits his eye and clears a path and runs as fast as he can. The bandits get on their horses and chased after him. Keith ran and ran as fast as he could to escape the bandits but they gained up on him. And Suddenly the leader of the bandits throws his wipe towards Keith and grabs him by the neck and pulls him back.

Keith hits the ground and the leader starts pulling him as he rides his horse. Keith slowly losing consciousness as he is being pulled. Suddenly an arrow hits the bandits leaders neck and drops dead from his horse.

The bandits look were this arrow came from and couldn't find anything and as they looked. One by one they all get hit with an arrow and drop dead.

Keith tries to remain conscious but couldn't due to the damage he got from being pulled on the ground and suddenly becomes unconscious.