
Beyond my strength

Having fear of being replaced by his younger brother from the sit to the throne, the young prince makes a contract with the devil.

Keith_Longolongo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

05. finally some good news

' slowly opens his eyes, feeling dizzy, very bad headache and seems to have blur vision.'

Keith finally wakes up and finds himself in a range house in the middle of the forest. He looks around the house trying to look for the person that brought him here.

" What happened to me, what's this place even?" he thinks out loud in shock.

" Don't worry young man, you in a safe place," said the old man.

" Oh how are you sir! Am sorry for moving around the house and thanks for saving my life. Keith replied with his head facing the ground.

" I didn't save you my daughter was the one that rescued you from those bandits."

" where is she sir that I may thank her," he said. "Oh my daughter must be in the kitchen cooking up some food for us to eat don't worry you will meet her, come sit here next to me and tell me why you were being chased by those bandits?" the old man asked.

" Thank you sir for your hospitality. How rude of me my name is Richard Gold, may I know the person am talking to if you don't mind."

" Wow what a nice young gentle man. My name is Ryan Earl grey."

" You are the first supreme royal guard that served both the first king and the second, and later went on retirement."

" hahaha I see someone pays attention to there studies," he replied.

" You can say that, I was actually on my way to meet you and ask for a favor, but on my way here I was betrayed and almost sold for slavery till I was saved by your daughter."

" Wow fate did it again then, what favor did you want to ask me?" he asked.

" I came here to seek your assistance, would you be able to help me cultivate and train some fighting skills from you good sir."

" oh you want me to be you Master, well I have nothing to do and am always bored okay why not young man."

" great so when can I start ? Keith asked. " okay I'll train you for two weeks and see how well you do from then, after that if you fail I stop teaching you and if you pass we move to the next level of the training."

" Well I can't wait good sir or master , " Keith replies with a huge smile on his face.

" Father am done preparing the food, is it okay if I serve you right away before it gets cold?" his daughter asked as she entered the room.

" Melvis meet this fellow young man you just saved from the forest." The master said.

" Oh hi am Richard Gold , it's a pleasure to meeting you and I am very thankful for saving my life, I wouldn't be standing here if it went for you," Keith said with his head facing the ground.

" I just happen to pass by and found you being dragged down like a goat, I just did what I had to do cause my dad taught me to be good to others anyway excuse me I need to bring in the food," she replied and left Keith and his new master in the room.

" Don't mind my daughter she hates talking a lot." " no it's fine she seemed to be a good looking lady and very enthusiastic," Keith replied.

" okay young man gold. You may leave after you eat and come back tomorrow make sure you tell your family, you will be gone for two weeks in training but don't mention my name is that clear with you."

"yes master I'll do just that, cant wait to taste the food am starving," Keith replies full of joy in his heart.

" hahaha"

" here is the food you two enough talk, grab a plate and lets all eat," she said.

They all circle around the table and eat, as they talked, laughed and Keith felt as if he was home and his mother was the only one missing. They finished eating and it was time for Keith to leave and go prepare for his coming training.

" Bye master, bye Melvis. Looking forward to staying with you guys tomorrow."

" What you coming to stay here!" Melvis shouted as she turned around to face her father.

" Don't mind her, yes he is my apprentice from now on." he replied. " but father anyway do what you must do I don't care," she exclaimed.

Keith left them and head back to the secret pathway. He went in and the elevator took him back to the upper layer. He left the pathway and head towards the castle and found the queen and the king in the garden of flowers romancing. Keith then walks to them seeing this is good opportunity to tell them he is going to be out for two weeks.

" good evening mum and dad," Keith said.

" hey Keith his mother responded."

" What's wrong Keith, cant you see your mother and I are having some alone time and why haven't you been having your breakfast with us," the king exclaimed.

" am sorry mother and father I have an important thing I need to talk to you about."

" What's wrong my son," the queen responded.

" I'll be leaving you guys for two weeks, I am planning to go train in the forest, I'll be taking my leave tomorrow if its fine with you," Keith begged his parents.

" Whatever for as long as its to get stronger, then fine you can go. Make sure you make it for the ceremony I don't want to be disappointed and ashamed." The king replied.

" okay my son since your father has allowed it, its fine with me but watch out for those wild beasts okay my son." His mother replied too.

" thanks mum and dad I promise to be home in time." Keith replied with joy and went back to his room to go and prepare all the necessary things he needed.

" wow that was truly the perfect time for me to ask them, they couldn't even ask me more questions," Keith thinks out loud.

Keith went to his room and asked Isabella to help him pack. They packed and packed and slept while doing the packing. It was Keith's first trip away from home so he was too excited and curious on how strong he will get in these two weeks.