
Beyond my strength

Having fear of being replaced by his younger brother from the sit to the throne, the young prince makes a contract with the devil.

Keith_Longolongo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

03. finding trainer

Keith enters the castle as he thinks about what happened, the supreme royal guard notices Keith as he entered the castle, Keith was lost in thoughts that he didn't see the supreme royal guard.

"Your highness!" "Your highness!", shouted the royal guard.

" Yes and why do you summon me," Keith exclaimed.

"Am sorry to disturb you, but you have been summoned by the king."

" why did father summon me, is it because I didn't dine in with them."

" I don't know anything your highness, my duty is to follow his orders."

"this supreme royal guard has immersive power within him, and to think I'll one day face him, before I fight with father," Keith thinks out loud with a lower tone.

" did you say something your highness?" he asked.

" no never mind, take me to father that I may speak with him."

"This way your highness," spoke in a gentle deep tone.

The supreme royal guard leads the way, as Keith follows him behind. They walked till they reached the royal chamber were the throne is and the king was sitting on the throne, shining bright like the sun in his royal armor.

" Father you summoned me," shouted Keith.

" You my all leave the us," said the king.

All the royal guards and the supreme royal guard began to match out of the throne room. Keith began to sense great power through them ,as the royal guards passed by him.

" So these devil powers gave me a sixth sense, no wonder Richard was able to sense my strength and figured out that I had none, it's like I don't need the stone of terror to know the level of power one has this is tricky," Keith thinks out loud.

"Son is something the bother," said the king as he looked at Keith.

"No father, nothing bothers your son, what was the reason you summoned me?

" You didn't dine with us for breakfast and I had important news to inform you and your brother."

" am here father, you may tell me I bet Gray already knows what you wanted to inform us."

"oh yes, in two weeks time you and your brothers level of strength will be tested before the eyes of the nobles, and lastly the ozone layer will have a battle competition. In this competition only five that come out at the top of being strong will be granted a pass through a portal to enter the second layer with there families to put it in short, I'll be leaving this place to go and supervise The Battle Of A Pass .

" alright father is that all you wanted me to know?"

" Yes you may leave my presence."

" Oh father, Keith exclaimed."

" yes what now?" asked the king.

" That armor you wearing go take it off it's too bright for my eyes and your eyes okay, am taking my leave now."

" What a stubborn stupid child he truly is, but again his right my eyes are beginning to shade tears," he thinks out loud.

Keith leaves the royal chamber and heads back to his room. On his way he finds his mother reading a book in the library and approaches her.

" Sorry to disturb mother are you busy?" he asked.

" Keith my son you here," the queen replied. " fetch my son food didn't you see my son is home and couldn't dine with us for breakfast nor lunch," she exclaimed.

" Yes my queen, I'll do just that," the head maiden replied and left the queen with Keith.

" mother what may you be reading?" he asked. " It's just a book I picked from the shelf's nothing interesting, come sit next by me my son." she said.

" alright mother, I have something to ask you." "What could be the problem my son she replied."

'Keith walks to his mother, then sat down and slept on her laps.' The queen then starts messaging his head slowly.

" What could be the matter my son?" The queen asked." "Mother what is a portal? father mentioned it to me a few minutes ago."

" A portal my son is a transportation technic that only the Grand master is specialized of doing, it's through him that people who are strong enough to pass his test get to move from one layer to the other. He can only create three portals and on each portal there is a stone of terror that dictates your strength only the noble and the medium layer keishs can pass from one layer to the other, but if the level of power doesn't match the level of power requested you may not be able to pass. The funny fact is that these portals can stay open for years but once the Grandmaster is dead that's when they can close up."

" Whoa the Grand master must be one tuff guy, right mom?" he asked. "he is a strong mage that rivals your father, but your power my son will be tested in two weeks time from now, how do you plan to increase your strength? She asked. And to think about it at birth we tested you and your brother, you didn't show any sign of power or mage strength from your body and decided to test you when you older.

" why is it wrong not to have power in this world of ours?" he asked. " My son along time ago they lived species called humans who had no signs of power but had great knowledge and wisdom, they were so full of themselves and disobeyed the gods. The gods were so upset and furious that they decided to destroy there world and created a new one, which is our world."

" How come you know this mother? He asked. It's not like you were there, if you were you wouldn't be alive."

" silly as always," she exclaimed. I wasn't there my own mother told me all these stories and her mother and her mother's mother. It's been passed down through generation.

" alright mother, am taking my leave now thanks, I always feel better when I talk to you and thanks for answering my questions." " am your mother it's my duty to look after you, she giggled. "Wait what about your food?" " Let them bring it to my room mum I need to take some rest."

Keith stands up, kisses the queen on the forehead and takes his leave. He walks towards his room, he then entered his room and finds Isabella sleeping on his bed.

' Keith takes a few steps towards the bed, and started glancing at Isabella, she looks beautiful as she sleeps and very hot in that maiden outfit.'

" wow she is beautiful and looks peaceful when she is sleeping, I can't believe she is sleeping in my room, is that food on the table she must have cooked for me since I didn't have anything to eat." He thinks out loud.

Isabella begins to open her eyes slowly and wider. She then notices it's the prince Keith glancing at her and she wakes up, jumps off the bed.

"Am sorry, am sorry!" she shouted. Your highness or Keith I was waiting for you and cooked something for you, while doing that I fell asleep, am really sorry please forgive me it will never happen again," she said.

"It's fine don't trouble yourself it's not like you have caused me any harm. You must have been tired and slept while doing your work, go to your room and rest I'll take it from here," He replied.

"Alright your highness or Keith, I'll be taking my leave now," She replied.

Isabella left the room and closed it on her way out. Keith went to look at the food on his study table sat down and began to eat.

" so if portals are the only way to get to other layers, then that secret pathway must be magical in some way, if that elevator could take me to the middle and Lower layer then it must travel through dimensions, to think about it again that place I found Richard didn't seem as if it's connected to the layers in some way," Keith began to think out loud.

" so if the elevator can make someone travel from one layer to the other that means anyone can travel, to different places without being tested by the Grand master, then I must keep it a secret from everyone it's safe to say mum can't tell anyone, cause she knows how bad the situation could get."

" tomorrow I must make sure no one follows me, and how to find the dark skinned old man, our world is full of mixed raced keishs everywhere so it won't be easy. But what if I ask someone in town who knows a man staying with his daughter, maybe they can direct me to find this person. I need to sleep in early I have a big day in wait for me tomorrow," He concluded.

'Keith finishes eating, changes his out fit and goes to bed.