
Beyond my strength

Having fear of being replaced by his younger brother from the sit to the throne, the young prince makes a contract with the devil.

Keith_Longolongo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

02. The Contract

"your highness, your highness," said the royal maiden.

' opens his eyes slowly as he tries to see were that voice is coming from.'

"your highness it's time for you to wake up"

'opens his eyes wide and yawns, sits up straight and looks at the maiden.'

"so all that was a dream, but it felt real."

"What felt real your highness?"

"It's nothing, I just had a bad dream that's it."

"Alright your highness, it's time for you to have a bath and join the royal family for breakfast."

"Alright let me get to that, and if you may stop calling me your highness, just Keith is fine."

"But your highness!" She gasped.

"I will never take buts okay, you never know you might be my queen."

'She blushes off, wiggles her body, then looks at Keith with a smile and off she ran away.'

"I wonder why she ran away, anyway if that dream was destined to happen I need to find a way to get stronger, I know I might have some fragments of power within me."

' takes a few steps away from the bed and stood by the window and started glancing at the beautiful bright sky.'

A few minutes later.

"your highness are you done," said the maiden, " the royal family are in wait for your presence."

"what did I tell you, stop calling me that and tell them I won't be having my breakfast. I have important stuff that need my attention."

" am sorry your highness or Keith, I'll surely inform them."

" Thanks Isabella, you the best."

'Keith leaves the room and rushes out.'

" I wonder what got him all worked up today" she gasped.

Remembering the secret pathway, Keith decides to use that path for him to be able to leave the castle. As he walked down the staircase that leads to the secret escape route he then finds a wooden elevator that goes down to the lower class layer.

" Wow this is deep, I bet father doesn't know a thing about this pathway tunnel and to think that it exists, and mum being the one to know about it."

"Mum reads a lot of books and maps I bet that's how she knows about this."

The elevator takes Keith down and before he could reach the lower class layer, he stumbles a path that had a huge gate with burning flames across it's path, he takes a few steps and then decides to check it out."

" Hi there son of Arthur, come closer," the voice in the gate spoke.

" who is that speaking, and how do you know me?"

" it is I the one that was casted down from the heavens by the selfish gods because I was strong and adored by there creation."

" it is I who? Dude be serious am not here for jokes, this place is already creepy and I don't want to spend my entire time here okay.

"I am the one who was casted down, that was suppose to give you a clue what a useless prince in all prince's generation you are."

"What a disappointment."

"Are you going to mock me all day or maybe you will tell me who you truly are?"

" Okay am the one they call the devil okay! Am the morning star but call me Richard I love that human name for no reason."

" hahaha hahaha, Keith laughed, the devil with a keishs name what a shame of a supreme being you are!"

"Actually it's a human name." the devil exclaimed.

" what's a human?" Keith asked.

" a human Is a being that was once created by the 10 God's ,these humans were created to only worship the gods but due to there knowledge they forgot to do that and decided to live there lives and forgot what the gods made them to do in the first place." So the gods...…

" hold your horses," Keith exclaimed. I don't want to know a lot about them, if you want to tell me about them, make it short okay we don't have time I need to head back."

" What a stubborn useless prince you are!"

"anyway the humans disobeyed the gods and where so weak, so the gods decided to annihilate them from existence, and that's where you keishs come from and where created."

" wow a lot happened uh!"

"So useless you truly are!"

" I sense no power in you!"

" How can you tell? No one knows apart from me."

"Am one of the supreme beings also known as angels, but I was the most powerful angel of them all, I once challenged the one who sits on the number one throne and got defeated."

"WOW an angel!"

" I only know one person who is trying to cultivate angelic power and strength, and that person is my father the king."

" yes I know his like no other keish, to put it straight his the best creation Among the keishs and his sword skills are like no other."

" how come you know all these things, yet you locked up in this weird looking gate with no keyhole of some sort."

"With the little strength I hide from the gods when they were trying to get all my power, I decided to hide a few fragments of my power, they help me to see what's happening in your world that's the limit. I can't go beyond that."

" whose weak now," he laughs."

" at least I have a few fragments of my strength unlike you with none," he exclaimed.

"Whatever, am taking my leave now, rot in hell Mr. Richard."

"Wait wait!"

"I have a proposal."

" okay, you only have 5 minutes and am gone, I look stupid talking to this gate."

" I'll lend you my last fragments of power and in return you will do me a favor."

" intriguing, go on!"

"wait, what kind of favor?

" the power am about to give you is not much, it can only give you speed and make any weapon you use becomes sharpened that you can cut almost anything even a god."

"this power has not been used for decades so it's up to you to cultivate it to its full potential, at this rate it can only cut a wooden stick."

"hmmmm, so it's up to me to enhance its power, that's too much work but it's worth it, than having nothing."

"hey how can I get stronger ?

" There is an old dark skinned man in the lower layer, he stays with his daughter his a good swordsman and can teach you how to meditate and cultivate your speed power."

"You should reach a level were you faster than lightning, cause the gods are even faster than lightning."

" Excuse me, you didn't tell me what favor you want me to do for you!"

" I don't like free stuff okay!"

" well said, young prince I want you to one day claim all the sits of the ten gods.

But it's a long process, you first need to defeat all the strongest keishs in all layers and then face of with the demon clan warriors, then the supreme beings and last but not least the gods."

" And what makes you think I want to be a God, anyway you doing me a solid so I'll do it for you."

" so when am I getting these so called powers?"

"kindly press your hand on the gate and say "what is mine is now yours and what is yours is now mine."

" Some weird incatenation words."

Keith goes near the weird gate and presses his hand on it and says the words.

"what is my is yours and what is yours is mine."

Dark mana starts overthrowing beneath the gate, Keith steps back as the dark mana in form of smoke go towards him.

' his eyes open wide, his hands begin to shake, hands sweaty and a cold chill feel on his skin.

The dark mana surrounds him and a huge cloud of dark mana forms on top of his head and suddenly enters him in his mouth.

Keith screamed, " Ahhhhhhhhh."

' his eyes darkened as the dark cloud of mana entered him, his veins tightened as the mana tried to bond with his body.'

" It is done now you may go. I promise to watch over you but just know I won't be able to come to your aid but will be able to communicate with you any where you go only when you summon me for advice because you have my powers that helped me know what is happening around this planet!"

" And what makes you think I'll ever summon you, you irritating and talkative. Anyway buy Richard, devil or what ever you call yourself."

" what a stubborn prince!"

" Richard is a cool name."

" Keep thinking that."

Keith leaves the place and heads back to the elevator as he looked back that pathway to the gate vanished. Keith went back to the castle and found his young brother cultivating his fire ability.

" Big brother Keith!" he calls him out.

"What may I help you with, Keith exclaimed.

"We didn't see you for breakfast, what's up with that?"

" Something came up none of your business."

" Okay, he smirked. Why do you have a duel with me big brother I want to try out my fire mage skills, if you don't mind.

" am tired I have no time for that, maybe some other day okay."

" whatever weakling" he gasped.

" Did you say anything?"

" No just thinking out loud."

Keith takes a few steps away from his brother as he heads to the castle. His young brother shots a beam of fire at Keith, without him knowing.

Out of instincts Keith moves aside and dodges the beam of fire. Full of shock his young brother got, his mouth opened wide, Keith got shocked and amazed then continued walking away.

"What was that!" Gray gasped