
Beyond my strength

Having fear of being replaced by his younger brother from the sit to the throne, the young prince makes a contract with the devil.

Keith_Longolongo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The beginning of the new world

"It's a lovely day in Oxon hill city," said the news reporter.

"Coming up in today's news, here are today's headlines."

A busy day in Oxon hill city, a beautiful bright sky, lovely sea breeze and warm relaxing weather. Traffic here and there, people walking around doing what they do every day in there daily lives.

Few hours later

Suddenly, the bright blue sky's become cloudy, a very strong terrifying breeze, a cold chill and the moisture of the place suddenly changes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," a man screamed.

Everyone around him gets his attention, and they all glanced at him.

'"What's that? Is it an eclipse, no wait seems it's about to crush us!" said the man.

Everyone in the city suddenly stops what they where doing and glared at the sky.

The weather changes, a bright light shines upon the surface of the earth, a warm presence surrounds the planet.

" we receiving bad reception," said the reporter.

"what is happening," speaks in a lower tone.

" It seems like another planet is about to crush us," no it seems like the sun is about to crush us!"

Panic erupts across the globe, everyone trying to find a way to escape from this calamity. Children cry, adults pray, traffic across all cities.

In 2022 the world was destroyed a new non-well-shaped earth was formed, from colliding with an unknown sphere with planet earth. This sphere was speculated to have been prompted by the gods.

The gods were not happy with the shape of the earth and the nature of the powerless humans and so they authorized to cast this large known sphere to the earth(a powerful blast in shape of a sphere) and all humanity was lost.

In the dark space of the universe, the god's gathered up and organized a meeting to decide what to do with the remains of the earth. As the meeting went on for 10 hours (earth time ), and they concluded.

To create a world where humans get to have strength like non-other and be able to get stronger and stronger. And one day could be able to claim a sit and challenge the god entitled to that sit ( there are 10 sits In total and there are 10 gods which we won't mention right now)

As the meeting occurred the gods agreed to create these humans, but will no longer be called humans but Keishs, after this the keishs were created, and the gods were happy with their creation and a new non-well-shaped earth was formed.

In 2030 after the re-creation of the earth, the keishs developed, castles were built and towns were created. But this world was based on power and strength, so the earth due to its unwell shape was divided into 3 parts called the ozone layers.

Ozone one, 'The land of the angelic power cultivators and the most wealthy keishs on earth who are yet closer to battle with the god.'

Ozone two, 'The land of middle-class cultivators, these are the middle-class keishs.'

Ozone three, 'The land of mortal power cultivators, also known as lower-class. Their skills are required to upgrade to a higher rank for them to be able to get to the middle class or upper class layers.

Eighteen years later, the ruler of all ozone layers had two sons, and the ruler was so happy that he organized a festival, this festival was to test and check his son's level of strength and it was done.

All noble keishs gathered up to witness the king's son's strength, some came to mock and some came to pay their admirations.

As the party commenced the two sons were called in to be tested by a power meter Stone of terror. The first son was called first to be tested and the king was waiting cautiously optimistic for he wanted a stronger son to take his throne after his passing and could be able to one-day Challenge the gods.

"Keith my firstborn son go and touch the stone and show us the potential of your strength and power," said the king.

"yes, father as you wish, "said Keith Arthur.

' he walks towards the stone, glanced at the people as they looked at him. His hands begin to be sweaty and he feels a shivering sensation around his body.'

'Keith goes close to the stone, as he approached the grandmaster.'

"press your hand on the stone your highness," shouts the grandmaster.

'Keith touches the stone, he feels nothing.' His heart at peace and warm, he stops shivering and gets excited.

'Suddenly the mood in the room changes,' everyone is shocked cause this has never happened in the history of keishs.

"your highness!" the grandmaster speaks in a loud tone.

" It's believed to say, your son has no sort of strength nor signs of power."

"how could this be!" shouts the king, "he is my first born son."

" seems your first born son is not the first at all," noble makes a joke."

'the tension in the room changes, everyone laughing at Keith as they looked at him.'

"Hey! just hold on his not my son," the king speaks in shame."

"we adopted that son, he can't be my son, never will I king Arthur the third, strongest Keish in the history of keishs have a son with no strength."

" I only have one son, and that is Gray author."

'Keith glances at the king and sobs.'

"Father should I go and touch the stone," said Gray.

"if you must my son," said the king.

'Gray walks towards the stone with a bold face showing no signs of fear and stares at Keith with a smirk on his face.'

Everyone in the room go silent, and glace at Gray as he walks towards the stone. Gray pressed his hand on the stone and a bright light shines across the ball room, everyone amazed at the mighty aura that the stone showcased concerning his strength.

"Sire, the Grandmaster spoke, "your son rivals your Strength, in due time he will be able to surpass your strength, if we give him proper training."

" this is my one true son," said the king. " Who now dares to make a mockery of my son, the new heir to the throne?"

Everyone feared the king, that even the queen remained silent, as the king denied his first born son. Keith left the ball room rushed to his room, closed the door and started to shade tears.

Everyone in the castle adored his younger brother and complimented the king.

An hour passed and the festival was over, all the nobles left and the castle went on lockdown under the king's orders. The King ordered his royal trusted guilds to take Keith's head.

The queen loved her son so much that, she knew the king's plans and rushed to find Keith and help him escape through the hidden secret path.

" my son take this path and go to the lower ozone layer and stay there and never show your face ever again for your father claims your head."

"mother is it because am weak and am not like all keishs," said Keith.

"son we have no time to chat you need to go now, and change your name promise me never to show your face here ever again."

"mother I promise you to leave but just know am going to get stronger and stronger and I'll challenge all strong keishs and one day will challenge dad from his sit, bye mom."

Keith leaves the castle, the queen heads back to her royal quarters. One of the guards spotted the queen coming from the hidden staircase, the pathway of the secret escape route. He then calls his fellow guards and chased after Keith