
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs


I don't know much about the Torino Kingdom, just that it didn't have a lot of contact with the outside world. The island was ruled by fat tall humans that used leaf skirts. They seemed to be stone men, but they actually had a library filled with books and even some mechanical weapons.

We didn't find much in there, the island inhabitants kept trying to kill us, until a man named Shamba appeared to stop it.

He led us to a small village and we traded some supplies and knowledge.

(Later on I sneaked into the library to read and steal some knowledge.)

They didn't have a developed sense of property, so we traded large amounts of food and other items for their knowledge.

They weren't dumb, it's just that they have their own currency system. Food is much more important than gold and such shenanigans.

And we left just like that. There wasn't anything interesting about the island in the first place.

(Chopper was there but the MC doesn't know. Nor care).

Now… It's finally time to visit Ace's hometown.

I was training as always on the ship's deck.

-What's that? Asked Susein

-That's a Super Sardine, they are actually pretty dangerous since they live in groups of tens of thousands, with each being the size of a person. But they are pretty shy so we don't need to change course.

-... And what is that?

-That's a Super Whale shark.

-...And that?


South blue had a lot of these super large creatures.

But one day…

-What 's that? She asked

-Can I have some peace?

-No seriously. What is that?

I looked to the side to see a massive creature. It seemed to be the fusion of a crab with a snake.

-A Sea King? I said

-Sea king! She exclaimed

It… It was massive. Imagine seeing a creature several Km long. This one seemed rather small though.

-A juvenile? Or is it its species trait? If it is small and a Sea King then it must have a secondary trait to compensate for the lost size. I mumbled to myself.

-What a big crab! Fish? Said Ace.

-Hey, Vuvuba! Do you know how to cook Crab hotpot?

She responded with an "ok" sign.

-Great just let me...

-Hey Valet, let me try taking it down. I said

-BUWAHAHAHA! Of course! I shall wait for the food! Hey! Light up the oven…

Our crew was already used to our strange and insane acts, so they just went as planned.

I jumped out of the ship and touched the water.

-Okay let's try this. I had four months to practice these moves, let's see how I go.



I disappeared from my position. The water didn't even splash.

But surprisingly the Sea King still kept his eyes at me.

So you can keep up with this? How about this?...

Geppo+Soru+Hamon[Geppo:Suisei no o]

(I forgot to add names to these techniques and now I cant translate them properly...)

I kicked the water jumping into the air then I kicked the air with immense strength, catapulting forward.

From someone else's perspective it looks as if a comet was flying above the water.

But the Sea King still kept his eyes on me…

What? Not even Ace can keep up with this speed without using Haki. As I thought, my physical strength is still lacking. It's not a question about the technique. If I increase my strength threshold, then my techniques will display more.

But this isn't my highest speed! I also have my special techniques…

I stopped in place. The Sea King immediately attacked.


I learned and copied a lot of techniques on Karate island. Even if the usual level of strength there was relatively low with the exception of some masters, their Martial arts are still something to behold.

I entered a stance putting a foot in front of the other. And lifting my two arms.

Falling petals dance+Hamon [Feet style:Haru no hizashi](Sunlight in Spring)

This time the water splashed due to the immense impact of my feet.

The Sea King attack hit the water creating a large wave. But the creature wasn't happy...

He lost his prey for the first time.

But Ace saw something different. He could see something akin to a light ray moving at high speeds in the water.

In its eyes, its food coming to it couldn't be better, at first it was only a little fast, it could still catch up with it, it was even having some fun, but it suddenly disappeared, it realised this prey wasn't so simple.

I appeared below its body and prepared another attack.

Shigan+Hamon [Shigan:Taiyōkō-sen] (Sun Ray)

A golden ray of light left my finger and pierced the Beast skin.


It was rather shallow… If you consider its size.

The monster opened its mouth and shot a large water beam at me. I barely evaded it with technique.

-This won't do… Let's give it a heavy hit!

Tekkai+Shigan+Hamon! [Tekkai:Kōsan] (Yellow Mountain)

I clenched my fist and shot it upwards, right into the creature's snakelike body.

(Shigan can be used with one's fists clenched)

My fist glowed yellow and punched forward. An invisible wave hit the creature's body creating a fist imprint on the impact area.


The creature bent a little, its body had an immense burning dent.


It used its two massive pinchers to crash the water around it, creating massive waves.

Is it trying to make me lose my balance? Unfortunately…

Geppo. Just Geppo

I jumped into the sky, I kept hitting the air with my legs making myself "float"

Apart from Ace, I am the only one in the boat with enough physical strength to perform this move.

Susein was pretty close to doing it though.

Let's use some leg techniques.

I bent my right leg while I kicked the air with my left one.

Geppo+Kami-e+Rankyaku+Hamon [...] I don't have a name for this technique yet…

Let's call it... Yellow jet! Wait...

Using my left leg to kick the air, I gave myself a boost in speed. I used Kami-e on my right leg to make it flexible, then used Rankyaku to create an air wave. All the while Using Hamon to enhance my body.

This level of control of multiple techniques was only possible due to multiple clones training and sacrificing themselves for the greater good. I greatly respect everyone who managed to achieve such a level of control by training alone.

The Orangish wave quickly made its way to the creature, it tried to block it with its left oversized pincer, but today was a bad day, the pressurized air hit right on its joint, cutting the pincer right off.


It wailed loudly, in both pain and wrath.


I exhaled loudly. After these months of training my body control can handle at most 3 techniques + Hamon at any given time. I can push it to 4 but I would suffer damage, if I try to use 5 I will get incapacitated until my body regenerates.

This is disregarding other martial arts, like the ones I learned in Karate island.

-Let's finish this quickly before I embarrass myself.

I had a position to maintain. As long as both me and Ace looked invincible and mighty, our crew had little risk of revolting.

Stone monkey fist+Tekkai+Shigan+Hamon [Tekkai:Tetsu o moyasu](Burning iron)

Everything went smoothly. My fist was about to hit the crab monster head and possibly kill it.

It was quite a good fight but nowhere near One Piece top level, where fights can last for days.

It only lasted 5 Min, most of the time I just ran around.

-First mate John has quite the punch, doesn't he? Said Fat Fedrum. The Helmsman

-He is always training so I guess it's expected. Said Loodwick The navigator

-Want to bet how long it will take for him to kill it? Questioned Popeye, the sniper

-50K. 10 min. He said

-Double it, 100K, 7min. Said Fedrum

-13min. Said Loodwick

-Is it even fun to bet against Fedrum? He always wins because of that fraudulent fruit. Spoke Susein our cook.

-... Ace on the other hand was fully focused on the fight. He felt something was wrong.

He finally couldn't take it any longer and jumped from the ship!



-Prepare all cannons! Go into your positions! It seems we are going to fight! Said Loodwick.

When both the Cap and the First-mate aren't on board it's time for the Second-mate to take charge.

Ace speed with all of his power, he hesitated for a second if he should use his fruit powers…

But it was right during this indecision that it happened...

(If you are wondering how strong the MC is right now then let me tell you everything he can do: He has an intermediate to advanced mastery on the Rokushiki. Enough for him to use Tekkai on a specific part of his body like when he used it in his hands, and when he used Shigan with his fists and not his fingers.

He learned a lot of martial arts on Karate island, and he has Hamon. But all of this is determined by his physical power, that he is constantly increasing.

And I am currently researching a proper being to compare him with. A Sea King isn't the most suitable choice due to how their strengths vary.

A good idea would be Rob Lucci and the CP9 at full power. Meaning they would have Haki and not be as weak as they were portrayed in the anime. After all, they were supposed to be the world government elite, right behind CP0. So around the weaker vice admirals?

I am also researching into Doriki measurement, but I don't know where this will lead)

1650 Words.

Hello everyone, it's me.

My final exams have started so I might slow down chapters releases for a while, I have two exams this week then 2 in the next, and my final one later.

So most likely I might only be able to resume normal posting at the end of October.

In this chap, we have the Mc still looking for the fucking beast while looking for a way to awaken his Haki.

But something happened.

Until next time and thank you for reading!

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