
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

The Sea king true form

While Ace jumped from the ship white enough momentum to make it shake, the other crew members got into combat-ready positions.

Even if they knew that small cannonballs wouldn't do anything against a massive sea king, the least they can do is to not get in their way.

Although reality can be disappointing and cruel, that is the most they can do in order to help them.

Fedrum opened his eyes and a pair of red crosshairs floated in front of his eyes…

-...At least this big… How could there be a Sea king of this size in the middle of South blue?!

Using his Devil fruit, dozens of lines of information filled his vision, showing data from its size, to even its overall power.

Unfortunately, the creature is too strong for him to be able to notice its weaknesses.

Overall, this creature was several levels above the nightmare pirates they fought several months ago.

This made him remember his mysterious encounter on Karate island…

He was walking home after yet another failure in the western grappling style dojo. Feeling that he was too weak, he went there every day.

His captain and first mate were strong enough to sink a ship in an instant, and they seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

Although he is the Helmsman, he doesn't want to be babysitted all the time!

With his head low he walked towards the Inn he was staying in.

-You there, the depressed fat boy.


-Me, right here.

Sigh… This again? He thought

Every day there would be at least one person making fun of his body. And every day he would beat someone up.

-let's get this over with. Said Fedrum

He lifted his fists and dashed to the middle-aged man in a cloak.


-... What?

But surprisingly, within a moment, he was the one on the ground.

-Damn son! Immediately attacking instead of listening for what I have to say. You are lucky. Lucky to leave with just this, other people suffered much greater injuries for less.

Fedrum's heart skipped a beat, he immediately used his Devil fruit.

… But the only thing displayed was a string of ???.

He couldn't even identify the material of the sword in the man's waist. Everything else was according to the norm.

-Ho? Is that a Paramecia? Quite an unusual one at that. Your face changed color, meaning you saw something… Considering the red cross in your face…

Not only was this man information a mystery but he also knew of Devil fruits, something that should be a legend in this Sea.

Suddenly, immense pressure gushed out from the man's body.

Fedrum's mind almost slipped into nothingness, but something pushed him forward.

-... HAHA! You are an interesting one, fatty! You managed to last 1 second. You pass.

-Harf… Harf… What was that?

But the man didn't say anything and just continued on his way.

He was reluctant to follow, but he eventually did go after him.

Something that turned out to be one of the greatest choices of his life.

For two weeks he learned a strange form of martial arts-focused all around in grappling and evasion.

His days consisted of training over training. With a bit of studying in order to enhance his skill in the Helm and the precision of his Devil Fruit.

(The Devil fruit depends on information, the more he has acquired it, the more precise its analysis becomes.)

-You remind me of Jerry.

-Who is Jerry? Asked Fedrum

-An old student of mine, but he was obsessed with fame, eventually using all of the arts I taught him to win boxing championships on the island… What a waste.

-What happened to him?

-He eventually left, like all the others, chasing big dreams… He probably went to work for a big nation or something. Thinking that was the epitome of his career.


When the second week ended the mysterious man just vanished without saying a word...

/End of flashback/

Fedrum's eyes fully opened with determination. He placed his hands on the Helm and swung it to the side.

It doesn't matter if he can't help his captain by fighting, but he can surely provide them with a place to land instead of seawater.

(Because Devil fruit users get weaker when they touch seawater… pretty basic stuff.)

The others were not as confident as him though…

Popeye was depressed because he, the sniper of the crew, couldn't even help them with long-range artillery.

He can at most shoot out a glass shard up to several dozen meters, after that it starts to lose strength…

Susein was just as excited as she could ever be. This is the strength she is looking for!

She steeled herself to increase her training regime even further.

(She is currently the third strongest on the ship because of her martial arts and basic Haki. She only needs more physical strength to create some truly devastating moves.)

The doctor, Frindin, had tears on her face looking at the monstrous beast in front of her… But after looking around and seeing everyone doing their best, she ripped the sides of her skirt off and pulled the ropes binding the sails.

(I have no idea how a boat works, this is me at 110%)

The twins, on the other hand, did their best to fix or prevent any damage created by the tall waves colliding against the ship.

Their coordination couldn't be better with them throwing tools to each other around the ship without even looking at one another.

Loodwick was perhaps the most fearful of everyone here. He studied and knew of the Sea kings. Perhaps even more than Fedrum.

That was why he cringed at this "hopeless situation".

Why is everyone doing their best against such an impossible opponent?



The waves collided against the ship while he thought…



Around a minute earlier.

Ace looked forward as he saw the massive gaping maw of something resembling a lizard piercing the seawater and consuming John.

He started to fall towards the Sea right when he saw it.

In order to stabilize himself, he "kicked" the air, with two very small flames below him, propelling him upwards.

(It's his own form of Geppo. He created two flames in his feet that quickly expanded and disappeared creating a vacuum. The air rushing to fill the hole up creates a fast wind current propelling him upwards… It's One Piece, don't ask.)

He saw that at its abdomen, the "Lizard" part of the Sea king meets the "Crab" portion. Meaning it was a single creature and not two.

… So all this time… He was just fighting its tail…


Ace didn't care anymore. He wasn't going to allow another crew member to die right before his eyes.

With a spark, two massive flame pillars sprouted from his feet, propelling him forward.

He unsheathed a large knife from his belt and covered it with a black, metallic sheet.

There was a red, "burning" tint, around it.

It was none other than Busoshoku(Hardening) Haki!

(The wiki says Ace was proficient in this form of Haki. So much so he could clash against a vice admiral. I wouldn't be surprised if Garp showed at least Ace his own Haki, since he was older than Luffy.)

Ace opened his hand and created a small red "sun" inside of it. He lifted his index finger white the ball in it, ready to throw it at the Sea king.

(Think of Escanor.)


But to his surprise, a large cylindrical beam of light pierced the Sea King head making it spit large amounts of gray blood into the sea.

The top of its head had a large cylindrical hole in it. Even though the hole was minimal compared to the entirety of the monster, it was still an injury that passed right through its brain.

It needed at least several days to recover from that if it doesn't die from something else first...

Ace suddenly had a big smile on his face, and at that moment he decided to wait.

Wait for his first mate.

/one second before the moment John was eaten/

Fuuuuck! John thought to himself

With his Brain working in overdrive he could see a massive gaping maw slowly making its way to him from below.

(From now on, since the Mc can maintain his mind power for long periods of time, I will not distinguish between it and his normal brain. Only in special circumstances.)

If he looked closely, he could see that this Sea king was so bizarre, that it was actually a fusion of two creatures.

One crab and a lizard, but where is the head?... Or its anus?

(Like the CatDog Cartoon.)

His body can't move fast enough to evade it, those teeth also look incredibly sharp…

There is no escape, and at this rate, he is going to get bitten…

He quickly ducked and kicked the air, propelling himself…

Right towards the monster maw!

I am back baby!

Expect normal release dates from now on.

This chapter had 1500 words.

I tried to show different perspectives and I want to see if a did it decently. Since I want to increase them in the future.

Tell me in the comments, please.

I described Ace and Fedrum's perspective of the event, in order to give a more in-depth look at their characters and abilities.

Thank you for reading

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