
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Handing Devil fruits

I looked at my hand and said:


I looked at the other pirates who looked as if they saw a ghost.

-Bring all of the fruits here. If anyone sees a strange fruit, report it to me immediately.

They kept staring at me.

-Get a grip! Start to move if you want to live!

They started to run around the place like headless chickens.

Finally one of them came with a strange fruit.

-Th-This is-Was… Our captain fruit. The Glass-glass fruit.

Glass-glass? Was there one like this in the show? It might have, I never watched much of the anime/manga. Just some bits and pieces in general, plus some fics.

-Is it a Logia? I asked

-No, no… It's a Paramecia sir…

-Good. Is there anyone else with a devil fruit?

-No sir. Replied the pirate.

-Then drive the ship close to the other one. If I see even a single person next to the cannons then everyone here will die.


-How was it? Said Ace.

-I think I used too much force… I ended up killing their Captain.

-It's fine, they weren't good guys anyway.

-But I found this. I showed him the fruit. It was quite cool, being translucent, like a glass apple.

-A devil fruit? Is it made of glass? Is it even edible?

-I think so. This fruit has quite the potential. Why not give it to one of our crew?

-What a great idea!

-Loot the useful parts and sink the boat! I exclaimed

-Yes! x Crew

-Let's first dump these guys in the Marine fort, then we can continue our adventure.

Thankfully, the pirate captain had a scar in him that could be used in order to claim the reward. And like this, we were 150 Million Berries richer.

(There were multiple weaker pirates with 2-5 million Berrie bounty.)

Total Berri: 200 Million

(A lot is spent improving equipment and the boat. Plus the supplies and so on)

This time our passage through the reverse mountain wasn't stopped. We climbed the mountain without a complication, thanks to our excellent Helmsman.

The way down into the South blue was also smooth.

I don't remember if this was said in the show, but the passages that connect the 4 seas together with the Paradise portion of the Grand line, have periods where the water current changes direction, allowing someone to go back from where they came.

-Here we are! South Blue! Said Ace with a bit of excitement in his tone.

This was, after all, the sea where he was born.

-We need a new cook now. I said

We left, old lady Fryed behind at the Marine outpost right before the reverse mountain. The Marines would give her a ride as part of the payment for the pirate's bounty.

-OH NO! WHAT WILL I EAT FROM NOW ON?! Said Elliot, our Boatswain.

Eliot and his brother Toile, are a pair of similar-looking men. As twins, they boast slighter tanned skin and massive muscles. One had a head full of hair but no beard or mustache, while the other had a bald head and a massive beard.

But for the rest, they looked identical. From the way they eat to the way they sleep.

-Let's stop at a nearby island to acquire some supplies. We will need some maps as well… I said

-But first, let us choose the holder for our two new devil fruits! Said Ace loudly.

Everyone's ears perked up. They all went to the main deck to hear what he was going to say.

-On my left hand I have a previously acquired fruit! The wall-wall fruit allows one to create walls out of any substance. On my right hand, I have the glass-glass fruit that allows one to control and become glass, becoming almost immune to physical attacks.

The reason why its previous holder died so easily was that the damage I caused was above the impact threshold of the fruit. It grows as you grow stronger but that guy was trash and did not train his body.

-On the surface, one is purely for defense and control while the other one is offensive in nature similar to a Logia. But I would like to say that a fruit's power and use is determined by its user, there are some that are heavily tilted to one side, we can't do much about that instead of keep going forward! Improving our fruit to its limits!

-There is a perfect fruit for you out there, some may never find it, while others can easily find it. So don't get greedy for a power you can't relate to!

-Remember that by eating a fruit you are getting cursed by the sea, never to enter it again… Are you still determined to eat it? If so, step forward!

Surprisingly both our Sniper and Navigator stepped forward. They were the only ones who did it.

The Sniper got the glass fruit while the Navigator got the Wall fruit.

-Be sure to eat it all. Otherwise, the power might not work or get weaker. I said. Hiding my malefic smile inside my head.

They looked at the fruits and took a bite.

The sniper was surprised the fruit was actually very soft, he was about to enjoy it when… The taste… WAS FUCKING HORRIBLE!

-If you spill any… I said

The snipe gulped it all, struggling a bit. Frindin gave him a cup of water.

He stuffed the fruit in his mouth and gulped it down.

The Navigator did the same, he had a very funny expression. He was trying his best to keep composure but the taste was way beyond what he could support.

After a while, they both feel weak on the floor.



Me and Ace just laughed. Followed by the rest of the crew.

I wasn't really worried about them that much. As long as they take one bite it would be fine.

There were only some problems I found while sailing.

Food and water. At least in the normal seas, there aren't any sort of mystical ways to circumvent these problems, so we have to live off supplies. And that can make life more horrible than it already is.

Imagine training and working every day in the sea while having the thought that a massive monster/Pirate could come out of nowhere to kill you, just to eat horrible preserved food and hot water.

It can make someone go crazy. Thankfully, we can preserve food for longer periods thanks to the equipment we bought at the islands along the way. And I can cool down the water for us to drink with Hamon.

As you would imagine, because everyone sails for several days, the smell in some ships can get… Horrible to say the least. Thanks to the Seed-seed fruit, that isn't a problem anymore.

She can use it to clean someone of large impurities, then we only need to throw everything outside of the ship. This is a great problem for the girls on the ship though… Taking a shit in a moving ship isn't that great.

Thankfully the ship has an inbuilt plumbing system that takes the "unwanted" out of the ship automatically.

We even have showers. But those are very restricted in its use.

-We will be going to the Briss kingdom followed by Karate island, we will then go in a counterclockwise motion, ending in Baterilla. So set the sails!


And so we went into the horizon


1250 words

Few, it's over.

Some development, the same as always.

But things are getting interesting!

In a different way from the Straw hats, the Valet Explores actually gather fruits in other to increase the crew strength.

And with the constant training of Ace and John, how far will their talent blow? Are they destined to be abandoned due to their lack of talent, or will they rise as powerhouses of the Sea?

Now for the important news!

I release two chapters for my other novel,

As I said, the novel was more of a test than anything else, but go take a look if you have the time!

I plan to add romance and R18 scenes as a way to train myself in that regard. But it won't be any time soon.

Thank you for reading! Until a few hours when I start to add images!

If you cant wait adds your own images and you shall receive a PIN!

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