
Beyond Earth:The horizon

The protagonist was chosen as the representative of a higher being and now he has to help it gain power and influence while traveling the multiverse. Why didn't the being just do everything alone? Go find out! Really, it's on the first one-two chaps... The first few chaps are rather cringy, not because of the MC but because I tried to incorporate situations from the anime show into the book and that didn't go very well... But later? Oh boy, that's where the fun begins! [NOT wish-fulfillment at least in my head] [NOT harem at least.... in my head] No romance for now NO cultivation worlds-at least the strong ones Worlds SPOILER! IS-Infinite Stratos Monster Hunter. JOJO! Attack on Titan TAGS Action-a little bit it depends on the situation Adventure-......... Reincarnation-Duh Magic-later Tech-read Mech-read Martial arts Heavy Language(If you are a kid) Time-skip Slight emotional development(for character development) Slight cringe(At the start, due to the original source being well... a harem romance) Superhumans(Someone who can disassemble a mech with their hands isn't human) And possibly more I will add later if I bother I don't own the characters, the worlds, and the cover image, all the credit goes to their respective authors English isn't my first language I am not gaining money with this(writing this mostly for my boredom and for practice, and I don't have a bank account) Thanks for checking by, please no review spawn nor shit-posting

Abadom · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

A pirate crew worth 100 Million!

With these, my strength should be enough for the Grand Line. Ace's strength was always enough to survive, but the problem is the crew, they need to be strong to at least be able to handle some pressure, otherwise…

If they get blown away by a strong wind, wouldn't that only create more trouble?

I had many things to do but thankfully I had the clones to work for me.

I then teach others and train other techniques. After all, the Marines 6 techniques aren't all that is to it. There are many more Martial arts and special abilities.

And after mastering and understanding them. There is also Haki to master, at least two of them since I don't know if I have the third one.

Finally, I will have to find a way to fuse them into my own fighting style.

In the sea, while we went towards our next destination:

Ace saw my clone training and said:

-If you had these clones lying around why did we even need a crew in the first place?!

And I replied:

-Why should I waste my precious ability managing a ship when I can train?

After this, my nickname went from "Training monster" to "Training Demon".

But hey. At least I mastered the arts to some extent.

I could kick the air for an hour with Geppo.

I could easily resist bullets with Tekkai. Even cannonballs will bend when hitting my body… That is if the ground doesn't break first, sending me flying.

(He meant that, even if he resists a cannonball, the inertia will still throw him away. He can keep himself in place with the ground, but if it breaks, he will lose his balancing point and fly off. It's kind of like that, don't try to bring physics to One piece...)

I could create an air blade using Rankyaku. I can even use my hands to create it. It's strong enough to cut weaker metals.

I could use Soru to traverse very fast at short distances.

I managed to use the Shigan to pierce a metal sheet.

And finally, I could use Kami-e to bend my body in impossible ways. I consider this to be even better than what the Pillar men are capable of since they need to break and rearrange their bodies in order to achieve the same effect.

All of this considered I can actually fuse these techniques with Hamon creating something truly interesting. But it's still in the trial phase, it's much harder to fuse them than you could imagine.

After all, I only had around 3 and a half months to train them.

But, there is still something I feel bad about. The fact that I don't have the proper training methods from the Marines. If only I had them, I might've been able to achieve even greater heights faster. But no matter what I did, I never managed to exchange something for even a single one of the techniques…

I plan to look for it at black markets or even steal it.

But now. It's time to climb the reverse mountain.


We stopped at Loguetown before the reverse island in order to resupply and rest a little.

How couldn't I go to the place where the pirate King died? Ace's father.

-Aren't you coming with us, Capitan? Asked Popeye George.

George was a small man with a binoculars always in his eyes. He was bald and had a very thin, long mustache. He is the perfect description of a Gnome.

-No, I…

-You are coming with us this time. I said.

-You can't keep training all the time, we need to rest from time to time.

Everyone looked at me with their mouths open.

-What is it?

-I am just impressed that you, the "training demon" would say we need rest from training. Said our Helmsman Bibos.

He was very tall and fat. After these months of training, he only looked fatter. He might be "big" but he was the fastest non-combatant runner. He had a normal "uncle" face. His eyes were closed most of the time, but he will open them when he gets "serious".

-You aren't one to talk! The more we train the fatter you get! Said Our navigator Loodick.

He was of average height being 1,80 m tall. He had a Tuxedo and a clipboard in his hands. He had blue hair and dark sunglasses on his face. He didn't have any facial hair but he was thinking about growing a mustache under the influence of Bibos, who is also a barber.

-... Alright I will go.

We ate at a good restaurant close to the pier. The chef was more than happy to see good clients eating a lot.

Our reputation has already grown a lot. We are considered the strongest in East Blue at this point in time. (Not the strongest in the world, Since Luffy and Zoro had very large bounties when they left Easy blue.)

But that isn't a great deal anyway. Killing a 1-10 million bounty pirate isn't anything at all. Any decent pirate in the new world can reach such a value.

The real surprise came after eating.

We were going back into the ship when Ace stopped to look at a notice board where a newspaper was strapped in it.

The article revealed a boy holding a hat on his chest mourning for someone.

(The newspaper Ace read in "limbo". It was the one that talked about the fight itself.)

In essence. The article revealed that Luffy actually infiltrated Marineford a second time, accompanied by Jinbe and Rayleigh.

After they stole a Marine ship, they circled Marineford once, Luffy then went into the plaza alone and rang the Ox bell sixteen times, threw a bouquet of flowers into the rubble, and then bowed his head in silent prayer, leaving promptly after.

Ace just read it all silently.

-If you are bothered about this, then get stronger so next time you aren't captured just like that. Or just keep calm and think. I said to him

The others were far away wondering what we were talking about.


-Did you notice it?

-What do you mean?

-The hidden message. Here, look what he did, it's clearly a signal, not for anyone but his crew. I can't pinpoint where they will meet, but I am sure it will be in two years.

-I ...I see it! That Luffy…

-let's go! Ace said with determination.


We went to the plaza where the legendary execution took place.

Everyone looked at the place until I said:

-Don't you think Rogers's execution was strange?

-?? X Everyone

-Look at the images of the execution. See Roger's handcuffs? It's wood.

-Why didn't he just escape by breaking them? Don't tell the strongest pirate to ever live, just forgot about it.

-... They were in deep thought.

-Also. How did he actually die? I mean, the two weapons who killed Roger were just common metal halberds, right? And the ones using them looked to be Marine soldiers. Normal soldiers.

-How did those Halberds pierce his skin? Even if it was sharp, those Marines wouldn't have the strength to pierce it. Much less if Roger resisted.

-... They were even more confused.

-What if… He actually handed himself over?

-...But. If that 's the case. Why would he do that? Asked Ace

-Didn't he have a son? Ace was his name, he should've been born right after his death. What if Roger decided to attract attention to protect him and his wife? Said Loodwick.

-That doesn't make sense. He was the strongest in the world, with one of the strongest crews. How could he not protect two people? Said Fedrum.

They started to argue over something as meaningless as the death of someone over 20 years ago. This is how important Roger was.

-What if he was ill? I said

-! x Crew

-He might've been the pirate king but even Whitebeard succumbed to old age. Perhaps Roger was just ill.

Everyone including Ace stayed there thinking.

After that we went back to our boats to continue our journey.

On the sea

-I CAN SEE THE INVERTED MOUNTAIN! Screamed a sailor on the lookout.

-Get ready everyone! I said


We can't rise the inverted mountain if there is another boat descending, it could cause some problems. The river currents are already strong, coupled with the strong storms in the passageway…

Our Helmsman face was sweaty.

-If we had reached a few minutes earlier we wouldn't be able to come back and we might've hit them...

The boat on the other hand did not change its course, continuing to go in our direction. The boat was riddled with patches and it seemed like it was going to sink at any moment.

-Everyone… Get ready for a fight! Screamed Ace.

-They are reading their cannons Capt'n. Said someone with a telescope.

-Let them, these youngsters don't understand the terror of the Grand Line, thinking they can just cross the reverse mountain… But their ship is quite good, a good offering for us, the nightmare pirates!

-Can you see them, John?

I was squinting my eyes trying to look at the fast approaching pirates.

-Give me the Bounty book. I said.

I didn't really need the book, but if I actually remembered every random pirate we saw, everyone might start to question if I am really Human.

I flipped the pages of the book stopping at a page.

There was an image of a ghost breaking a cross on the page.

-The Nightmare pirates. They went to the new world a few months before the war at Marineford. By the look of things, they were repealed.

-Wh-What is their bounty John? Asked our doctor Frindin.

-Their total amount sums up to 150 Million Berries. Their captain costs 60 Million Berries, and is a devil fruit user.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

-It's rather high but not as high as I imagined. Said the navigator Loodwick

It was quite a small number indeed.

-Valet, I will go first, I want to test my new combat power. I said.

-Sure! Bring us their treasures!

I jumped in the water and prepared for my movement.

-Soru + Hamon [Soru:Kasoku]. (Acceleration)

(I will keep the names in Japanese in order to keep faithful to the original. Tell me your opinions. I can change it for English if necessary.)

I disappeared from sight. Ace could see my movement with some difficulty, but the rest couldn't see me at all.

-CA-CAPTAIN! ONE OF THEM JUST DISAPPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE! The pirate with the telescope said.

-WHAT?! I think you are seeing things! This is East Blue, not the New world!


-See? Just like these guys said…


-What is it you, idiot?

-Be-Behind you…

The captain looked behind him to see none other than me staring at him with a smile.

-Gulios Britos. Captain of the Wailing wife. 60 Million Berry bounty. Quite a fat sheep. Did you get kicked out of the new world? I said with a mocking smile.

His face got red with anger.

-You… I will…

Before he could even finish I punched his face with Tekkai, releasing a Hamon wave in his head.

It actually exploded into bits and pieces… There was a burnt smell due to the Hamon burning effect.



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