
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
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11 Chs

Martial arts

All 44 students stood in the rows and column. In front of him a man in his thirties was standing with the hands in his back. He is Mr Vicer. The Martial arts teacher .

Looking at the foolish children he said in a stern voice, " In previous year you have been trained with the basic skill set of Martial arts but as you have grown , most of you have taken your own way of cultivation so you all need different kinds of trainings to do hence we are going to the Spirit Pagoda where you all will choose your Martial arts training set.

( Spirit Pagoda is an organisation where they provide you with martial arts and cultivation scroll. You can purchase them at different prices according to thier competency while for high grades you have to share loyalty with them to take the

the benefit of the cultivation scroll or rare potions as well ).

Sir Vicer then let the students towards the Pagoda building. The ancient scriptures and statues looks to be carved by the hands but in reality these are carved by the the special builders with space stone.

These students have seen this building from outside countless times but going inside the structure is truly there lucky day where they can take thier desired skill set of Martial arts.

While all the students seem cheerful Silva seemed worried . Noticing his grounded enthusiasm Sir Vicer said in a strict but calm voice.

" What up Silva . You seem worried , need any help ?".

" I do Sir Vicer . Actually I have not been practicing any type of cultivation method till now so I am confused which type of martial arts I should get.

" Hmmm ? What is your affinity element ? ".

" Uhhhh... Its Lightening.

" Any other ?".

" No".

" Okay listen Silva . I can only give you some advice , you have to choose the martial arts on your own with your own intellect.

" You have to choose a Martial arts which increases speed and precision as it can give highest level of performance. Choosing a martial arts is as important as cultivation scroll so you have to be careful. If you can't find anything just make sure to get a decent and fundamental".

After a moment of silence he said , " Do you understand what I am saying to you right ? ".

" Yes sir ". Silva promptly replied.

As he stepped into the Spirit Pagoda , the atmosphere drastically changed , the noise of air and birds disappeared . Here the light is dim and a high amount of pressure is expelled on his body. This pressure is not due to gravity but due to a high intensity of qi energy in the environment. This place is heaven for those who want to cultivate , of course those who are at lower realm. Silva don't know this and started to walk forward.

Here are some strange inscription on the wall , the fire is igniting on the carved pillars but they seem to old .

" This is truly a mysterious place. Where I can find someone who is giving the martial arts ?.

He roamed and roamed but couldn't find any closet or any person or any other student. He seem lost but seeing inscription made his mind like they were telling him something. He concentrated but just found wierd symbol.

At last he decided to understand these inscription.

" Ahhh , my eyes are hurting . Are there any poisonous gases? Why the hell anyone is not here or maybe I am trapped. Thinking about it Sir Vicer was giving me advice of finding the books. Could it be that those books can be found only by finding the meaning of inscription ?".

He is not completely wron though you have to get these books very easily . The person with higher cultivation can get the books easily while the lower cultivation can only depend upon only on the luck and thier intellect.

He saw a symbol of moon and and a man in the position of some wierd Chinese stance ( Drunken kungfu ).

" Hey I can just break these stones and get it but first I have to find they hollow one ".

He then started to check the hollow wall with the method of knocking with his knuckles. After a short while he found a cavity.

He took out his hammer from his space ring and striked the wall with his full force five times consecutively.

Seeing the wall unscathed his face darkened.

".This wall is so thick . Looks like I have to circulate my qi energy and then strike it ".

He starting circulating the qi energy . He felt strange , hands become numb and his spine became more straight while muscles started to tense up .

" Uhh... !!! So this is cultivation. I feel tired after only about 30 seconds.

" I have to start circulating his qi energy again hand with the dagger in his hand he striked again ".

A small crack appeared on the wall. Silva found his whole body numb and exhausted so he sat down on the ground supported with a boulder.

After 20 minutes he stood up again and saw started seeing the inscriptions and thought to crack the meaning behind it bet failed so he decided to give and find the exit. He moved backwards seeing the inscription for the last time in hope he could crack it . As he was about to move for exit . He saw something strange. The pillar here is slanted at 60 degree from the ground barely supported by the same boulder he was resting at before an half a hour . He then thought of the plan . If He could move the boulder , the pillar will fell on the wall after a some more effort and the wall might break.

"Looks like a good plan Let's do it". He said with a smile thinking how he is so smart.

" Just as the plan he circulated the qi energy and pushed the boulder. The boulder started to move but as he lowered the pushing force the boulder started to move to the same place so he put his feet under it for this thing to not happen. Hence after the time passed the boulder started to move and got completely displaced.

Silva started to pant but as but a smile appeared in his face .

The boulder is now been moved ! Now only thing to be done is to push the pillar and the wall will break.

He could not circulate the qi energy any more as he is very exhausted so pushed the pillar with his pure muscle strength.

At first the pillar only moved a little but with constant force it finally left the contact of the ceiling and fell on the wall .

! Boooommmmm... .!!!!!!!!

The wall cracked and the it fell . into the small corridor. And then . ceiling in that part supported by the wall also started to fell.

" Oh shit ! I didn't thought that the ceiling mighty also fell ".

He tried to escape but then a big rock fell on the leg of Silva and he couldn't move . He can't escape now so tried to protect his head and curbed his whole body like a a centipede. Fortunately some books fell on his body .

" So the books were really inside the wall !".

He picked all the other books while laying down .

" My leg might be crushed. It's pain is unbearable ". He said in a trembling voice and started to moan non stop ( At first adrenaline made his legs go numb but as the adrenaline came down the started to feel pain ).

" I wish somebody would help to get out of here ! ".