
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
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11 Chs

Height of Stupidity

" Please someone save me , please !".


In the staffroom. The teachers with thier own piles of work discussing.

" Vicer why did you let him go to the spirit Pagoda ".

" Well , isn't it time for the section B to there ? We should not let section A student think they are too special and nobody can take them".

" Well selection of classes and section rarely changes from class 2 and with further years the difference will only go bigger". A fat man with a hat and a formal dress said ( The formal dress is not a blazers or shirt and pant. The ancient one two pieces with white and silver linings give them the formal look . One thing is common is shoes which are little thinner towards the front and made up of woods and silk ).

" I agree with you but we should not let other deprive of opportunities. We can see some surpri -se.

At this moment a dial stone rang giving the signal of a mishap.

" Huh looks like one the students got injured ".

" That's rare .There are no magical beasts , right ? ". Miss liner said in a worried tone.

" Really ? I don't think ". Same fat teacher replied. ( Well , his name is Tiswa ) .

" Stop it Tiswa . We should go and see that kid first ". Astuty said while summon a blood ginseng ( A pill used for vitality and cultivation. Can also used as a healing agent in below Gen level masters.

Four teachers arrived at outside the Spirit Pagoda while all the students are making a circle around a person who is laying silently with bruises all over his face and his leg disfigured. Only his breathing is telling that he is alive.

Miss liner hurried while all the other student made the way for her and the other three teachers.

" Silva ! ". Miss Liner was surprised. She opened the mouth of Silva and put a ginseng pill into his mouth. The pill gently passed down his throat while he was unconscious . While all his bruises and cuts started to heal and his disfigured leg aligned again . In less than a minute , it's all it took.

The fat teacher ( Tiswa ) and Sir Vicer have also arrived but they don't look concerned but either they want to know who is that boy who caused these little play .

" Silva ?!!".This boy , how unlucky one can be ?

( Let me tell you this straight . The structures of Spirit Pagoda is based on different cultivation levels varying in danger levels. No one will die because in any danger he or she is teleported outside but this Pagoda building is most simple and can also be said a lingering room for most of the cultivators . Also this will make bad impression for Spirit Pagoda which make them look unsafe even if it is one event an embryo of doubt will arrise in the people mind and this doubt all it takes for the misfortune to happen. Obviously the school will make sure to no leak any information with the help of Spirit Pagoda but there is a big ' if ' in there too ).

In the room with plenty of books on the desk and and on a bed a boy in his early teens is sleeping beside him there are two boys trying to figure out wake him up. As one of them raised his hands to slap him Silva opened his eyes . He quickly turned the direction of his hands towards the daggers beside him.

" Were you both looking after me ?". Silva said in a weak voice.

" Yes we were ", another one said. That's a lie.

Looking at the dagger he asked , " Looks like you got into some trouble . Mind telling us what happened to you . We want to know how you managed to get three books of martial arts . There has nobody in the many years of Our school any one could get three books in a row ". That's a exaggeration , few students have got three or more then three martial arts and one them even got 7 .

" Oh really , then that's a good thing ". He then looked at his leg.

" How come my leg is completely healed . I am sure it was crushed and it was not a fine break ( Fine bone breaks are easy to heal ).

" Miss Liner gave you a ginseng pill and you healed in a short time ". He didn't tell him that it took only a minute still Silva was shocked.

" Actually I want to tell you guys that I have not any souvenirs for you . I am punished -". He then explained what happened to him and why he was punished in detail skipping the part of the reincarnation.

" Well we are sorry that you suffered. I have a offer in this case. Can you give us the other martial arts book ". With the smile in his face he asked. The other one also agreed and looked him with acceptance.

Silva don't know the importance of martial arts scrolls. Things are said that they choose the cultivators rather than cultivators choose them. He has three martial arts scroll but one should keep all of them but he said , " Okay I agree . You can take whatever you want just leave one for me ".

" Okay then we will take these two ".They said and looked at him. Silva forced a smile . They both left the room holding their scrolls.

Silva forced a smile. He don't know the importance of these scrolls he thought he could have asked the teacher about it and then decide . Alas that opportunity is gone too.

" Atleast I don't have to give them space rings ". He thought and convinced his mind.

" Gotta sleep . I have to wake up early in the morning ". He then put the dagger in his pouch but he then noticed that one of them is gone .

" Did one of them took it ? I will ask them tomorrow ". He thought and closed his eyes.

In another room the boy kept the scroll on his desk with the dagger in it . This dagger have a red stone embedded in it .