
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The magic stone

In the classroom of class 2 section B.

"Okay class listen to me ! (After a break of few second where all the students put thier attention to Miss Liner ) You had instructed to bring the dial stone here ( A type of magical stone in the category of least rarity type ). I assume that you all have these stones otherwise we can't continue our today's class ".

" We all have the dial stone miss liner !". Students said in unison . Thier voice made the teacher a little bit startled . Ok now I am going to summon all the type rarity stones from my spacial ring

explain what exactly are the magic stones and their uses in short ". She started to take out the rare looking gems on by one of different color .

In the meantime , murmuring sounds started to be heard in the classroom. Some students started to discuss while some students talked about their vocations . Some students already knew about it so they didn't bother but as they saw some real magic stones of rarity they haven't seen before thier interest sparked . Silva is looking at his daggers and figuring out what category this gem is from.

" Is it sedimentary ? No it's nothing like them . Maybe metamorphic but it's like a blue diamond so it can be a metamorphic

In the contemporary world his logic is right but in this world. The magic gems are not made from from mountains but these gems are found in magical beasts core ( The Identity of a true cultivator ).

These cores are made only when the human cultivator or beast cultivator cultivate to a degree and form a cultivation core which stores natural energy of qi energy.

After all the gems were taken out Miss Liner proceeded. She took one colourless gem into her hands and said , " This is a lowest grade magic stone . This type of gem is not very useful , however you all need to have this for understanding these. This type of magic stone has only one kind and that is to increase the attack power".

Next she picked a light pink magic stone and said , " This type of gem has only two kinds , one helps in healing and other is in cultivation . It's grade is higher and it's utility is good but it still not so much used by the cultivators.

Next she moved to a bright red colour magic stone after lifting up she said in much toned voice , " Now this is the most used magic stone in the whole world . This type of gem is not rare but according to it's utility and power it is renowned. First it contains all the necessary utility a person needs in fight which are healing , protection array ,and cultivation gate . Also it also has attacking power and according to your nature of cultivation it has different nature's . You just have to chose one . While some of the gem has dual nature such as both healing and attack power or both defence array or attack power . These dual nature stones are even rates but these falls in the same category . As a true cultivator in the future have to have this magic stones otherwise you will have no future ".

Every one gasped and one girl questioned , " But Miss Liner ! Can't we have higher grade magic stones ?".

" It's even better but what I am telling you is that it is a first thing you atleast have to secure as a cultivator , do you understand ?".

"Yes ". The girl who asked the question responded.

" I have a question too Miss Liner ". This time a boy raised his hand and asked .

" What is it Cyril ?".

" We call the lowest grade a dial stones but why did you said it's ability is to attack ?".

" That's a good question Cyril ". Miss Liner said whith a smile .

" Atleast Section B students are good at theory and information . You all must know that information and knowledge is very important in the world . Even if you have less talent with knowledge and connections you can become a cultivator of a high realm ". After realising she had gotten off topic she coughed twice and and reframed her words , " Dial stones only contain pure energy which is used for attack or communication dials ".

" But why these stones don't have only pure and qi energy ?".

" Well thats because the magical beasts have to evolve thier cultivation natures which takes times and can be done after a long time while we human cultivators choose the nature types on our own and start cultivations based on our basic cultivation scripts ".

" Thank you mam for solving my doubts ".

Miss Liner gave him a approving smile . As Cyril is a good student and do his academics very diligently while his talent is average Miss Liner believe he can do good in his life even if he failed in cultivation.

" Now for the next one ". She is now holding a purple looking gem .

" This is the dan level gem. As you all know that dan means 'ranked' , which means it is only for a high ranked cultivators of Dui level ". The pupil of the students expanded .

Without getting the students to lose thier curosity she showed them the last gem of Ruby colour .

" A beet color emerald !!!!". Someone shouted. Every one started to look him .

" Hey Silva what is a ' beet ' ? Don't you mean meat ? But dude these two have different colour".

" Oh yeah , my bad ". Silva said embarrassingly.

" Oh man ! Don't startle us Silva . I bet you were asleep the whole time and after waking up you saw this gem and got shocked and shouted ".

" No I was not -", Silva tried to explain but them the teacher interrupted .

" Stop it you two let me complete first ". They both averted thier eyes at once and put thier eyes on the thing which was Shining in the hand of Miss Liner .

" This is called sky dan which helps the high level cultivation master such as Xun level and high dui level masters ".

" Miss I dont understand bothe of them well can you elaborate it ". Guy with a lean body said .

" Ah , yes now the difference between the dan and the sky dan is thier magic Power and ability .

Sky dan can give you the option of giving you the option of two utilities at once and attack power application upto 2.5 times while the sky dan gives you the ability to all the five basic utilities and amplifies the attack at about 5 times .

As she was explaining to the class she noticed that Silva is very attentive today so she asked him to stand up and said , " Silva don't you have any doubt today ?".

"Oh yes Miss Liner . I was wondering which grade is my magical stone but you cleared it but can you tell it's utility and power ".

" Hmmm , Yes Indeed you are from a royal family Silva you bought the maroon stone instead of dial stone. But it's great you can make great use in the future . However I will not tell you what you have asked me from the lectures about these dials you will be taught to find out the type and natures of your magical stones".

" Okay Miss Liner , thank you ". He nodded his head in agreement and sat down.

After Miss Liner proceeded , " Next and last to magical stones are these two ones". She showed the projection from her space ring . One was white and the other was black.

" These two stones are at the top of chart . The black one is the cursed stone which is made by accumulating black or cursed energy while the other is a space stone . However with further studies it has been found that it also manipulates time . You will be taught about these two in further classes ".

Miss liner scanned the whole class and found everyone interested. Next literature alchemy and maths class proceeded. In maths and literature Silva find it very interesting to follow while he also got confused that there is no statistics and little geometry in thier books which he found to be pleasent surprise. Although he couldn't follow the alchemy classes he barely knew what was going on.

Next they were sent in the ground for real cultivation training. Silva felt goose bumps as this is the first time he is going to experience the cultivation on his own.