
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 52: Five Months Later [I Ruined My Project].

It's five month now, My cousins have returned back to singapore, I was excited for the day to come when these stubborn stubborn cousins of mine would finally get their ass going but when we started to count the days left I felt sad, so sad and hurt, I'll be the only one again, one and lonely child of the Anj.

As for our results, I don't even know how to say it. Things went wrong for all the groups, actually, the rocks that we got from our research were all confirmed fake and we all receive a earful, everyone were so shocked to see their grade, those wicked lecturers showed is no mercy, like I still can't believe it, I got 17% and as for my group percentage we got 23%, how shameful.

I have a feeling someone tampered with it and my highest suspect is me.

The last time I went to lab I could still remember my hands felt heavy and the rocks/crystal all disappeared then reappear, I think the original is in my body while the fake is in the lab.

Stingy people, they refused to release the fake probably because they are beautiful and shiny.

Even if I'm behind everything being fake I still need to find evidence to prove it to my self before I confess.

As for Favour's Grandfather Mr Ethan Nova, he told me nothing helpful, he only told me Its not something to say out loud.

"It's not something I can say out loud, the walls have ears", the old man said.

""You can whisper, I assure you, I have good hearing sense", I said.

"You'll discover it yourself".

That was all, nothing helpful at all.

As for my parent I spent almost a month changing my their mind, I didn't know it would be this hard this time around but heaven knows that I'm not lying when I say it's only for three months.

"You told us two weeks and you ended up spending three months, now that you are telling us three months you expect us to believe you", Mom said angrily.

But at last they agreed, I got a sour throat and headache while trying to change their mind but now everything is okay and back to normal.

Shame on my enemies!

Dane's influential parent already worked him out of our group so no need of spoilers, thank God.

The lecturers really gat time for us and we were giving strict warning of repeating the year if we failed this time around.

Of all this things, the only thing that brightens up my mood is the fact that I'll be gone before my strict aunt arrives, she's an African woman and she has a lot of problems, she picks on me everytime and then at the end of the day when she's about to leave she'll tell me, it's only the child that people love they would correct.

I'm also excited I'll meet Jaze again, this time around I'll teach him how to forgive and forget.

But all these were feeling I had five months ago.

Right now I'm pissed, caused they postponed our project date, it had to rhyme, these people wants us to take this project seriously, right now, according to the settings, after three months, the project would be over and the result would be out in a week time then our results would be collated from our first level then boom!, after all the formalities I'll be out of school forever and ever, never to be attempted again.

One reason I don't pray to be reborn is education , I don't want to go through it again.


I can't believe I'm back in this forest but I didn't miss it at all, I also have so many questions to ask.


"Jaze, the last time before I left I touched something I think I shouldn't have", I said.

"What's that?", he asked.

"A burning Rock or crystal", I said. "Uhn, I also have another question, are the stones you gave us rocks or crystals?", I asked.

"They are crystals, but what you are talking about is a rock", he replied.

"Do you know anything about it", I asked curiously. "I've been unable to control my left hand ever since then".

"Wait..Did you touch it?", he asked looking at me intently but he also looked worried.

"You are scaring me", I inhaled heavily.

"Calm down, there's a temporary solution", he said.

"What's that?", I asked.

"When you touched the rock it entered your palm and with days it would dissolve in it, when it dissolve you won't be able to control your hand anymore but seems like you are lucky, you've spent five months and still you are able to control your entire body, actually your left hand would be able to attract crystals and rocks and then bring out an exact one like it, which is actually a fake", he explained.

Wait a minute, did I just get a clear proof that I ruined my project, no way!

"You told me there is a solution", I said worriedly.

What on earth am I going to tell my friends, this is bad.

"It's a rock", he replied.

"How is that going to help when my hand attract rocks and crystals", I said.

"The Rock can't get attracted", he replied.

"Where's the Rock, are you with it?", I asked.

"It's not here, let's go now before it's too late", he said.

"Go to where?",I asked.

"Where the rocks are", he replied.

"I'm scared, I did something wrong and I don't know how to tell my friends that I did it", I said worriedly.


"When did this stupid human return, I thought she left already, Lucina don't let me take it the hard way with you, why do humans tend to be so clingy uhn, I guess it's in their blood, just like Azra.

You've left me with no other choice than to take it the hard way with you.

Poor Jaze, this is going to be your first day after a long time and I'm going to ruin it, too bad , so sad, Princess Liza doesn't show mercy on those that try to take what is rightfully hers away from her"


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