
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 51:Too Much For Proud People This Days.

"You are three seconds late",

"We are sorry", we both gave a slight bow in apology.

"Have your seat", she demonstrated to the seat and we both sat down.

"Your bodyguards?", She asked Favour.

"They are guarding your door", Favour replied.

"Now is time for business", she said adjusting herself on her seat, she dropped her pen elegantly on the paperwork she was attending to a while ago, placed both of her elbows on the table and interlocked her fingers in each other. "I am highly disappointed in you two", she started calmly but coldly.

Wow!, that wasn't a nice way to start.

"With the look on your face, it seems like you don't understand what I'm saying, you look confused", she said and we nodded in affirmation.

"Actually, I've called you both here for three reasons, I expect you to be confused....Anyways let's get to business", she said adjusting herself again.

This is the second time you are saying this.

"This matter isn't educational, it's rather based on feelings", she started.

As expected.

" What's going on between you and Richard, Lucina?", she asked.

"Nothing", I replied without thinking twice.

"Mrs Giselle, don't you think it's immature of you to interfere in this?", Favour asked politely but it still sounded rude.

Mrs Giselle ignored her and shifted her focus back on me.

"Elaborate", she demanded.

"There's nothing you want me to elaborate except you want me to exaggerate the word 'Nothing'", I replied.

She brought our her phone and showed me a video.

Okay, that shocked me.

I didn't notice it when someone took a video of Richard and I yesterday after Mrs Rita Norene left the hall.

"Explain", she demanded.

"I'm glad non of us here have eye issues, does my facial expression in this video look like I was interested, I'm sorry Mrs Giselle, if this is the reason you requested for my presence then I guess it's time to take my leave, I sincerely apologize for my rude words and attitude", I gave a slight bow and stood up.

"I'm not done speaking yet, if you don't have any sort of relationship with Richard then why did you hit my daughter?", She asked.

"I did", Favour raised her hand. "She didn't".

"Why?", She asked still sounding calm but her voice sounded harsh.

"You didn't ask her?", Favour asked back.

"You won't believe us, after all you are her mother, you'll surely support her", I said.

"You slapped her because she warned you to stay away from Richard", Mrs Giselle said angrily.

That's not the entire truth.

"I slapped her because she called my bestie a bitch", Favour interrupted

"That's no good reason to slap her", She defended.

"Then your daughter is a bitch", Favour said.

"Then you are indirectly calling me a mother of a bitch", Mrs Giselle said angrily.

"I never said so, after all, the word 'Bitch' isn't a good reason to get angry.

"In that case you two can leave my office", she said impolitly.

"Mrs Giselle, how about the third reason", I asked.

"It's not that important", She replied. "Can you release your bodyguards for a few minutes I need to ask them a few questions", she asked Favour who politely decline.

"I'm sorry Mrs Giselle but Mrs Norene didn't hire them to act as witnesses but as bodyguards....specially for me", She replied.

"In that case, you two can take your leave now", She said and we gave a slight bow before we left the office.

Walking down the hall way we met Princess.

"Hi", she waved giving us a victorious smile.

"To hell with you and your greetings", Favour said.

"Was the case that bad, it's obvious it didn't go well, this case didn't favour you guys uh", She laughed.

"What's up with the video?", I asked.

"Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue cold moon or as the evil ever tell you his plans?", she asked singing Pocahontas song.

"As anyone ever told you your voice sound horrible?", Favour asked.

"Ironically, you don't have to lie to make me feel bad and as for you Lucina, I'm keeping an eye on your every move", she turned stylishly and left.

"Are worms part of her diet?", I asked and she shrugged.

"I knew that was going to be the case", Favour said.

"The video?, I only know one person that can take the video", I said.

"Who?", she asked looking at me intently.

"Vivien", I replied.

"I almost forgot about her, I'm sure she's the one", Favour said. "I'm going to deal with her but when did you and Richard had such interaction?", she asked.

"The other time I told you I got involved with a fool, it was him", I said and she just nodded.

We headed to the hall where we would be having the meeting it's almost about to start.


"Morning Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Sophia Collins as you all know, worried or excited on what we gonna talk about today?, I know you are, it's an interesting topic so you...

"Just go straight to the point", Vivien Ava, the leader of Golden Rose said angrily.

"Shurrup!, I'm not done speaking yet"

"Excuse me"

"Excuse yourself....As I was saying before Miss Vivien interrupted with her act of impatience...

Are we going to spend the rest of the day listening to shit.

"Angry Birds, calm down, we still have a whole day ahead of us", she said while staring at everyone.

Her glances caught Lucina and Favour who sat down beside each other with an uninterested look on their faces.

"Oh, my clingy friends are here, long time no see Lucina", she smiled waving her hand at them but they just ignored her.

"They are way too proud to wave back, too much for proud people this days", she hissed. "Let's move forward to taking attendance, I don't want noises so just wave your card once you hear your names.

"Night Beauty....Golden Rose....Arora....

Red Pirates....Cat squad...Diamond... Blue star...

I'm amongst the blue star group, Mona ought to be here representing us but since our Proud Miss has been deprived from all activities she wasn't invited.


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I don't just wanna write for enjoyment, I also want to know your point of view.

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